Well we haven't had a laugh at the CoGite faggots and their dickhead in chief lately, so here we go.
Well known pearl clutcher and permanently hysterical Cogite, Meltdown Penguins made some thread about the evils of NFTs. It's some sort of crypto currency in the form of artwork. Seems like a waste of time to me like most crypto stuff, but then I'm sort of a BOOMER on the whole crypto thing.
Anyway Jason apparently is a big fan of crypto due to being a big capitalist fat cat that routinely preys on his mostly masochistic alphabet people fanbase. He wants to do the NFT thing and in typical fashion he got fucked by his own petard due to his personality and stirred up his own rebellion AGAIN.
Now I'm going to provide screen shots, since I know everyone likes pretty pictures around here, but honestly there is a SHITLOAD of content here that's quite frankly dull. So I'll provide a link if you really want to immerse yourself in CoGite faggotry for some strange reason.
Link to the full fag fight

But Meltdown wasn't the only angry one!

Egalitarian company? Lol.

Okay, so it's not looking so good for ol' VaJayJay. He tries to defend himself in the usual obnoxious hamfisted way while failing in his attempt to appear "civil"
However all he succeeds in doing is making things worse.

What Meltdown is whining about is once again a Tumblr uprising has occurred due to this shitstorm.
Again, here's just a few screen shots, but it's honestly too much fucking whining to just say "Jason's a tyrannical hypocritical asshole and he's mean!" I'll give the link as well if you really want to see what we've all known for YEARS about Jason. (And said much more amusingly)
Link to Tumblrina Tears

Uh, so yeah it goes ON like this.
Honestly this dude (Or whatever fucking pronoun that's popular these days) has perfectly well thought out arguments to Jason's points, but of course it being CoG, NO DISSENT IS ALLOWED.
As for the rest of the CoG thread, it also goes ON for awhile with Jason making more enemies the more he posts and most threatening to boycott CoG and move to Twine.
To which I'll say, yes that would be hilarious if that actually happens.
However, if these CoGites had half the fucking backbone to ACTUALLY rebel whenever Jason does something they don't like, CoG would have went out of business years ago.
Seriously, these faggots have a severe case of battered gimp syndrome when it comes to Jason. He'll just shit directly on them and they'll whine. He'll tell them to shut the fuck up and delete their posts, send his goons to their Tumblr enclaves to intimidate them and most of them back down EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Anyway the thread ended like how most of these shitstorms against Jason do.

He should have just done that in the first place. Lol
Anyway, browse the links, have a laugh and be thankful you're a CYStian.