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Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 1/21/2025 2:26:33 PM

I have been to the doctor. They have given me a number to call if things get worse, but they seem to be calming down now. One thing I noticed was my voice seemed to be stuck on 1.5x speed, so I think the after-effects are still lingering, even now. It was a good idea to go and get that number, just in case. Thank you so much to everyone who insisted that I do so.

I suspect the reason for my mental state was I was suddenly having very, very, very many different thoughts about extremely diverse things all at once. I actually found it difficult to do anything more than sit quietly for many hours at a time, literally just thinking. This is what contributed to my time distortion, because I didn't realise I had been sitting in one spot motionless for like half a day. And I was starting to notice some very, very spooky things about the whole "forum adventure" relating to my story which I still think are very, very spooky. Perhaps some people are starting to piece things together, but it should be clear to everyone soon what my thoughts on the matter are. I think it will make pretty much every important detail clear, including my reasons for doing all the things that I did.

I have been thinking, and I think I will most likely not leave this site. Certainly, I will try to save my two favourite stories that I deleted, and I think the "copy paste" process will probably help settle things. But I think I will be taking a good long break, because as bad as it has been for me I also know it affected multiple people here, and I think it would do everyone a lot of good if I distanced myself from everything for a while. Not forever, mind you, I think CYS still needs its "White Wizard" pegasus to keep away all the demons and spookums and things that go "bump in the night". But certainly for a long while. As I have, officially, been seen by a doctor and declared to be at least somewhat sound, I believe you can all trust me now not to break this particular promise. I won't be saying "Goodbye" to anyone, because this is not a goodbye. It is just a pause, that's all. And anyway, you will all be able to read more of my thoughts soon enough.

Also, one last thing occurred to me yesterday. The way I deal with things that I find hard to think about is I look at them through a harmless lens, usually an episode of an animated series that I like. And I think this whole adventure that started with me as this somewhat nervous and whimsical character and ended with me genuinely seeming to unnerve people with occultism is summed up, perfectly, by a particular episode of (you guessed it...) My Little Pony. Seriously, if anyone wants to know how I think, keep this whole adventure in mind if you decide watch this episode, it's one of my favourites and I think, over the past month, I have realised why

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

It just keeps going

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
I looked away for three days and there were literally three more threads.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Has it really been three whole days since your no tech thread?! :O


Like...Wow! Just...Wow!

I could have sworn it was a lot less than that...

I have to wonder if my perception of time has been distorted ever since the fluttershy saga started to reach its climax! :O

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Hurray! I'm glad you went to see a doctor. A lot of what you describe sounds quite similar to what I went through when I was ill. Not 100% sure why it happens, but sometimes something triggers your brain to go into "fight or flight" mode, which is a very important mental state for animals. It gives them the extra jolt of energy that they need to fight off or out run a predator when they're being attacked. The trouble is, when it happens to humans, there often isn't actually any immediate danger that requires all that extra energy. So, your brain is going at a million miles an hour but without a singular thought to focus on like, "I am being chased by a lion. I need to run away from the lion" it just kind of goes all over the place, and your brain just kind of... Tries to figure out the reason that you're afraid and you end up coming up with some really weird things to be afraid of.

For me it was a lot of, "But what's going to happen when I get old? What if everybody I love dies? Or I get cancer? Or I'm in chronic pain all the time? Or what if I'm paralysed? Or what if I get dementia and forget about everybody I care about? I should probably kill myself now before any of that happens." Looking back now, I can understand how nonsensical all that thinking is, but at the time, because my brain was in fight or flight mode, my brain was absolutely convinced that it needed to figure out a reason for me to be afraid.

I'm guessing for you, your fight or flight brain was tealling you that everybody was a satanist that needed to be rescued with the power of Jesus and My Little Pony!

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Yeah, paranoia is a big part of mania. Admittedly I do think they should have at least prescribed him some type of medication or a follow-up appointment. But regardless, this is hopefully the end of the Bronyian Saga.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Might be a bit beyond mania honestly. Sent found stuff saying hallucinations of a devil in the head causing a burning sensation is straight up schizophrenia, like it's a common thing of unmedicated people self describing their experiences. Though there's a lot of crossover with bipolar mania in the other behaviors of course. I know the UK is a mess but I have such a hard time believing any doctor having these symptons described would be just like, 'call me if it happens again'. I suspect some things got downplayed there. (Especially when he's still got all this stuff about Satan and the occult and a mysterious "them" with sinister intentions for the site stuck in his head.) Just reading that last OP would have led to an immediate diag And I still have a feeling the dude is like, intensely malnourished and physically unhealthy, a decent doctor might have tried to address that too. It's been theorized though that the "important commitments" involved flutter talking to people IRL who might be paying direct enough attention to him to notice something was wrong, so maybe seeing a doctor finally involved pressure from someone IRL who will hopefully keep tabs. There's got to be somebody keeping a roof over his head and the streaming services on anyway. But, there's never been anything anyone here could do about any of this. Except try to cut down on the forum spam, which, looking at the Lounge index, is really overdo.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Perhaps some people are starting to piece things together, but it should be clear to everyone soon what my thoughts on the matter are. I think it will make pretty much every important detail clear, including my reasons for doing all the things that I did.

No, I don't think so. This is probably something that requires a person be living inside your mind while it's in this specific state, and I'm guessing the reason you keep hinting at things to imply some great spooky significance while unwilling to spell it out is because you know what it would sound like to a rational person. But it's fine to keep it to yourself anyhow, I think everyone might have read enough of these epiphanies and other things that have suddenly occurred to you for now.

I'm glad you finally went to see a doctor anyhow. I just hope you were thorough in describing your symptoms, because nothing about listing out word for word the textbook symptoms for schizophrenia seem like they should be met with "call me if it happens again (even though you'll be too delusional to tell)". But then maybe that's just your NHS being special.

Please give that number and a full report of what's happened to a family member or someone else that's at least occasionally in communication with you IRL.

And I wish you all the best, but now that we've reached the last thread, this is going to remain the LAST thread, so don't make any more, I mean it. The grandness of this finale will be enforced one way or another.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
I will be your White Wizard!

Oh wait.

You said, "wizard" and "pegasus."

I'm really only good at being a white knight. Okay, just a regular knight. I mean, sometimes a black knight, but those people really had it coming to them!


Mercer Gang!

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

I'm not trying to armchair diagnose or second-guess, but I do NOT think you went to see a psychiatrist..I'm a bit perplexed by the doctor's response. You mentioned you 'went to the doctor' and were told to just call back if things escalate? I'm not questioning the doc's expertise, but... in my country, with the symptoms you've described, 응급심사 (Emergency Assessment) would be the bare minimum. I mean.. what you write here is quite concerning.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
He's British. But yeah, even then, I have a few questions about this too. (Unfortunately, our only source of answers is an unreliable narrator.)

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

As someone who lives in Britain, "let us know if it gets worse" sounds very much like something a GP would say.

That said, mental health is a very tricky thing to treat.

Let's say you have a toothache caused by an abscess. You take some antibiotics. Problem solved!

With mental health though... A lot of the time it's a guessing game. Let's say someone has depression. Well, there are like a million different antidepressants. Some of them might make the patient better. Some of them might make the patient worse. Some of them might make the patient worse for awhile and then make them better... And there's no telling what pill is going to do what. You just have to pick a pill and cross your fingers. And once the patient starts taking the pills, it could take anything from 2 weeks to 2 months for them to work... Assuming that they do work.

And diagnosing a patient isn't easy either. Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, all these kind of things can have similar symptoms, but if you diagnose a patient incorrectly and prescribe them the wrong medication, it's more likely to make them worse than better.

While Flutter has clearly not been well, he does seem to be mellowing down a bit. The doctors options at the moment are either:

1. Let's see if he manages to mellow all the way down back to his usual, semi-sane self and we'll reconsider if he starts to get worse.
2. Prescribe him a pill that could potentially make him a lot better, but also could potentially make him a lot worse, while he's in a calm enough state that we can't properly diagnose him.

So... Saying, "give us a call if it gets worse" is probably the best bet at the moment.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
What I don't get is the lack of even a follow up appointment. "Here's a number, don't bother me unless it gets worse" to a person too delusional to understand they ever even needed to see a doctor in the first place is worse than useless.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

That's the NHS for you! Too many patients, not enough staff, so unless you're dying, you can fuck right off! ... Honestly, even if you are dying, we'd appreciate it if you'd fuck off. We don't have enough beds and you'd probably be more comfortable at home, anyway.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

And people wonder why Americans resist the universal healthcare idea. We see what happens in European countries and Canada.

But seriously Avery. When you went to a doctor, didn't you get a follow up or prescribed meds or something other than (call us if it happens again?

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
To be fair, we have pretty bad wait times for our ERs too. At the hospital I volunteer at, we sometimes have to put patients on beds against the wall because all our rooms are occupied, and they can wait there for hours sometimes(not always, just when things get really busy). Granted our ER is on the smaller side, but still, that's not including all the people in the waiting room.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

True, but do they walk in just to be sent right back out like a revolving door?

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
No, they don't. In that respect, it's doing pretty good.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Hard to say, I kind of went back and forth several times.

I know the first time I went to see a doctor about my mania/insomnia, he prescribed me some pills straight away and they definitely helped.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Well, I assume British healthcare is different from American healthcare. Must be that Universal Healthcare bullshit. I say this as someone who is uninsured and has relatives in Canada. 

But still. A follow up appointment or a more in-depth evaluation would be warranted here. Either the European healthcare system sucks AIDS, Flutter didn't actually go, or (most likely option in my eyes) he went but didn't actually go into detail on what was going on (like showing them the stuff he's been posting).

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Look, I have to push back on what Avery's saying here. The stuff Flutter's describing isn't just regular anxiety. "racing thoughts, weird time perception, getting deep into occult stuff, paranoia", that sounds a like bipolar disorder, maybe with some psychotic episodes. And being told to "just call back if things get worse" is nonsense. again, NHS or whatever it is called is not my country's healthcare system, but I've never heard of any medical professional being presented these symptoms, and it being handled so... casually? and, again, if flutter did NOT even go to the doc to truthfully tell about these symptoms, why would he even go there in the first place. it makes no sense.

No follow-up appointment? No actual treatment plan? Just a phone number and "good luck"? Come on. that's BS. And look, I know this sounds harsh, but it's painfully obvious what's happening. Flutter knows people here are worried, knows writing all these posts aren't healthy, and when enough people pushed about seeing a doctor, he just made up a lie that he 'visited the doc' to keep the attention going. I get that saying this might make me sound like a jerk, but you guys could actually be doing much much more harm than good by playing along. We're just people on the internet, and the more we feed into this behavior, the longer Flutter puts off getting real help. every post, every response, every bit of attention is just pushing actual treatment further away. really.

sure, Avery's not wrong that mental health treatment involves some trial and error (although she says it as if psychiatry is some voodoo magic or lottery, which it isn't), but that doesn't mean it's ok to just sit here enabling behavior that's clearly spiraling.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

No it makes sense that he's trying to get us off his back about seeing a doctor. Especially since others who have used the NHS have different experiences where they got help the first time out.

Now, idk if he actually went. Like I said in a earlier post, he may have gone but avoided explaining the full extent of what was happening (basically downplaying his symptoms). But short of catching a flight to the UK and dragging him into the emergency room, I'm not sure what else we can do here except encourage him to keep seeking treatment.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
With what I've heard about the NHS, it did sort of surprise me that a person could call a doctor and make an appointment and get in the very next day. Still stuck at not being able to rule anything out and not being able to verify anything either. We will never have a clear and fully reliable picture of what's going on unless we fly to the UK and stage some kind of hostage situation with Hasbro merch to lure him out. But hey, a break from these threads, that's progress as far as I'm concerned.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

That would be fucking hilarious. Avery can give us a place to crash and we can smuggle guns into the goddamn country and finally show that filth what it feels like to have someone come into YOUR land and steal your shit rob all the stores of MLP merch and use it to bribe flutter.

While we're there, I'm digging up Duleep Singh and taking his body back to India.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
"I did indeed go to see a doctor, and I did tell them that I have created my own views on religion, and that they have had these effects on people on this forum."

For anyone wondering, this is what the doctor was told.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Is it really, though?

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Well, my assumption is still that he may have massively downplayed what was actually going on, and didn't get at all into the crazier stuff. He is not capable at this moment of even seeing it as crazy after all and has still been under the belief that he doesn't have anything wrong enough that he NEEDS to see a doctor. Like I mentioned before, hallucinating a demon or something inside your skull causing burning headaches is apparently one of those bit indicators of actual schizophrenia. And all the stuff about time distortion etc should have raised some bigger red flags imo. I have considered before that we probably shouldn't be providing a platform for him paranoid rambling about the occult instead of talking to real people, but genuinely I don't know what banning him would even do aside from removing an annoyance from the rest of us, he's still going to be just as online somewhere else. I'm not intending to let him make any more of these threads, that solves the problem on our end. And people can continue to call him out on the assorted demented takes he's got on various subjects, as if they think he'll ever give a coherent answer addressing a straightforward question at this point. Or they can keep making these heartfelt, well-meaning posts for him to ignore, or just get completely burned out by it all and ignore him, whatever. Nobody here has any power to make him do anything IRL no matter what they're saying. Really wondering why it's us and not some MLP community dealing with this though.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Because he's preaching the word of MLP and they already know friendship is magic. Lol.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Also if you live in Korea, you should go to a restaurant and post pictures of food.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
I second that. Korean food is really good.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

[I am writing this as a clarification to the above. I have unwatched this post, so I will most certainly not be posting anything to these forums ever again. Know that I am not ignoring the posts and appreciate any concern or kindness people show, even if much of the concern is unwarranted]

For anyone concerned or confused, when I talk about "gods that set fire in the head", I am using these things as metaphors for things like "mania", because the "Song of Amorgin", which I was indeed quoting, reference seems to be describing such a situation. I am not having hallucinations, and I have never made this claim at all. Even if I wasn't using them as metaphors ,even if I meant it, there's a quote by CS Lewis which reads something along the lines of "I find it easier to imagine demons and gods as real forces rather than as simply psychological factors". I do not think CS Lewis was being demented, or schizopherinc, or any of the things we're talking about here. We just live in a world that has been so absurdly disconnected from any serious discussion of religion that even using these things as casual metaphors is enough to draw these sorts of criticisms, let alone discussion of them as actual, real-life forces as CS Lewis did. Carl Jung obviously considered these things to be metaphors for human behaviour, but I do not think it fair to insist that he was right and every person who disagrees is wrong.

I genuinely just have a completely different way of thinking about things than many people do. This doesn't make me "demented", "schizophrenic" or any of these things. I think seeing the world in a totally religious framework is actually more comprehensive than otherwise, which is why I have somewhat recently made the switch to seeing things in a "modernist/post-modernist" framework to a "fully religious" framework.

Again, I will not be posting any more to forums, here or anywhere else, ever again. There's no point if I have to make entire, vast paragraphs explaining an off-handed statement or quote that I think of in the spur of the moment.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Who would have thought the adult that still obsesses and jerks off to cartoon ponies would have mental problems..?

I..I just don't understand how this could be. It’s very shocking and surprising...

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

But don't you see? That just proves he's been right all along!

It's actually awesome!

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Men jerking off to cartoons is like half the internet unfortunately. I wouldn't assume this of flutter though since it's such a sacred topic to him. (He might just watch regular porn through the silly, whimsical lens of MLP.)

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Whimsical porn! ^_^

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Commended by Sherbet on 1/22/2025 12:52:28 AM
You're on a forum with a LOT of people who are very positive on religion, a lot of Christians, a lot of well read people who are pretty familiar with C.S. Lewis, all of who you are talking down to to make yourself feel better about your own difficulties. You are not C.S. Lewis, he could write clearly and convincingly about his faith, while you are struggling with basic coherence and then blaming everyone else for not "getting" you. (And since I saw this in the DM, you also fwiw did not "get manic" because you were able to talk on the forum about your ideas until everyone crushed your soul or whatever, there are no interactions that make a person who isn't already manic just "get" manic. Much like "thinking about different things" can't make you have a psychotic break. Racing thoughts are a symptom just like frantic religious revelations. Why haven't you read anything on your own condition?) C.S. Lewis could also hold a normal fucking conversation when required. He raised a family, he was a scholar and theologian with an actual education not acquired from reading the internet and thinking real hard, he was up to real world challenges and responsibilities. Genuinely, why are you comparing yourself on any level, and especially what you've been doing here this last month to that man? Meanwhile we have English professors here that you think you're smarter than, and people who study the Bible in the original fucking Hebrew that you insist are Satanic. You're really misrepresenting what's been happening here, and ignoring your own behavior. The abrupt mood swings and sudden displays of hostility, the arrogant superiority complex, the manic posting with one thread after another that's filled the whole Lounge. All paired with you describing time distortion and a psychotic break (you mentioned your head feeling like it was on fire before this too) and the batshit insistence you didn't need to see a doctor. Up until a few months ago you were able to structure information on a screen and communicate ideas in a reasonable and effective way, we have seen your writing. But that's all changed now and deteriorated wildly along with your personality shifts. But no, none of that can have anything to do with anything, I guess it really must be that everyone is too low intelligence and anti-religious to understand you, nothing to do but sadly drift away bemoaning your fate as the most correct but simultaneously most misunderstood human who ever lived. I'll be copying and DMing this to you in reply to the one you sent me just before this. (Where you said you weren't going to post again, but then posted anyway.) It's the only DM I'll send you. I've got like eight or nine from you in my inbox since this all began, I'm sure you've noticed I haven't responded to a single one since you were always either in the process of leaving or "posting less" but flooding people's inboxes with replies to posts instead. You really, truly need to back off until your brain can cool off, you needed to do that several threads ago. And since you've doubled down on this "never posting again" thing (again), it will be enforced this time. I really do wish you all the best, and several people here have expressed a huge amount of patience and concern despite all the times you've shown yourself to be an actual cunt followed by all your sad messages about being sad. Even though it's now apparently just a sign of them being too dull and material to understand your enlightened speech, but whatever works for you buddy, sure. It has also not escaped my notice that you got out of bed between and have been online between 3-6am apparently with some burning need to say these things to me and Fresh and the forum. Doesn't seem quite like you've managed to calm down about things yet, but then I guess I am absurdly disconnected off in my post-modernist framework so what do I know.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Can you please explain to me the obsession with "hypnotized and mind controlled ponies"?

Sorry to bother you in the middle of your mental health vacation but you're the only MLP fan I know, why are there so many fans collecting the swirly eyes animations? I ran into a few just trying to find this one and looking around more, wow there's a lot.

I see Fluttershy spending a lot of time coiled around by giant snakes too, like the one from the Jungle Book. Is that something that appeals to you about the character?

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Its probably just a fetish its not that complicated...


(I mean, I could attempt to explain such a thing, but I get the feeling that's probably not a good idea...)

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
But it's a children's cartoon for Christians!

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Ahh, the hypnofuckers. But you know what, I think I'm gonna pass this one on to @ISentinelPenguinI.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Hypnosis is a fetish. I don't know how much more explanation you would need beyond that, but I should clarify that it isn't by any means unique to or especially prevalent among ponies, but also the show was very prone to doing things like that because the eyes in that show were the biggest part of most character's faces, so it was the primary medium for communicating things with the face, and they would do swirls and shit even when the characters weren't necessarily hypnotized, but mesmerized or shocked or anything else iirc. Because the version of MLP most of us associate with bronies is no longer really around or relevant, the fanbase is quickly aging and so looking up things related to that version of mlp is going to bring up things of strange nature at an increasing rate over time.

Also yeah there are a lot of people who REALLY like the snake from the jungle book.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

I liked him better before he was Scarlett Johansson.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
I was just joking, sort of. I knew it was a fetish, or figured it out anyway. I had never heard of hypnotism as a fetish though so I was confused at first, these mostly were just images from the cartoons with nothing sexual. But with how MUCH there was, right I did start getting that feeling. When I saw some on YouTube were labeled ASMR, yeeaaah. XD

But if Fluttershy is still reading the thread, I actually will just say to remember that humility is one of the important parts of being a Christian, and that God also expects you to take care of your personal life and be involved with people around you. The Bible says that a man that won't look after his own household is worse than an unbeliever. You're not supposed to be watching a screen all day every day, and reading even positive or useful things can be harmful if you're not finding a balance and neglecting everything else.

And remember no matter how much you think you know, God is not impressed!

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

To add onto what Sent said, being coiled by a snake is pretty similar to bondage, which falls under the "control fetish" umbrella for obvious reasons. (alongside being hypnotized in general)

but you're the only MLP fan I know

I envy you very strongly right now... (I'm not currently friends with any bronys in irl atm but I have come across quite a couple over the years, especially when the show was brand new!)

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
I think a lot of people like the show, and kids still watch it more often than Sent thinks. But "fans" in he sense of "actively seeking out and interacting with communities of autists online" has got to be rarer by now.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
"There's no point if I have to make entire, vast paragraphs explaining an off-handed statement or quote that I think of in the spur of the moment."

Have you ever thought it weird how everyone here but you is good enough at writing that they don't have to go through this process to have their sentences understood? Less is more. Choose your words, don't just vomit them out.

I remember liking your Star Wars fanfics. Sucks this has happened to you, hope you can get yourself sorted out.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/23/2025 5:42:17 PM
I just have to say also, it's really sad that someone who likes C.S. Lewis so much would NOT have had a magical adventure in Narnia with Aslan, out of a purely racist hate of Mr. Tumnus.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago

Hey @fluttershypegasus this one might be helpful for you.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
What a wonderful little article

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

2 months ago
An instant classic!

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

Well this sort of came and went a couple days ago, but this shit has finally run its course and the brony finally out stayed his entertainment value. Here's a quick summary since we like having closure on story arcs around here when possible.

(Or if we put this into TV terms, it's like in the old days when a long running TV show was on and got canceled mid season without any series finale, until suddenly next summer they showed the series finale while everything else is in reruns.)

Anyway he was supposed to be quietly copy/pasting a couple of his stories from the deletedgame garbage bin because he was the fucktard that deleted them all in the first place (And came back and wanted them again after claiming everyone here was a Satanist), instead he squandered his time and was PMing folks about "Oh this place is full of Satanic capybaras and the admins still really need to do something about that because I won't come back if they don't!"

It's like dude, you're the one who raged and then groveled back to "Sin City" in first place, not like we need or want you back, especially if you're going to continue to whine like a faggot about how things are supposed to be run around here.

So he's gone and nothing of value was lost. While it can't be completely dismissed that some sort of alt version won't pop up at some point, such future "cameos" will probably be very limited.

Can't say I was ever a fan of his given that he was writing mostly MLP fanfic, but his recent actions sort of proved everything I already thought bad of delusional bronys in the first place.

It's actually sort of awesome.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

Very happy to be part of an inclusive community where Satanists are always welcome! ^_^

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago
I assume, based on the last comment on his points page, that you struck the final killing blow?

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

Yeah. It usually is. Lol.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago
And I'm seeing that other comment now and guessing it was Thara, but it would be far funnier if it had been MHD or someone.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

Berka came out of retirement just to tell him to fuck off.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

Considering the statement on his profile, I think it's highly likely that he genuinely believed people actually cared about his issues with the site. I was concerned in the sense of his mental well being, but I still have a screenshot of his claims that he will not be returning for when he does make a cameo. 

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago
Just saw the profile message lol.

I think at this point the promise that it will keep him away would be enough proof for many that we're doing the Lord's work here. The narcissism really has just burned up so much good will, and I don't even know at this point if the funny brain juices make him that way, or just cause the filters on that he's actually like to slip.

Either way, I'm not sure where he got the idea his very presence could be used as leverage in anything. Considering that people have been begging him to just STFU for months and wondering why he never left when he said he would.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

But his MLP fanfic has turned people to Jesus!

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago
Throughout these last couple of months I have gained so much respect for anyone with an IRL friend or family member dealing with any kind of similar condition. I know putting up with what parts of it filter through to an internet forum isn't comparable at all, but I still feel like I learned a lot.

Namely: holy shit, I hate the mentally ill.

But for real people, just take some shut up pills and solve most of your problems all at once.

Anyway, he looked like he was (finally) just quietly copying the stories Sent and Sherb made a special effort to restore for him there for a bit so I thought this was done with. But apparently decided he didn't want to and was leaving after all unless we change everything about the site because of "what he's been put through". So our local death god (no relation to the Greeks) made it stick this time. That seems to be the one thing anybody here can still help him with.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

The lastest update in my story is that my sister (Her IRL name is Rebekah) has decided that she wants to legally change her name to "WReKaH" ... Yes. With that exact arrangement of upper case and lower case letters. Apparentlly somebody accidentally called her Wrekah once instead of Bekah and she decided that is was so cool that she has been calling herself that ever since. She thinks it is very, very badass because if you cross Wrekah, then she will Wreck your life... She is 35 years old.

Out of curiosity... Just what is this horrific trauma that FP has been through? Cause from what I understood, he just randomly decided that Malk was an evil Satanist that needed to be banned from the site because he started an Iliad bookclub and Greek mythology is Satanic or something?

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago
Well, he also decided all Malk's stories were Satanic literature, but then later admitted he hadn't read them.

And wouldn't explain what "Satanic literature" meant to him or who was defining it.

But Malk did call him a pink ponyboy clopper and said he was wrong about GoT at a very weird time in his life.

That's really cool about your sister, sounds like just the kind of strong independant woman that fluttershy needs to protect him.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

Unfortunately for Fluttershy, she only seems to be dating drug dealers at the moment.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

While she probably isn't fun for you to deal with, Wreckah sounds like she'd be hilarious.

At least way more awesome than Flutter will ever be.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

The video of her smashing her room up with a baseball bat after getting evicted is a hoot. >.<

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

does your sister like choose your own adventure stories 

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

I don't she has the attention span to read anything longer than a tinder message.

Flutter Leaving the Site: The Final Chapter

one month ago

The only thing this thread has taught me is that Flutter was werid and I need a new office chair god is my back sore.