So awhile back someone by the name collectibleexchange sent me a PM.

Now I get these sorts of "contract offers" from time to time and without fail, they ALWAYS sound like a big scam or at best, some fucktard that has grand ideas but isn't going to realistically get them off the ground.
Given that this is coming at me with crypto right out the gate, I'm figuring scam.
Anyway not wishing to be bothered with this anymore, I was about to send him on his way, but I figured I'd still be helpful.

And that was about the last I thought of it.
That is until the recent MeltdownPenguins incident over NFT which was brought to my attention. So I went over to scan the CoG forums and in addition to that hilarity, I found this gem!

HOLY SHIT, this went even better than I planned!
There's the link, but of course I'll do the highlights if you can't be bothered (and who could blame you)
So naturally there's some suspicion, well A LOT of suspicion. There's a few brief posts being interested, but most question CE which goes on a bit:

Seeing that the tide is turning on CE, he decides to retreat. (Said he managed to recruit someone from there, but who knows)

And that would have been the end of it most likely, but NFTs and crypto...well that's just too much for Meltdown to keep quiet about.

This is what probably set her off again on the NFT/Crypto topic which ultimately got her banned from CoG. (Hence why I'm taking credit since I sent CE over there in the first place.)
As for CE here? Well he hasn't been around since I sent him away.

Thanks for the lols!