Your last story as in which one? I think your last story (as in the last one you published) was maybe a couple of months ago, if that? I can get your account back but your games have been transferred to Deletedgames (I actually asked that the funny one be republished for historical purposes) and I don't think there's a way for games to be transferred between accounts. If there's some way I can help you copy and paste the pages over manually, I will look into it.
I would just rather they were on this account, if possible. I'm just glad my skull is no longer on fire actually.
I'm pretty sure that will have to be done manually. But I will try to tell if there's a way to transfer the games.
Thanks, much appreciated after all of that.
What the past month has looked like from my perspective:
It absolutely is a trip to be in the middle of a religious psychotic-manic breakdown, then literally see one of the site members has started writing a story with eerie similarities to Satanic Literature which honestly has triggered quite severe nightmares. Again, my head is cool, absolutely, 100% for real this time. The mods I have contacted can vouch for that. But seriously, as someone who's never done drugs, I can say that experience was probably far worse than most drug trips.
So I should probably save most of this for a later date, but I'll reply a little here since you were the first one to ask. Basically, I think Satanism is a form of anti-human "failsafe programming" built into humanity by consciousness-directed evolution. Because there is actually Satanic literature and poetry out there and the whole point of it seems to be to erode humanity's will, which is interesting because it doesn't work on animals (you try reading poetry to a dog and see how far it gets you!).
There would be little point to such a system in the current, "selfish gene" view of evolution, which is why my own, homebrewed version of evolution is, in my opinion, the only system that works. I'll tell you, it is an incredibly strange experience to have your own, completely unique, hollistic worldview on religion, science, history, psychology and mythology which is all tied together by My Little Pony lore. It is one of the reasons why I now do get very upset when people try to seriously insult the series (I don't mind good natured jokes of course), because I do genuinely hold it sacred for these reasons.
As everyone probably knows by now, this has unfortunately given quite a massive superiority-complex and ego, which I didn't fully realise until the past few weeks. It's something I will hopefully be able to work on and improve, because I don't think it's healthy to think like this and I do feel bad about it.
EDIT: It's funny how the things I write when I'm not psychotic and manic are somehow weirder than when I am...
TBH I much prefer it when everyone thinks I'm retarded, so glad to see things are returning to normal at last!
Well, all I can say is that I'd prefer people didn't and I try my best not to do it in a mean-spirited way. If me talking about those concepts genuinely upsets people to the same extent that the "clopper" term did to me just then, then I'll stop doing it. I really, really don't believe that me talking about these concepts does, though.
I just assume that people are generally aware of the connection between demonic imagery and goats, like Baphomet, Pan etc. I've tried to make as little assumptions in the story as I possibly could, but that's one of them. Also, Grogar and Discord from MLP are very interesting in that they have very specific goat imagery too.
1. The fact that the goat-demon connection is already understood as common medieval imagery is, I think, good enough for the purposes of the discussion.
2. So, I don't think I ever said that the works of Homer have no interest or value and I have absolutely zero idea where that came from. I actually do believe they are dangerous though when read on a large scale, this is a sentiment shared by Plato who thought that the Illiad ought to be censored. I mean individuals can read them and there's nothing wrong with that, but most of my Ancient Greek conclusions actually come from my understanding of Euripides and Fredrich Neiszche, as well as Tolkien and other 20th century authors. I think this is well rounded enough to give some credibility. Neiszche, I believe, was driven insane in large part by his obsession with Greek Mythology which is one of the things that inspired me to write this story.
Also, you just reminded me. @ISentinelPenguin , really sorry that I didn't get around to answering your points. That was the time the whole mania thing was really starting to kick in, I was actually trying to bring it down by completely changing the subject and...well, we saw how that turned out...
This point is kind of the crux of my whole story, that the themes of Greek Mythology are indeed anti-human and are designed to basically kill off humanity, whereas modern stories like MLP and LOTR have groundings in Christian and Norse Themes, which are actually pro-human and therefore are much more healthy ways of creating a framework of seeing the world.
My Little Pony doesn't shy away from Greek mythological themes at all; I think of Tartarus, for example, hydras, minotaurs, and of course, if we are willing to accept Equestria Girls as MLP canon, sirens.
Yes, I'm fully aware of this. But the issue that you're not spotting here is that, while MLP obviously has Greek Aesthetics and imagery, the themes here are actually more in line with Christian/Norse stories. You will notice, for instance, that Applejack is not punished by the gods for her defeat of the Chimera, whereas mortals who fight monsters in Greek Mythology wind up with sticky ends or by being punished by the gods.
And no, I am not willing to accept Equestria Girls as canon.
This idea was inspired by a line from Tolkien's essay where he quotes someone else who says:
"Polyphemus, by devouring his guests, acts in a way which is hateful to Zeus and the other gods: yet the Cyclops is himself god-begotten and under divine protection, and the fact that Odysseus has maimed him is a wrong which Poseidon is slow to forgive. But the gigantic foes whom Beowulf has to meet are identified with the foes of God. Grendel and the dragon are constantly referred to in language which is meant to recall the powers of darkness with which Christian men felt themselves to be encompassed. They14 are the 'inmates of Hell', 'adversaries of God', 'offspring of Cain', 'enemies of mankind'. Consequently, the matter of the main story of Beowulf, monstrous as it is, is not so far removed from common mediaeval experience as it seems to us to be from our own. ... Grendel hardly differs15 from the fiends of the pit who were always in ambush to waylay a righteous man. And so Beowulf, for all that he moves in the world of the primitive Heroic Age of the Germans, nevertheless is almost a Christian knight."
He goes into it further in the essay, like with that quote about Loki I just showed Gower. I work under the assumption that Tolkien probably knows more about what he's talking about and quoting than any of us do.
Here's another one
"'The Northern Gods', Ker said, 'have an exultant extravagance in their warfare which makes them more like Titans than Olympians; only they are on the right side, though it is not the side that wins. The winning side is Chaos and Unreason'—mythologically, the monsters—'but the gods, who are defeated, think that defeat no refutation.' 18 And in their war men are their chosen allies, able when heroic to share in this 'absolute resistance, perfect because without hope'. At least in this vision of the final defeat of the humane (and of the divine made in its image), and in the essential hostility of the gods and heroes on the one hand and the monsters on the other, we may suppose that pagan English and Norse imagination agreed."
There's a subtle difference between "I am using this quote to represent my thoughts" (which I was doing), and "I am using this quote to represent Tolkien's thoughts", which was what Gower and I were doing. The latter is something I don't think is productive, the former I think is.
Honestly, I find it very hard to interact with people because I think my mind just functions completely differently from everyone else and, as you all are probably aware by now, this may not always be such a good thing.
I'm spending a lot of time right now because I feel really bad about what I just put everyone through and I want to assure everyone that I am indeed functioning normally.
All I will say to that is that Tolkien's thoughts on ancient Greek literature are no mystery: ("Certainly I have not been nourished by English Literature, in which I do not suppose I am better read than you; for the simple reason that I have never found much there in which to rest my heart (or heart and head together). I was brought up in the Classics, and first discovered the sensation of literary pleasure in Homer.")
But if your objection to Homer is that his depiction of the classical gods may inspire humans to act poorly, then yes, you're in good company with Plato in The Republic. ("God is always to be represented as he truly is, whatever be the sort of poetry, epic, lyric or tragic, in which the representation is given.") Plato thought Homer degraded people's perception of the divine and the heroic by making them so terribly flawed and immoral. But I suppose people have been having that particular conversation about fiction in general for a long time.
I counter your quote with "I use this illustration following Chambers, because of the close resemblance between Grendel and the Cyclops in kind. But other examples could be adduced: Cacus, for instance, the offspring of Vulcan. One might ponder the contrast between the legends of the torture of Prometheus and of Loki: the one for assisting men, the other for assisting the powers of darkness." From "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics"
I don't really believe in these sort of quote-mining battles though where we just throw quotes from his works that support our own views.
Also, I think much of fiction (if not all) can actually be traced back to all these myths, and whether it's "good" or "ill" really does depend on the myth it's taken from.
Of course stories can be good and portray negative things. But the anti-human nature of the gods in Greek Mythology, as compared to the pro-human nature of the gods in Norse and Christianity, is something that I think is extremely important. Whether you consider these "bad" or "good" is different from "pro-human themes" and "anti-human themes". So the Inuit "Small Ringed Seal" story actually portrays humans successfully thwarting a monster, so I would consider this "pro-human".
I haven't read them, sadly, I do play some very few Dark Fantasy games (The Witcher series mainly), and I am going to try "Slay the Princess", but I usually am very careful about what media I expose myself to. No judgement on anyone's preferences here, it's just my own feelings.
I think some obsessions are considerably more healthy than others. And frankly the reason I think I can have so many thoughts is because I don't read stuff that densensitizes me to it. Like, I actually think the reason I didn't go permanently insane after finding out about all this philosophy stuff is precisely because I was looking at it through a lens of MLP and these sort of silly, whimsical things, rather than directly considering the ideas. This is why I think Jesus says "Unless you have a mind of a child you will not enter heaven". So if anything, MLP has been a total Godsend in that regard. I know it seems silly, but I do get extremely upset when people try to screw around with it, but it's a weird thing to say so I don't blame anyone at all for not understanding this.
This has to be ragebait, right? I don't think I've ever seen someone misconstrue the Bible this badly. But anyway, since I had to double-check a few verses to make sure my understanding wasn't correct, I'll post a reply. Mark 10:15-16 '"Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.' This verse refers to childlike faith, where one has to 'receive the kingdom of God like a child'. Children tend to be less sceptical and doubtful than adults, hence if we are to have faith, it should be like that of a child. Nowhere does it refer to viewing things from a silly, whimsical lens like a piece of modern media that you believe, for whatever reason, to be the authoritative source of all wisdom.
Matthew 18:2-5 'He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.' In this quote, the reference to children is regarding humility. Children understand that they don't know everything and are always ready to learn from those around them. It also draws from the societal norms of that time period, where children were seen as more 'lowly' than those around them, and parallels the notion of 'those who are last shall be first'. Corinthians 13:11-12 'When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.' Lastly, this verse reflects how our understanding of God should mature as we grow. It doesn't urge everyone to have the 'mind of a child', but rather, states the opposite. We are meant to outgrow our childish thoughts and words. Since I'm already here, I might as well respond to your other arguments. Obsessions, in and of themselves, are unhealthy. Even if being addicted to alcohol is 'considerably more healthy' than being addicted to drugs (might not be a good example as my knowledge of both are limited), you would still tell anyone who's addicted to either to quit. And purposely not reading certain texts does not create 'better thoughts', they just form an echo-chamber where your media of choice repeats the same ideas over and over again. Research the term 'confirmation bias'. This is exactly why, for instance, books shouldn't be banned; that just removes all free will and stunts society as a whole, as instead of allowing them to critically analyse the flaws and merits of arguments, ideas and viewpoints, everyone is just forced to accept one person's perspective of what they consider the truth. This is even more unhealthy when paired with the belief that your ideas are inherently more correct than anyone else's. Self-isolation is another unhealthy coping mechanism that fuels obsessions. Have you spoken to people irl about your ideas? That might be a healthier way to avoid the confirmation bias trap than re-reading the same books and re-watching the same shows on a loop. Since you have mentioned agreeing to see a doctor, that's a good start. I recently booked a meeting with my GP for burnout and constant tiredness (my university claims the NHS takes mental health very seriously); it took me less than 5 minutes to fill out an online form and now I have an appointment booked for next week. Definitely recommend that you do the same as it's free and takes less time than replying to posts on this thread.
Also, I really want to say "as he were of faierie" to you. Something tells me you will appreciate this quote :)
Hey, I never said "thanks" for being the first person to read my story. I was feeling incredibly overwhelmed and I was a bit short on you, but it genuienly was good of you to do that.
Drug trips are fun
Wait, hold up, let me get this straight... You think only one of the admins is a Satanist? Oh, you sweet Summer child! The entire site is a Satanic cult dedicated to the worship of EndMaster, our holy necromancer overlord. Have you not noticed all the noobs we have been sacrificing to him?
"It all makes sense now. All them years. All them Goddamn years!"
-Arthur Morgan, Red Dead Redemption II
I'm hoping that I can assure people I'm not crazy by answering as many people in this thread as possible. If you notice, when the manic-psychotic thing started, I was constantly trying to disengage because I knew something was off about the whole thing. Now, I'm doing the opposite, I'm engaging with everyone, in good spirits and good humour. Again if this is distressing or upsetting to anyone, just let me know and I'll stop doing it.
I haven't seen a doctor, and I know how this sounds, but I am absolutely fine now. The other times I was genuinely trying to disengage because I knew on some level something was wrong, but I am fully capable of engaging with everything. My dreams have stopped, my brain feels like it's cooled down. If people don't want me here or I make them uncomfortable, again, I'm fine with leaving for a while, but I promise you, earnestly, this time I am actually fine and sane.
And has it actually been three months?
I mean, I don't really know how else I can assure people other than by doing this. I am no longer concerned everyone on this site is going to become demonically corrupted, as I was over the past manic episode-situation, so there's that.
Something that can definitely assure people on this site is by going to a doctor. You may be fine now, but there is the potential that this problem can happen again just by the fact that it has already happened multiple times. I'm not making this statement as judgment against you. I'm saying that going to a doctor is a very good idea for accountability and preventing anything like this happening again or at least having measures in place to mitigate risk.
So, I basically experienced that whole situation as one, single, continuous narrative. So I wouldn't say it has happened multiple times, I would say it only happened once.
Now that the narrative has indeed been broken, I am as honestly sure as I can be that this won't happen again.
Also, another thing, I am honestly not used to people caring about my wellbeing at all, and that was one of the reasons I freaked out so much. I genuinely had serious difficulties even wrapping my mind around the concept.
As someone who suffers from bipolar mania myself, I can assure you: it is going to happen again if you do not go see a doctor.
Mania waxes and wanes. You're feeling fine now cause it's waning, but it's going to come back in full force at a later date. I'm not saying this to attack or judge you: I am saying this to warn you and to beseech you to seek help before it happens again.
Personally, I see a therapist and take medication. But I'm also a gun owner so I kinda HAVE to make sure my mental health is stable.
Both of these incidents has been triggered by something that I've read, or that I've been writing. As I said, I will never do anything like this ever again, so it won't get triggered.
Please, I really, honestly am genuinely sorry for the distress that I caused everyone.
I'm a little busy at the moment but if people really want me to I'll do it when I get the chance over the next few days. Thank you for your concern.
Thanks so much for everyone's concern, really, it is a very novel experience.
Also, I am aware I said things which came across as extremely shocking and nasty, and that I really do apologise for that. If it's any consolation, in my head I was trying to do the right thing because I am genuinely worried about the long-term effects of desensitization by the internet on people and that was one of the main factors that basically drove me nuts over the a long period of time, and I was imagining that I was shocking people out of that by being as extreme as possible. It's absurd logic, I know it was, but that's genuinely what I was "thinking" at the time.
It's because she reminds me of me, in that she's quiet and gentle most of the time but sometimes she gets really angry and it actually shocks everyone.
My sister has recently been diagnosed with bipolar. Over the past three years she:
I'm sure I'm missing loads of important stuff off the list, but this is what I can think of off the top of my head... Anyway, she goes back and forth between suicidal depression and manic highs where she thinks she's on top of the world. Any time she starts to calm down a little and shows some semblance of sanity, we would try to convince her to go to a doctor. Every time, she would say, "Oh, I don't need to see a doctor because I'm better now." ... Three years before she finally saw a doctor and got her diagnosis.
Please, for the love of God, see a doctor.
I'll do it, not because I think I need it but because I really, really don't like seeing people get upset about this.
Yey! ^_^
On a more positive note, I had a couple of pretty serious break downs about 6 and 5 years ago. Doctor prescribed me some stuff to even my mood and help me sleep. Haven't had any issues with my mental health since. ^_^
I'm glad you could find help for that!
Considering everything he's been through, he's actually a really happy little boy. I try to spend at least one day a week doing something fun with him to try and make up a little for the fact that his Mum is crazy and his Dad is useless. We did an escape room today. It was really fun! ^_^
Lol. I wouldn't rule it out as an option... It's okay Old Yeller. You can rest now. :p
I've done some horrible, stupid things when manic that I regret. Even though I wasn't in control, I still hold myself accountable since I had opportunities to get medical help and didn't cause I "didn't need it." I really did.
Also Avery, you're pretty, funny, talented, upbeat, AND empathetic? If you weren't a dirty, sun-hating tea guzzler, I'd say you were the ideal woman the rest should strive to be like.
England. Ruining everything good since 1533!
Why, thank you! Yes, I am pretty perfect, aren't I? ^_^
Well nobody's perfect. And I don't know everything about you and your life circumstances. But you seem like a fantastic, well rounded, intelligent woman.
Nobody currently walking the Earth, then.
... No, I'm pretty sure I'm perfect. ^_^
Fluttershy, if I promise not to call you the c-word again, can you explain to me why my games are Satanic? I am legitimately curious.
Oh, hi Malk.The desire to turn things into excrement and bodily fluids using poetry and stories is a pretty strong, recurring theme of Satanic literature, and I did kind of freak out when I saw you doing the same thing. Also, my suspicion that Greek Mythology is connected to Satanism really didn't help when I saw your Illiad book club. Seriously though, I don't actually mind you doing that now, it was all just a bit overwhelming.
You didn't even bother to read them before declaring them Satanic?
It may surprise you to know that I wasn't exactly thinking straight.
Fair enough. You still seem to endorse the position that I am a Satanist, though. I don't think I can be blamed for being curious about the pruported Satanic influence in my games.
Alright, I've taken it off my profile. It's only fair since you agreed to stop hostilities.
I didn't want you to take it off so much as I wanted to understand, but it's your profile to do with what you will.
I just don't want there to be permanent hostility, I'm aware I said some extremely hurtful things and I just want that to be water under the bridge. I think all of here could perhaps stand to be a little nicer, certainly (and perhaps mostly) including myself.
Damn, I've loved Greek mythology since I was a kid... Maybe I should become a Satanist too! ^_^
I think it's fine if you read it in conjunction with Christian, or perhaps even Norse stories (CS Lewis actually has a scene where the sisters get involved with Bacchus' party but only because Aslan (Jesus) is there to keep everything in control).
Surprised you're so pro Norse. I always considered them a lot darker than the Greek Gods... I mean, yeah, the Greek Gods were selfish and greedy and horny AF, but from what I understand, they were only into animal sacrifices. And while a Norse God wouldn't turn down a ram or a cow, I was under the impression that human sacrifices were their favorite.
Well, the colleseum seems to be a sort of massive human sacrifice when it comes to that sort of thing. And I really don't like how the Dionysus rituals seem to revel in causing animals pain, and how Pentheus is treated as a kind of human sacrifice. One thing which I really, really like about the Norse stuff is that it considers all the villains to be stupid (the Jotuns are often referred to as "Api" or "Apes", meaning stupid). While Pan in the Greek Pantheon is a similarly idiotic character but he's seen as harmless and his name means "All".
Well, the Colosseum was Roman, but I guess their Gods were pretty much the same, so fair point.
I'd really, really prefer not to mention what I'm talking about because I do not want to direct people to that sort of thing. If this discussion is heading down that route then I think we should all just call it quits.
Satanic Literature ^_^
I actually do unironically believe that this could act as a gateway towards unhealthy and dangerous lifestyles. Not a very strong gateway, granted, but a gateway nonetheless.
What's happened here is, I've completely cut myself off from anything made, written or otherwise formed after 2020, and I only focus on things before that. So I basically live in a parallel reality to everyone else, but I think this makes my thoughts more clear because everything after 2020 is rotten.
... So, nothing good has been invented since 2020?
That's probably not true but it's the mantra I live my life by.
2004? Ha! Everyone knows the Cambrian Explosion is when things started to take a turn for the worse.
Bitch, Pan's Labyrinth was 2006!
Speaking of Pan's Labyrinth, I heard that it got the longest applause ever (22 minutes), so in my "Sunlight and Shadow" story of MLP, I have the applause for Celestia last 23 minutes, deliberately out of spite for that film.
Next time I watch Pan's Labyrinth, I'm going to clap for 24 minutes! ^_^
Wait, wait... I think I know where this is headed... Is 2020 the year when My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was canceled?
Correct! We have a winner!
That is some Chris Chan logic, right there! :p
You can't just live in your own little paracosm, flutter. The real world does not stop because you want it to, and this isn't some Pretend game on a playground. This is real life and you've gotta come to terms with the reality of the world around you.
You initially feeling negative about something does not make it a horrible thing.
Actually, now that I'm posting (despite telling myself I wouldn't dive back into this) I'm glad to hear you're going to go to a doctor. Now please actually do that. I can understand not wanting to do that and trying to get better on your own, but it'll be okay. It's hard to put yourself in the position where you're forced to admit you need help and are unable to fully help yourself. I'll remind you that we're not made to stand on our own strength, but to allow the people and resources God has put into our lives to help hold us up when we're struggling. Go to the doctor for yourself, not for any other people. Do it because you deserve to feel alright, and you deserve mental wellbeing. But most importantly, go. That's far, far more important than the reasoning behind it.
Why do you think these simple things send you into such spirals when they don't have that effect on anyone else? Do you genuinely believed you're more enlightened than every other person? I'm sure MLP is just fine. It may surprise you to know that my parents didn't let me watch it because the use of magic is "demonic"; goes to show how everyone has different interpretations of everything. One man's "satanic literature" is someone else's basis for their faith, and yet both of y'all claim the same religion.
Greek literature is fascinating. It's definitely not more satanic than Norse, though. The bits you've read may seem more peaceful, but that doesn't mean they line up with biblical truths, at all.
I think the main thing you need to accept here is that you're not smarter than everyone and other people's lives don't revolve around you.
You need to sit down and talk to someone in real life about the emphases you put on things that strike any kind of chord with you. No one should make any piece of literature or tv show or anything of the sort their entire personality or base their whole worldview on it. Those things were written by people, flutter. Just people.
I want to help you. I really really do. But there's no helping someone who's deluded themselves as much as you have. You just dismiss other ideas in favor of what you've already decided, clinging onto your own little world as though it's the last thing keeping you from the dark pit of insanity; the touble with this is, that is the insanity, and you are only feeding into it.
I'll pray for you, flutter. Don't give up on this. I don't know what kind of road you have ahead of you, but it ain't gonna be easy. You need actual, physical people around you to support you. Please, find yourself help.
Weird, I didn't realize the banning Pokemon thing went beyond my own parents
Oh yes. It hit a lot of parents for a generation and there was a Satanic panic about it.
Not fully sure what started the panic. Could have been the strange Japanese animations. It definitely wasn't the fact that the game normalizes the idea of pitting animals to fight each other for cruel sport lol
I think there were concerns it also lead to gambling (Don't deal with the devil!) or was a form of gambling since you were betting the cards if you won or lost. That's why some schools were cracking down on it too (independent of religion) Any of those type of card games (Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, Magic the Gathering, etc)
I wasn't allowed to play any of those either, and once my mom literally told me I couldn't go anywhere with someone because she played DnD
But my dad taught me all sorts of casino games
Perhaps you're not consciously doing this, but I still do think this is a very curious matter.
Well, this has been fun, a good time held by all, but I really think I should stop now, things to do and all that. I just want to leave with the point that reading Satanism, Nietzsche, Jung and Pagan Myhtology, while understanding everything they're saying is one heck of a trip and that the only reliable remedy is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
This is a wholesome Christian website.
Yay Boobs!!!
Be respectful guys, those a Christian tatas right there! ^_^
The first My Little Pony TV special was titled “Return to Midnight Castle,” and featured the ponies trying to rescue their friends from Tirek, who is basically Satan as a centaur. Tirek sends his monsters, led by Scorpan, a bat-winged, alligator-faced monkey man, to capture and enslave ponies so they can pull his Chariot of Midnight. He also turns the ponies into dragons. This is literally the most metal thing I have ever heard of. Actually, My Little Pony sounds like most of its episodes were based on Man o’ War album covers. Villains for the series included Arabus the cloud demon, Lavan the lava demon, Tirek the aforementioned centaur demon, and Grogar, who isn’t just a ram demon but a Ram Demon Necromancer. The original My Little Pony cartoon featured a fucking Ram Demon Necromancer. That’s insane.