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CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Well we haven't had a laugh at the CoGite faggots and their dickhead in chief lately, so here we go.

Well known pearl clutcher and permanently hysterical Cogite, Meltdown Penguins made some thread about the evils of NFTs. It's some sort of crypto currency in the form of artwork. Seems like a waste of time to me like most crypto stuff, but then I'm sort of a BOOMER on the whole crypto thing.

Anyway Jason apparently is a big fan of crypto due to being a big capitalist fat cat that routinely preys on his mostly masochistic alphabet people fanbase. He wants to do the NFT thing and in typical fashion he got fucked by his own petard due to his personality and stirred up his own rebellion AGAIN.

Now I'm going to provide screen shots, since I know everyone likes pretty pictures around here, but honestly there is a SHITLOAD of content here that's quite frankly dull. So I'll provide a link if you really want to immerse yourself in CoGite faggotry for some strange reason.

Link to the full fag fight



But Meltdown wasn't the only angry one!

Egalitarian company? Lol.

Okay, so it's not looking so good for ol' VaJayJay. He tries to defend himself in the usual obnoxious hamfisted way while failing in his attempt to appear "civil"

However all he succeeds in doing is making things worse.

What Meltdown is whining about is once again a Tumblr uprising has occurred due to this shitstorm.

Again, here's just a few screen shots, but it's honestly too much fucking whining to just say "Jason's a tyrannical hypocritical asshole and he's mean!" I'll give the link as well if you really want to see what we've all known for YEARS about Jason. (And said much more amusingly)

Link to Tumblrina Tears


Uh, so yeah it goes ON like this.

Honestly this dude (Or whatever fucking pronoun that's popular these days) has perfectly well thought out arguments to Jason's points, but of course it being CoG, NO DISSENT IS ALLOWED.

As for the rest of the CoG thread, it also goes ON for awhile with Jason making more enemies the more he posts and most threatening to boycott CoG and move to Twine.

To which I'll say, yes that would be hilarious if that actually happens.

However, if these CoGites had half the fucking backbone to ACTUALLY rebel whenever Jason does something they don't like, CoG would have went out of business years ago.

Seriously, these faggots have a severe case of battered gimp syndrome when it comes to Jason. He'll just shit directly on them and they'll whine. He'll tell them to shut the fuck up and delete their posts, send his goons to their Tumblr enclaves to intimidate them and most of them back down EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Anyway the thread ended like how most of these shitstorms against Jason do.

He should have just done that in the first place. Lol

Anyway, browse the links, have a laugh and be thankful you're a CYStian.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Uh oh! Meltdown calling for a boycott and taking her writing elsewhere!

Well good for her, I may not agree with ANYTHING she whines about, but someone should live up to their principles.


Oh. Still fence sitting, because fuck principles if potentially more money and visibility are available.

Yep, just another CoGite with battered gimp syndrome. She's ultimately not doing shit. Lol.

Well with strongly worded posts like Jason needing to go, and continuing to be a wishy washy whiner (And never actually finishing a game anyway) I can't see how this desire couldn't possibly come true!

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Everyone does indeed has their preference how they want the right there story, can't argue with that.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Honestly, I hope they stick for Twine as from what it seems that WIP seems to have called people's attention and all, that way Jason gets fucked and the people from COG get more pissed off at Jason and call him out since he made this writer go off into another publisher and shit like that

The only complaint I am having is that Twine is almost obvious that it is the better option of the two lmao, if might be more expensive, yes, but turning it into a proper Novel and having Fancier looks seems to surpass the cost by a lot

Besides, I think Twine is only complex probably cus she would have to write some parts again and I THINK their programming is much different than choice script but I am sure the users in there would be glad to help if it means if a new book can be published there, fucking with Jason is just the cherry on top lmao.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

From what I've heard Twine isn't as mobile friendly or some complaint like that. We had a Twinebot flapping her owl wings about a long time ago that often said Twine was actually easier to code than ChoiceScript. (I wouldn't know since I never code at all)

Anyway, yeah as I've said in this thread a few times, if the rebels actually stick to their principles this time then striking a blow against CoG/Jason will be hilarious.

It's just I've seen these play out a few times with a bunch of them getting angry and making a lot of noise that they're going to do something major...and then it never gets done and half of them go crawling back to CoG to lick Jason's boots (Like Suicidal Sammy)

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
The main difference from good ol' Sammy just wanted money and it had no tricks or anything more, just dollar going to his bank account and that's it

while NFTs are just scams most of the times (also he was a jerkass that just wanted benefits for himself while those guys seem to say stuff NFts are bad for the environment but I just knew that about now so idk how true that part is)

I truly hope they do stick for it and cause a rebellion though lmao, think I am going to try contacting them and encourage them to fuck off from COG and NOT accept any of their deals.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Weeeelp it is done, I have congratulated them on fucking off and telling them I hope they don't come back in there and also sent them some of the drama links to see the other shitshow Jason and COG have done, now let's hope they keep their word of GTFO from there.

Also, it was in a public comment so other people might see it, So smile for the camera people, if we have angry tumbler users then I shall take the full blame and responsibility for that and I am sorry. (I think i could try telling to people on Reddit too but that could be a bit problematic since its well, Reddit users)

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
The NFT stuff seems shady and unreliable, but isn't MeltingPenguins a person they keep suspending who has never finished a story or contributed anything but whining? It's just funny seeing her trying to use her continued presence as a bartering chip, hell if anything that's a motivation for Jason to go all in with NFT if it will finally drive away this screeching harpy perched on his roof.

Saw this thread mentioned last night and wishing now I'd paid more attention, could have screenshotted some of the more amusing posts that were deleted but I've been pretty distracted away from online stuff. But it honestly seemed like a boring topic and I figured the only entertainment value would come when they triggered Jason's Hitler Mode. Good on CoGites for managing some lols of their own. There were apparently some posts about Jason's body pillow collection that made him leave the thread and slam the door behind him.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
What's really sad is that Gower locked the thread, but Jason had to unlock it just to take a dump. I honestly can't figure out what their issues with NFTs are. Is it the environmental impact or the other thing they're offended about? If it's the environment, there's a lot to unpack and none of it would sink into their thick skulls since carbon is the only thing they can whine about. The crimes that crypto is used for and every bad thing that NFTs could be used for are all being done with paper money and traditional art. But apparently carbon emissions make those crimes worse. Anyway, it's hilarious that MeltedPenguins is the one whining about this. Can't she just, I don't know, beg for money? She didn't have any issues with begging for $2000 to buy a laptop so she shouldn't have any problem with begging for a bitcoin or one of its many alternatives. Actually, considering how greedy she seems, she should be all for NFTs and Bitcoins/Ethereum since they're worth the most paper money. I don't understand the need to whine about leaving either; from personal experience, all I had to do was just leave, no blubbering necessary. I swear, the community is just as insufferable as Jason himself.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
It looks like what they're going with isn't even real crypto, but something similar just backed by a company. I don't know much about how it works and can't be bothered to look it up though.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Something about Ripple and XRP really rubs me the wrong way. I think Ethereum would be a better choice, but... that dastardly carbon. If you're talking about NFTs, I think the concept behind them is interesting (a better explanation than Melted's). I'll try to summarize that in the best way I can. If you're the creator, it can be a great way to make money and Ethereum even offers a way for the creator to make royalties when the NFT gets sold to others. If you're a buyer, you get to support the artist and feel good about yourself. If you're a collector, how did baseball cards work out for you? I'm not really interested in buying NFTs, then again I'm not interested in paying $10k for a painting in a gallery either. But I don't see anything evil about cryptocurrencies and NFTs that warrants the amount of crying that they're doing over on CoG. I would recommend, however, that if anyone is really that upset about crypto, they should think about moving to China.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Good thing I stumbled upon this post before it got deleted. (It was originally collapsed due to a bunch of flags lol)

Weren't a bunch of them supposed to have rebelled the last time Jason pissed them off and sent goons to Tumblrville to demand they take down their complaints?

A few of them said they were even going to start up their own company with trigger warnings and tranny hookers!

And so Meltdown joins the ranks of Laguz, Suicidal Sammy and other triggered whiners in CoG exile. I imagine we'll see if she actually sticks to her principles or does what Suicial Sammy did and crawled back anyway.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Oh looks like the Tumblrinas are actually getting another rebellion together.

The hilarity continues...

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Ah here we go, this is the Hitler Rage from Jason I was most looking forward to.

Calling that guy's post a pile of shit and saying he power washed it off his steps is perhaps the most CYStian thing Jason has ever done.

Unfortunately, he's supposed to be the face of a business that depends on all these piles of shit...

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Here's a gem I missed in the main thread from Hitler Mode Jason where he attacks Meltdown and the Tumblrinas.


CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
What's his objection to paying artists with real money though?

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Oh he mentions that a few times why in between the CoGites screaming at him. It's all fairly boring, but here's just an example:

In short, he prefers crypto due to it being easier to move the Epsteinian Pleasure Island money around that way.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Weird, I've given money to plenty of artists in other countries.*

*before me an MHD were an item, obviously I would never cheat on her.

And real businesses do that all the time.

But people way into crypto are pretty much all hardcore libertarian types. Never thought of it before but it makes sense SJWs would hate that. (Even the ones that call themselves anarchists, aka basically just more extreme libertarians.)

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Very much lol that screenshotting conversations is apparently now grounds for banning someone. :p

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Well I mean he had to come up with some reason to ban Endmaster.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

That could be a fun task one day, looking through some of the banned accounts and finding all the best and weirdest reasons behind certain users suspensions... Not that I'll ever get round to doing it though because I'm lazy.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Yeah, the whole thread was a fucking shitshow lmao, just Jason and Company support going down and down with each comment and statement that he said.

Honestly, I don't think we should blame Coggites for not openly rebelling or complaining in the forums or things like that, since Jason either brings down the thread and says nothing or just stands his ground and doesn't try to addressing things at all and complaining about what he is doing is kinda like arguing with a wall

The main difference from this one compared to other dramas is that people were going almost all in and complaining that they won't like what Jason is planning, there was a ratio of like 70 where a guy said he is leaving for twine due to Jason plan with Nft to a Jason comment that had 10 saying that he wanted to get into Ntf

But yeah considering the horrible PR stunts Jason has been doing, the lots of WIP's have been dying recently, and no new books seem to have called a lot of attention in the forums like Wayhaven, Fallen hero, Tally Ho, and shit like that so I don't think COG is going to have a pretty time after the writers of those books and some others leave the company/stop making books for them. (Hell there was this fifty shades of Ogre type of book that had a rocky launch and was being made for more than a year I think, when it was finally released I didn't saw a lot of people talking about it and didn't seem to have brought an impact like the books I mentioned)

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

So apparently Jason sent an email to the dude he was mostly arguing with about the NFT shit.

Once again, it's mostly boring and here at CYS just like to get to the juicy bits that provide the lols. So here's a link to all of it and I'll post Jason's attempt at civil outrage and the Tumblrina's normal outrage.

Okay here's the opening:

Here's the link to the boring middle

And here's the exciting ending.

The hilarity still continues...

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
whaaaat? a writer is actually standing up against Jason and showing off? talk about a true miracle from god.

yeah it SEEMS they are actually getting the fuck off to there so good for them, honestly if others follow suit then COG probably getting into some problem (saw some HG writers commenting they disliked Jason stance or they dislike NFTs, if they do actually bite and decide to leave then that's just going to be a true shitshow that is gonna fuck Jason over)

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Yeah it is nice seeing someone be straight with Jason about his attitude. We frequently get people who come over here to vent, but that hide under different names and then go crawling back under the fence because at the end of the day they still want to publish under CoG. Meanwhile only a couple of people have been chill (or insane) enough to manage dual citizenship.

Avtually, just curious what your account name is over on CoG, because I have noticed you only appear when something like this is going on, complain about Jason a bit and then leave....but to where?

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Mine is Just_Browsing, not a writer or anything, and being quite frank I have not used that account for more than at least 7 months now, and is only active again cus I forgot what name it was lmao

I leave mostly to do other things, like playing some other games or going to discord and talking to friends, I was already thinking of leaving the community before I readed the whole Sammy shitshow, after I got banned from the Reddit COG forum I had more pressing things to do like school and left interactive fiction forums for a long time, came back to read interactive fiction again a week ago but didn't feel the same thing and lost a lot of interest on them,

Also, I mostly don't have a lot to add outside of dramas and thus I mostly just lurk so there is that Lmao.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Got to say, this is even crazier than their usual stuff.

As far as I can tell (and I squinted my way through all those screencaps), the objection seems to be partly that a) crypto uses a lot of energy and is therefore "warming up the planet" or whatever BS, but mostly b) that crypto "launders" money.

Perhaps those folks haven't seen "Office Space," but it's pretty clear that they have no idea what money laundering even IS.  In a nutshell, money laundering is just disguising or hiding the origin of money from the government.  That's it.  That's all it is.  It's akin to cheating on your taxes - the only "victim" is the government.

I never thought I'd live to see a day when kids are out there in the (digital) streets to stand up for the government's right to MONITOR ALL YOUR MONEY.  As if they file a 1099 form every time they babysit the neighbor's kid (oh wait, they're too lazy to leave the house).  Laughing my fargin' ass off.

I truly do wonder if they'd complain if CoG mailed envelopes of cash to artists via the postal service.  Yah, of course they would.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
MHD has said paying artists with NFT is a scam and that's good enough for me.

I dabble around in Coinbase for fun, don't have anything really against crypto but don't fully understand it either. Some of the people really really into it are entertainingly wacko though and I don't think anyone tries to deny that it often gets used for illegal purposes.

If MeltingPenguin is so against it I'm of the opinion she should just move to China. However her hysterical attentiin whoring doesn't change the fact that the best way to pay artists is just to pay them, not force them into an unregulated and poorly understood digital bartering system.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

I guess I have too much time on my hands because I went through the entire thread on CoG, and I ended up going "holy shit, I agree with JSH on every single issue on this topic" minus the badgering and aggression, of course.  Shit, I even felt sorry for him!  And this is the guy who banned me for life.  Nuts...

Reading between the lines of BS, it's obvious that he was just putting a thought out there of how to pay the artists who do the cover designs more, both by evading the Global Banking Cabal's fees (seriously, Paypal takes 10% which is fucking pirate level theft) and through the kinda-cool way that the latest-gen NFTs allow for royalties. 

As for me, I work with too many folks in Asia, where NFTs are all the rage, so it's hard for me to follow the Western alphabet people's opposition to crypto.  But the morons at CoG are too busy typing "OH NOES, muh planet!" on their Chinese-made coal-powered phones to ever let JSH's one goddamn good idea that he's had in the past 10 years ever come to fruition.




CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Whether it's a good business move or not depends on if it's good for the business. Screechy alphabet people ARE the community they cater to, they've been cultivating them for years and it's too late to change it now, or to survive without them.

And the real issue once you look past all the white noise is still whether the people producing content want this or not, not Jason or anyone else's personal feelings on the viability of NFTs.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Where I come from, they used to say "You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas."  

Is this really the future of the business (as in making money) in IF?  

1) Aging computer nerds looking for a parser sugar rush.

2) Alphabet city Robespierres looking for traitors to send to the guillotine.

3) Inkle geeks sucking on the Hollywood/AAA videogame teat.

4) Scrapers feeding the Skynet AI beast.

If so, God, that's sad.

IF should be magical and fun and exciting.  And it is, still, for some people.  Just seems like the wrong folks are the ones making money.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
>>>Just seems like the wrong folks are the ones making money.

Welcome to Earth, I see this must be your first time here.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
While I agree with some of the points Jason made, I don't feel sorry for him. I second what Mizal said and would like to add that he based his company on a political ideology, he nurtured the site culture into what it is, and now he gets to reap what he sowed. I'm honestly all for artists selling NFTs. (I think I read something where the artist can retain some rights, like making prints, but I can't remember where I read it. So take that with a grain of salt.) What I'm against is Jason making the NFTs for the commissioned art. Whether or not an artist wants to fool with NFTs should be up to them and they should be the ones to make them. Not Jason. While PayPal might not be ideal, it's a lot more secure than sending cash or a check through the mail. Plus I'd prefer it over not having a choice in which cryptocurrency I get paid with. It's nice that Jason wants to use crypto and NFTs made by Ripple, but it wouldn't be my preference and I try to listen to my instincts.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

I agree with you.  Just a bit startling to see the Twine "stories for everyone" Revolution turn straight into the Reign of Terror in real-time.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Oh, that already happened with Twine many years ago. There was a whole phase on the Intfiction crowd's old forum after it made its appearance, some were disgruntled by the trends developing, but others threw open the gates to kneel to their new overlord and at that time decreed that not liking Twine made you instantly unwoke, and a misogynist to boot.

They lost a lot of good posters during that time to self exile or quiet back alley execution. Including the guy that had originally started that forum I think, or it was some similar drama around that time anyway. Kind of fuzzy at it all since I had lost a lot of interest by then and they were always quick to hide any bodies and sweep away the evidence over there.

I still consider this the reason most Twine games just absolutely fucking suck by the way, it was decided then that every mediocre, linear 300 word dribbling would be accepted with open arms and without question by a community that used to be huge into critical reviews, high standards and an honestly kind of refreshing elitism. No Twine author has ever been expected to git gud or in line with any expectation of interactive fiction that others were held to, and so for the most part they haven't.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
From what I've seen from Twine games, they tend to be stylistically similar to ChoiceScript games. My experience with them is very limited, though.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
Choicescript authors are at least not afraid of putting gobs of words on a page. Most Twine games would qualify as linear flash fiction. Sometimes there's a couple of words you can click, but they don't change the plot.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Twine faggots have linear gay and depressed games.

CoG faggots give you a choice of how gay and depressed you want to be.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
If we're talking about CS authors that have actually finished a game, I'll agree that they are better than most Twine authors. Otherwise, I'm not sure if not being able to finish a wip is better or worse than the shit trying to masquerade as interactive fiction.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Jason when he finds out CYStians are screenshotting the NFTs he minted 

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
just use cardano blockchain, it's proof of stake. anything ether is idiotic

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Hey guys, I broke into the COG vault in order to steal the prized, most valuable NFT from Jason's personal vault. Click at your own peril 

(teensy weensy nsfw) 

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Well, thought this was all finished, but good ol' Meltdown continued to lose her shit about this topic. Only going to post the highlights since you know how this works.

There's some more with Meltdown and Haven arguing back and forth, but it's dull so we'll skip to the funny part.

Meltdown's martyrdom will forever be remembered... as a source of entertainment. Lol.

Oh those wacky CoGites!

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
She's already marking her calendar for the day she can go crawling back, just like the last time this happened.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Also taking full credit for getting Meltdown banned (Even if it was indirectly).


Well let's just say I set something in motion and a better result occurred than even I thought it would.

(A tale for another thread perhaps)

Like this thread right here

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago

Glad to know that despite everything that happened between us, Meltdown wished me luck on my story.

Pfft. We're very welcoming and inclusive. Just ask Bondo.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

3 years ago
I believe he's currently in hiding, but surprisingly not because of us!

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

2 months ago

Also... are you referring to Avery as your life partner in this?

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

2 months ago

Sooooo I wonder how long it's gonna take MeltingPenguins to start bitching again now she's allowed back on CoG

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

2 months ago
Who actually cares

CoG is the deadest of equines

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

2 months ago

"Also... are you referring to Avery as your life partner in this?"

Yeah sure, why not.

But yeah CoG/Cogite bashing on any regular basis got old around here a few years ago when it became apparent they're so fractured of a fanbase that they bitch about each other more than we could ever bother to. It's really gotta be something major happening over there that's even worth mocking anymore.

Of course that being said, throw away lines of them being faggots is always fine. (As is tradition)

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

2 months ago


Now I'm considering joining their IntComp contest next year just to rep CYS.

CoG uses crypto currency for sex trafficking!

2 months ago

... Yey! I always knew we had something special! <3