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To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I hope you all liked my clickbait title.

I have had a forum account over at Choice of Games for a year now. I've purchased their games for probably six or more years. I've lurked here too and read a lot of the stories (big fan of Endmaster and BerkaZerka and of course Avery/Briar).

I considered making a normal newbie thread but I know you CYSers like this sort of thing so here it is: I am officially DONE with COG, now and forever. I've read a lot of idiotic things on their forum in my time there, but I've been understanding because idiots can be found anywhere. 

But THIS just made me see red:

This is Jason Stevan Hill, the main admin, turning on his authors and dictating that their words should now be written only to please and pander to people who don't read them.

What does that even mean?

It makes no sense at all and that it's just a reason for an unpleasant man to take petty jabs at Avery and shut down her argument without actually addressing it. Avery is one of the most sensible, well-adjusted people on that forum and Jason has as good as declared he doesn't want anything to do with that. Instead we must think of the readers we're writing works the size of six novels for who the admins believe can't be expected to read three small paragraphs. 

Now I might find a lot of the people on the COG forum frustrating or annoying... I actually share some of the sentiments here even if I wouldn't phrase them quite so dramatically... but I don't think any of them are as flat out stupid as Jason has declared them to be.

I used to dream of writing for Choice of Games. I'm about 70k into a fantasy novel I was hoping to turn into a hosted game there in fact once I was able to learn their scripting. This was the last straw for me though, the community is just toxic and set against artistic expression in any way, and that attitude is now proven to go all the way to the top. 

I wish my defection meant a little more, I'm a lurker at heart so I never posted much there and probably won't be logged in here much either, but for now I've decided to stop purchasing their games and I hope this thread will bring some of you here a moment of amusement. It's a long post I realize so I hope you have a longer attention span than a COG forum user.      


To Hell with COG

5 years ago
LOL. Your offering has been accepted, this pleases me greatly.

We were reading that thread on the Discord. Between 'It will help elevate your online discourse' and casually throwing accusations of being 'disingenuous' around, that mod is coming off like a real cunt.

Anyway, welcome to the site, I'll spare you the usual noob advice since you said you lurked and seemed literate enough. Might be interested in hearing more about that novel sometime but right now my phone is dying so I'll leave and let the children slobber on you and ask to smell your hair.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Thanks but...I already have a one year old here slobbering on me, so...I'll pass....

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

So is smelling hair still an option then though?

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

100% agree about Jason being a condescending dick in his responses who's veering wildly between assuming malice and saying he just expects more from her because she's one of the good ones.

Honestly the WIP that set this whole thing off seemed unpublishable from the start, so all the fuss around it seems kind of insane. I don't care if Sammy writes whatever he wants to write, but even if HG wanted to publish his game (which he introduced by saying the ways in which he personally relates to serial killers made him interested in the genre), the major storefronts would have rejected it anyway. I just hope the hysteria around this doesn't lead to them cracking down harder on other content that is less clearly over the line. I also hope the stupid forum pissing drama doesn't get in the way of The Price of Freedom's release next month!

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Sammy's game could potentially have a large audience, but it doesn't fit the image the site likes to present and that's been obvious for awhile. I did agree with some of his points, there's nothing in the story that wouldn't be in a movie which I'm sure most of the people complaining about his content would go to see without batting an eye. But at the same time it's a bit silly for him to be getting angry at others for being too sensitive when he can't handle criticism himself. His story does interest me but there's no point in hanging around burning bridges and stirring up more drama when it's clearly not a good fit for the site and never was.

The content policies send mixed messages right now, there's the Adult section now and erotica that adults are trusted to make choices over whether or not they'd like to read it, but in other situations it's like they think their readers are children. How many published, popular authors who sell hundreds of thousands of books through a real publisher could even make the cut on Choice of, I wonder.   

I also hope there's no issue with Avery's game. I'll temper my earlier statement to say of course I'll be buying Price of Freedom, I've been waiting for it a long time. It's just strange to me that Jason waits until they're this close to publishing to start treating her like that and it almost seems deliberate. Nothing about his post made any sense and it could apply to any post on any forum if he seriously believed that. If someone doesn't read this post and just imagines it's says something completely different, how is that my fault?  


To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Exactly! That's why I didn't even bother responding to that. It made absolutely no sense and was clearly just Jason (and everybody who likes to agree with the boss, purely for the sake of agreeing with the boss) desperately grasping at straws in an attempt to come up with a reason to disagree with me. At the end of the day, if somebody decides that they're going to read one line of a paragraph and take what was said completely out of context without bothering to finish the bloody sentence, then that's their fault, not mine.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Now he's decided that you were committing the serious crime of micro-aggressions against him.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Oh thanks for the heads-up. Jason split the thread to better address the issue and made it is private accusation chamber lol

Here it is

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
My most favorite thing is how it's in the Plaza section so it would still really just be him dictating to the masses with only the 'best and most dedicated' Jason Hill approved members (like MeltingPenguins) able to express an opinion. Even if it wasn't his stated plan to keep it locked.

Sorry, second most favorite. Most favorite is that it's a massive text wall when as Moxie already pointed out, two paragraphs is the max anyone on a writing site is the most he expects anyone to be able to read at one time.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
"I will probably keep this thread largely locked, and use it to identify instances of these behaviors, as a way to try elevate the level of discourse on this forum."


Anyhow, I guess Briar's game will be the last thing I ever buy from them and it looks to me like she might want to start looking into publishing on Steam or something at the rate things are going.

Not much of a sacrifice of course, I kind of doubt whether the rest of Choice of Rebels will ever be finished before the collapse of modern civilization anyhow and that was the only recent one I really enjoyed.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Well the game is actually free to play with ads, so you don't even need to buy it. cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
That's awesome to hear. Although I'm really curious about the financial side of things even if I'm not going to pry there. I just remember Stryker once pulled up a bunch of statistics on what indie authors stood to make vs COG authors, and it didn't look too favorable to COG. Always figured there had to be more to it than that though or so many authors wouldn't be willing to pare down and restrict their ideas to fit community expectations.

One of these days I'd love to see someone well known go the Patreon route with a CYOA just to see how that worked out...but, Seth obviously poisoned the well a little there at least as far as CYS goes.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Some of the more popular HG authors do seem to get some backing from crowdfunding. Looks like Eric Moser gets a bit over $200 a month, for instance,and Paul Wang gets $420.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Of course, not everyone can be Paul Wang. He's literally the reason I started buying games over there in the first place.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

How immature am I that I audibly giggled at the name Paul Wang?

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
I knew a Peter Wang in high school.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Imagine if his first name was Dong. Now imagine every time you see one of his cyoa, the name DONG WANG was written full uppercase next to the game title.



No? What about...

CHOICE OF BROAD SIDES after laughing at the author's name.


To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Indie authors might stand to make a lot more money, but my issue is that I'm not very tech savvy and I'd have absolutely no idea how to go about creating an indie game. Presumably I wouldn't be able to use Choicescript as a program to sell products that they're making no profit from, so I'd have to either find a program that I could use to publish interactive fiction games on Steam, or I'd have to make one myself (which I can say with almost 100% certainty I wouldn't be able to do.) Then I'd have to figure out how to get the game published on Steam, as well as gather a large enough audience for myself that the game would be profitable.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
I think *gag* Twine is still the go to program for portability and ease of use, it's a good tool despite the things people do with it. Although since it's in html format I guess it'd have to be packaged somehow for Steam. I've seen development of Twine games supported by Patreons, although, like all things on the internet, it seems to help if you're writing weird niche porn.

Inkle is the other one, they've had a couple of successful games on Amazon and Steam and I'm sure there's other less high profile ones. Then you have Inform which is designed more for traditional interactive fiction, but like all those IF programs it can be used for CYOAs, and it has a ton of documentation.

I've Googled 'how to sell games on Steam' in the past and it didn't seem too complicated, they've really streamlined the process over the years. (I knew there couldn't be much to it given the number of indie games I've come across with descriptions written by somebody with a very poor grasp of English...)

Not suggesting jumping ship just because Jason sucks shit out of a donkey's asshole of course, you can't make business decisions based on that kind of thing, but it might be smart to be aware of some of the alternatives just in case it's ever necessary.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I'll admit that, for awhile, I was very seriously considering throwing in the towel, publishing all my games for free on either CYS or Dashingdon, and just begging for donations on patreon... But then I was completely shocked to discover that the tone of the thread suddenly became civil.

I really, honestly expected that my comment of "Jason needs to consider the possibility that some of his comments could be considered micro-agressive" would be met with a lot of back-lash... But so far it seem's to be universally agreed with by everyone on the forum, (And by people who I really thought wouldn't agree with it.) I'm really very pleasantly surprised.

That said, Jason hasn't responded to it yet, so everything could change depending on whether his reaction is, "Actually, you make a good point, I'll try to be more careful about what I say in the future," or, "How dare you suggest the possibility that I could ever do anything wrong?" ... Will have to wait and see. cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

It was pretty wild to see a member of their staff to straight up say that their COO and co-founder doesn't speak for the company. Assuming he doesn't intend to apologize, the best thing Jason can do is to just stay the hell out of it, because doubling down at this point would put everyone in a bad position.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I know, that blew me away! Obviously I was really pissed at a lot of the statements that Jason made, but I think that what really, really got under my skin was that barely anybody on the forums was publicly disagreeing with him, but instead, people were sending me private messages to let me know that they agreed with me. This drove me absolutely insane because I thought, "No one but me is going to try and talk sense into this guy because they're all too afraid of being either banned or publicly shamed for disagreeing with him."

Then, out of nowhere, it all turned around. Everybody backing Jason up and either dismissing or ignoring any point I tried to make, changed into tons of people publicly patting me on the back and saying that they're sorry that I was being singled out... Got to say, I absolutely love that the one thing it took to get so many people in CoG to come to my defense was just me crying, "You hurt my fee-fees!" like a little bitch. cheeky

That said, Gower's post just made me realize what I said before was wrong. It wasn't all the people that usually agree with Jason agreeing with me... It's mostly completely different people. In fact, Mary Duffy and Blossom are the only two people I can see who agreed with both Jason's main post and mine... Either way, I hope that having so many people publicly defend me (including a staff member and a moderator) will at least make Jason take my comment seriously. ^_^

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Just sat down and caught up on the replies there and yes, wow, that was a fast turn around. I wasn't super impressed with Mary Duffy's original post but now she and Gower are handling this really well.

From Gower's post:

In the end, what I see is an initial post with 22 “likes” and Avery’s post with 27 “likes” with almost no overlap. This is making people take sides, and that is not what I want from this community. I would rather people flag troubling posts for moderation rather than have them referred to this thread. That’s what we tell people to do, at any rate.

I very nearly didn’t make this post. I write for CoG, and I volunteer for CoG, and I authentically like the people who make CoG happen, and I don’t want to piss them off. But the taking sides that I feel happening, and the clamming up in response to it (I know we’re in the Plaza so some people can’t reply, but still) makes me feel like things are escalating. I just don’t like it. This may be the moderator in me, but consider this a call for moderation.

I noticed the same thing about the likes too, it really helps show who the reasonable people are vs the asskissers. (even if the reasonable people HAVE been for the most part too damn scared to speak up....) But Mary Duffy straight up saying maybe staff shouldn't participate on the forum and that Jason didn't speak for the company was great.

Anyway I imagine there's a lot more discussion of this going on with the mods and admins behind the scenes, it just remains to be seen whether Jason will get over himself for the sake of being a team player or if he's going to give in to the male PMS and double down.

I don't browse that forum often enough to be too familiar with all the personalities there, but my impression now is that Gower and Mary Duffy could stand to post a lot more and Jason and his lackeys a lot less. COG might never have turned out to be so...COG-like with a little more common sense and basic decency to go around.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I've got to say, I feel really really happy with the CoG forums right now. I feel like there's no way that Jason can disagree with or dismiss what I've said without turning the rest of the community against him. And I feel like, now that Mary and Grower have spoken up, people who were originally too scared to say anything don't feel that way anymore. It's also reassuring that all these comments are coming from the Plaza, a place where you'd think the majority of people would be agreeing with Jason purely for the sake of agreeing with Jason. (I've also been getting a surge of PMs from people who don't have access to the Plaza, saying they wish they could say something on there.)

Anyway, @mizal @Moxie do either of you think you might reconsider bycotting the forums if the end result of this were for the other CoG members of staff collectively giving Jason a slap on the wrist and telling him, "No more hurting people's fee-fees?" cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Gower is in the Discord right now lol.

I'm going to demand they publish Love SICK and then we can negotiate from there.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Hurray! ^_^

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Almost makes you want to work on a platform for authors that might be better...

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Are those the people selling on mobile?

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Well this is quite the entrance. As Mizal said we were already talking about it on Discord (I came across it while following another thread) but it's always nice to see that some COGites are aware of the state of that forum. I'm not on COG so I don't really know that Jason guy, but I hope he was in an altered state of mind or whatever self-diagnosed temporary mental disorder a COGite might have. I really can't bring myself to think that a mod condemned a post on a writing site because some retards might not be able to read it all or understand it.

Anyway, welcome on board. Feel free to participate (or keep lurking I guess).

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Lol I saw that thread earlier, a lot bullshit being spewed on there by the usuals, but that's pretty much the norm for CoG.

In any case, I'd chime in with my two cents seeing as I actually know something about how to write "dark content" but I honestly have no dog in the fight and it wouldn't be a good use of my time considering it would just get mass flagged and deleted in two seconds. I've sort of touched on the topic before over there anyway.

I've mentioned what suicidal Sammy's problem was, which is he tried to write his edgelord story on there in the first place. There was no way in hell that was going to happen. His second problem is he let a bunch of whining faggots get to him.

CoG's a private company and can dictate what they want to publish obviously, but I've never agreed with how they treat most of their authors as second class citizens or their ideology of writing by safe space committee.

I'm impressed that Briar managed to catch the ire of Jason though.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

This situation with Jason really bothers me. Maybe he feels like he can treat Avery like garbage because they've got another gladiator game lined up already. (I'm sure that's reading too much into and he just was being an asshole without any further agenda but the fact that he's supposed to be representing a business...)

Their head admin will openly attack Avery but the site won't fail to take their cut of the money from the story she wrote and they assume she can't do anything but put up with it, that's the crux of this for me.  

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

... Well, all I can say is thank you very much, this made my day. ^_^

Honestly, I'm trying not to be all that phased by the whole thing. At the end of the day (despite what a lot of the users might be in favour of) HG don't seem to be in the habit of censoring stuff that falls within their guidelines. (POF has a scene in it where it's heavily implied that a woman is raped, for no other reason than to demonstrate how bad the situation is. I haven't been advised to delete this scene, and the publication date is set for late January, so I can only assume that they're okay with it.)

I think the only thing I've taken away from this is to never, ever, EVER attempt to have a civil, respectful conversation on CoG. It's basically like going into a forum of flat earthers and trying to explain to them why you think the world is round. Ultimately, it's only going to frustrate you and waste your time, since they will completely disregard everything you say, no matter how much sense it makes, because they already decided that they were going to disagree with you before you even started talking, and if you make a point that they can't argue with, they'll just desperately change the subject to avoid admitting that what you said was right.

I still intend to use the CoG forums (assuming I don't get myself banned somehow or other) but I think I'm going to restrict my activity there to soley posting on my own WIP threads, and giving feedback to other games, because trying to explain to people that it's okay to have a difference in opinion sometimes is like bashing my head against a brick wall.

To finish off, I think all of my thoughts can be summed up with a PM I received from one of the users on CoG (I'm blurring out their name and profile pic out of respect for their privacy.) On the one hand, I really appreciated the message, but on the other hand, I think it's incredibly sad that they sent this to me as a PM, since (presumably) they were too afraid to post their opinion on the forums because they feared that they would receive negative backlash from the community if they dared to publicly disagree with Jason.

Inline image

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
I went in your post to try and fix your image, but there's just a bunch of gibberish in there and I don't even see a url and now my head hurts.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Oh, okay. (That's strange because it's working for me.) Anyway, the message reads as such:


I don’t like the way Jason is speaking to you right now. I am sorry you’re having to go through this. I just want you to know that I don’t agree with what he’s saying because you are obviously trying to champion the company and are basically getting slapped in the face by the boss of the company for doing so.

I believe it to be completely unfair, and I am reaching out to you in an attempt to say that you are not alone, and you are doing nothing wrong.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

After my long hibernation I come back to this crap? I've felt like the overall quality of the COG games has begun to diminish and looking at what happened, it's easy to see why. Of all the people to pick a bone with, Avery seems to be the least of them. One would actually have to try and be a giant asshat in order to do that. Jason's attitude is troubling for a vast number of reasons, not the least of them being that I actually like Avery.

That being said, I think COG is headed towards hell from the atmosphere that Jason appears to be creating. Right now, COG is enjoying its status as the big game in town. It seems like Jason is happy to marginalize and abuse authors because to him authors like Avery are all replaceable. He's happy to take their money and then smack them around because "where else will they go?" He's too stupid to realize that in writing, like any other profession, not all writers are equal. 

The fact that people would feel the urge to message you privately to show support over a clearly not private issue indicates to me that Jason is creating a climate that is going to encourage either an exodus or a mutiny in the long run. My only hope is that his inevitable Kurtz-like veil rending is public so that no matter where he goes after this, he'll be reminded of how he treated the people he actually depended on to make a living.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Also, if there's anybody who knows, I'm curious about the structure of CoG. I always assumed that Jason was the one in charge, but based on what he said, it seems like he disagrees with the guidelines of HG, and thinks that they should be more restricting with their content. From this, I can only assume that he doesn't set the rules of HG himself, and that there's somebody else who gets to decide.

I remember somebody mention another CoG high up (who, from what I remember, was described as being significantly more reasonable) but I don't remember what their name was, or what their position in the company was.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

As far as I knew I thought Jason was in charge of all that shit or at least had the final say in it.

Though I know there's another guy Dan Fabulich who I've had some discussions with (on here in PMs) and he's generally more reasonable so maybe he's in charge of the HG thing.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

That's probably the guy I'm thinking of. ^_^

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I’m honestly super proud of you. Stick it to those stupid idiots. 

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

....I'm sorry. I've just become obsessed with this bot again.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Huh. According to Those Who Run That Site opinions are violence. Not metaphorically, having an opinion (presumably any opinion that disagrees with him) is actually violence. I don't know how people like that can actually function in the world.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Dude has literally created a private thread he's using to call out and publicly shame anyone who even slightly annoys him, on a board that everyone can read but only a selected few can post responses; either bootlickers or people that have huge amounts of writing time invested in the site that they know he can take away on a whim.

Dude literally created this thread and literally described it's purpose while patting himself on the back multiple times for his incredible level of 'empathy', I don't even have to exaggerate here holy shit lmao.

And who is the target of all this? His customers and the people providing the material he sells to his customers.

This is the best COG has ever been as far as entertainment value, but I feel incredibly bad for the people trying to seriously use the site for actual writing.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I've literally just realized that I've seen two people say that they're going to boycott CoG/HG because of Jason, and only now thought to say that this definitely isn't what I want to se happen at all. Obviously I don't think that many people will boycott it, at least not enough to make a difference in sales, but even if there were, I really don't want to see that happen.

The important thing is, Jason is not the only person who would be affected by a boycott, the authors would be to. Authors who have put a massive ton of work into the games and who deserve for their work to be appreciated. Granted you can say, "But authors only get 25% percent of the profits and CoG gets 75%" but that 25% is going to be extremely important to the author. Also, not all of the 75% is going to Jason. A lot of the money is going to other members of staff at CoG. Ones who I've communicated with a lot while getting my games published, and ones who have been extremely helpful to me. CoG literally pays these people's bills.

Basically, buy games you want to play, don't buy games you don't want to play, but don't boycott the site just because you don't like Jason. cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
I'm 100% boycotting the site, but really it's not even about you even if this latest thread was the catalyst. I would do (and have done) the same to any publisher or dev who mistreats or publicly disrespects the people whose goodwill and support they depend on.

I expect more people will eventually do the same if he continues in this manner, but that's just business. Be a dick to your clients and customers and you lose them. Game companies have been a little slow in waking up to that fact but there's no other business in the world where that kind of behavior would be remotely okay.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Fair enough.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I never bought anything from them to begin with, and I decided to never do so a long time ago since again I never agreed with their ideologies, business practices and them just being all around faggots.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Well that and you don't like to read things.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Haven’t bought anything from there in a good bit, even then, I generally preferred the non-brand games. Will not be giving them a cent ever again. Will tell all writers to stay away. That was utterly disgraceful conduct.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

But then people won't buy my games... And I like money! cheeky

In all seriousness though, keep in mind that a full on mass boycott will be extremely damaging to the interactive fiction community (specifically, the writer's). As far as I am aware, CoG is the only company in the world who soley publish Interactive Fiction novels. Author's who want to write for profit LITERALLY have nowhere else to go. If there was somewhere else to go, I would've gone a LONG time ago.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Uh, excuse you, but let me remind you of my seven highly successful self published novels on Amazon., you can't see them. Why does everyone always ask that!?

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Yes, but the problem is that the authors have to promote themseleves. Authors on CoG and HG don't need to promote themselves because they already have a large fan base.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Got another really nice PM on CoG. These things restore my faith in humanity:

You are not a bad forum citizen.

What Jason categorized as a negative conjecture is basically just a response to a point that was already made. It appears to me that the rule he is trying to convey is that illustrating a point you argue or criticize with a verbose hypothetical is not allowed when that point contains any shred of negativity.

I just wanted to say that I personally think you were actually doing a great service to the community and shutting you up was counter-productive. I felt like clicking a heart next to your post wasn’t the good enough of a way of sending that kind of message.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

You're all probably bored of me sharing PMs to inflate my own ego by now... But I really like this one! ^_^

I’m glad that my message helped you a bit. I just wish there was more that I could do for you. Ugh, between the Plaza and the “Lounge” categories, this place is becoming even more of an elitist echo chamber where the masses are silenced and the staff are just surrounded by a bunch of mindless “yes men”. Actually, it reminds me of growing up in Russia haha.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Not at all, it's pretty amusing to see underground resistance at CoG.

Jason pretty much fucked himself by splitting that thread and getting involved in the first place.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
*Jason is informed by his spy network and immediately gulags all forum posters with a Russian IP*

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

But he said, "Growing up in Russia" ... Which presumably means he isn't there anymore. cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Lol that's great.

Gower must have had a minor seizure reading that, poor guy.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I love Gower. Poor guy tries so hard to keep things civil cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Well we already loved you before, but of course this just makes us love you all the more.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
I don't know what's gonna happen there but thank you for calling him out on 'unasked for opinions equals micro aggressions equals VIOLENCE' bit anyway, somebody sure needed to.

I didn't see anything rude or even especially argumentative in your post but from the way Gower pissed himself immediately I assume Jason is now heading directly to your home with a gun.

It'll be about damn time he makes some kind of reply to you or Mary or Gower or anyone, anyhow. I was starting to wonder if the plan was just to stare at a wall until the thread died.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

This probably won't be a popular opinion here, but I think you were better off taking the W if he just continued to avoid the thread after that since his staff was already more or less agreeing that he was out of line. You clearly had the high ground in your earlier response, and while I still think you're more in the right than he is, the new reply was pretty combative and seems to have people who'd come out in favor of the points you made backing away now.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
I saw nothing remotely combative in her post though. It was completely civil in expressing major concerns. There an edge of urgency about the subject now that people are saying they're boycotting the site, something she was pretty adamant about arguing against here.

Hell, I find it pretty ironic that Briar has been the one the most supportive of COG in this thread even though she's the only one directly taking shit from them. So it'll be doubly interesting to see how Jason responds.

I'm sorry to see the others backing off from their brief moment of unexpected decency but it just goes to show how certain things are ingrained over there. Mary Duffy for one loses major points, way to scold Briar for daring to point out that declaring opinions to be VIOLENCE could be interpreted badly.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Yeah, it was probably a bad call... Still, I had to do it. I didn't do it because "Wa! Jason was mean to me and I'm going to tell him off!" I did it because people are fucking BOYCOTTING THE COMMUNITY and I really, really don't want people to boycott the community and I want Jason to do something that will stop people from boycotting the community.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I don't intend to call anyone a liar (or get anyone's back up) by saying this, but honestly I think even people who earnestly intend to boycott the site on your behalf (against your wishes) will probably end up buying games in the future (if they ever were going to in the first place) once this dies down, particularly if you continue to publish through that company. It would be great if Jason does offer some sort of apology, which I do think is deserved, but you've said all there is to say, and (as your last comment there acknowledges) it's not worth getting stressed out about--the ball's in his court.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Holy shit,Elwynn massively misread your post and is making an idiot out of herself.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Damn, that thread's really exploded. People are sniping at each other about unrelated shit and I guess genuinely proving Jason's point that nobody fucking reads things. (Wait, what's my line here? ....kekekeke, behold how the Left devours itself!!! ^_^)

Even MeltingPenguins has made a couple of sensible points. The world has truly turned upside down.

Oh, and boycotting the site is extremely easy, costs nothing, inconveniences me not at all and actually requires LESS effort than purchasing games to begin with you can bet I won't be buying them anymore if the staff mishandles this. It's not just about Briar anymore or even the shit with Sammy, this is going to reveal what kind of site it actually is and set precedents going forward.

I mean it's not exactly a crisis situation going on here so if the people in charge can't handle some very mildly worded disagreements among the hand-picked 'best' forum citizens without melting into a puddle of passive aggressive bitchiness then that's just, fucking sad.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

The good news is that people are starting to correct their posts after it's made clear what's actually being discussed. IMO the amount of confusion would be a good reason for a mod to actually shut the thread down at this point though.

Edit: And as I posted this, they did just that.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Yeah, but... It inconveniences  Moxie quite a bit. The game she has in the works is almost as long as the entirety of Dryad's Riddle... That's a lot of work to put into a project, only to decide that you're not going to submit it to the only company in the world that publishes IF games for profit because you think the owner of the company is a dick. cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Very nice.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

The most amusing part is, I'm probably going to get yet another PM from Dan since I'll inevitably be blamed for all of this. When once again, I never did anything to begin with over there.

I imagine I'll be the first person banned from CoG without even breaking any of its rules. yes

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Shit, the secret's out! How did he guess the entire forum is just made up of your alts?

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

EndMaster Alt #4158 reporting for duty, sir.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I'm genuinely in dis-belief that you haven't been banned already. cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Because I've never broken any rules on there. The closest "controversial" thing I did was when you had your thread asking about tranny characters (Or whatever it was) and I pointed out some truths on there that went against the status quo.

As I told Dan in a PM at CYS, normally I read through CoG threads and just roll my eyes at the retarded posts, but given that you were getting mobbed on by the usual screaming queen crowd, I felt a little more defensive I briefly chimed in with a few comments and that would have been it and then the usuals started bitching at me so I responded to them as well. And I’ll point out, I STILL conducted myself according to CoG’s rules because I actually know how to act in someone else’s house.

Of course it was all sort of pointless because in typical CoG fashion, all they did was lock the thread and unlist it like it all never happened because there was too much dissent. The only surprising thing is it wasn’t deleted altogether.

There always seems to be some idea going around that I’m getting people to “troll” the COG forums like some Internet Sauron (Not that I’m complaining about the comparison of course), which is amusing since I’ve said many times in the past to specifically NOT do that mainly because it’s a pointless endeavor in the first place.

There wasn't nearly as much “ill will” between the two sites as everyone thinks anyway, people from both sides routinely bounce back and forth depending on their mood. Some are obviously going to be more loyal to one place. Honestly they made a much bigger deal of the Discord thing than it was. Would have been forgotten as quickly as it started.

But if Dan (or anyone else) thinks they’re going to step into someone else’s house and tell them to run things (like saying to delete the Mean Girls thread), yeah that’s not happening. Seriously, the IF forums ended up as another net nanny state as soon as Dan showed up dictating what rules should be put in place to make the place more “safe.”

I’d rather see CYS die than see it become some “CoG-lite.”

In any case, currently with this Jason fiasco of putting his foot in his mouth by calling you out and generally throwing a temper tantrum like a toddler, is doing way more damage to CoG’s rep than anything I could do. As can be seen obviously.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Just repeating what I said in the Discord earlier, the reason the 'feud' gets taken so seriously by certain people points to them just not spending much time in an environment where anyone has a sense of humor or is direct about anything. When you're used to speaking in hushed whispers and tiptoeing on eggshells, I guess it really must seem like a scary and potentially threatening commotion to hear a group of friends playing games and talking shit next door.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Hell, according to Haverstone, I'm routinely posting my "2 minutes of Hate" on here.

Obviously I'm slipping if it's only two minutes, I've been trying for a perpetual motion machine of it. (Hence the time warp incident, yeah that was me too. Lol)

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

"As I told Dan in a PM at CYS, normally I read through CoG threads and just roll my eyes at the retarded posts, but given that you were getting mobbed on by the usual screaming queen crowd, I felt a little more defensive I briefly chimed in with a few comments and that would have been it and then the usuals started bitching at me so I responded to them as well. And I’ll point out, I STILL conducted myself according to CoG’s rules because I actually know how to act in someone else’s house."

*Swoons* My hero! cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

... Yeah, I shouldn't have posted the comment. Things ended civilly before. I should've left it there. >.<

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Well no one here is complaining of course but sucks it blew up like that when you're the one with actual stakes in all this. You didn't actually post anything confrontational or rude at all though and I don't think you can be responsible for the (over)reactions.

In fact it now seems like you made someone even more upset by deleting the post and apologizing! Guess it's really not possible to win.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

To be fair, Eiwynn changed her comment afterwards.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Now that I think about your picture seems very familier..  perhaps it resembles something.... anyway the only way to end somthing civilized is to escalate it in a civilized manner (assuming you are the only civilized person involved)

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Hmm... Unlikely because I drew the picture myself. The only other site where you could possibly have seen it is on an old roleplaying website called Myrealms, (which no longer exists) cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Just want to clarify that when I said, "3 people are not worth it," I didn't mean, "3 people aren't worth me pissing off people on CoG and turning the community against me." 3 people are totally worth that. (Hell, 0 people are worth that. If someone is being a dick, they should be called out on being a dick.)

What I mean is, "3 people are not worth me getting so fucking stressed to the point that I'm neglecting my boyfriend, I can't sleep, I can't concentrate at work, and I'm wasting fucking hours of my time trying to change people's minds, when I already know that they're not going to change their minds anyway." It's such a fucking waste of time that I should be spending doing other things. Hell, I should be fucking writing! cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Pfft. Where you feebly back down, others charge ahead!

"Quite frankly, seeing WHY these people are ‘boycotting’ CoG… I say good riddance, they won’t be missed." -- MeltingPenguins

Lol, saw this pretty much immediately after I said a couple of her posts were actually pretty sensible for once.

Many incredible things are possible in this universe of mystery and wonder but so few of them can last for more than a single magical instant. MeltingPenguins behaving like a reasonable person was one of those things. But hey, now we know she's reading the thread!

I wonder if 'these people' on this forum should respect her wishes and not give any more tainted CYS money to COG after all.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

MeltingPenguins thought Avery was talking about people boycotting because of Sammy's mother murder game, and edited her post after I explained that it was people boycotting because of Jason's boorish behavior toward her instead. I'll go back to lurking soon, but I tried to do a good deed or two first by clarifying some things for people where it seemed like it might be helpful.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Ok I've found the rest with the edits now, my phone wasn't updating with the new posts. It's less funny with the apology and backtracking though plus it's fashionable not to read people's arguments all the way through right now so I'm just gonna leave that quoted out of context.

Really got to wonder where the heck she got the idea the subject was still on Sammy though? That guy probably hung himself from a ceiling fan days ago, he's old news.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Jason just reopened the topic, so this may not be over yet.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I actually had a very civil series of PMs with MP where I explained why Moxie boycotted, and she said that it sucks and she hopes I can get her back. ^_^

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Well I haven't been able to check for any new posts since last night and don't have time right now, but after mulling it over I've decided to potentially compromise on this boycott thing: I will purchase one of every COG game I don't currently have if either Gower or Mary Duffy will go to his thread and publicly accuse Jason of being both a twatwaffle and a gaynigger from outer space.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I would also be willing to lift economic sanctions if Jason himself came to this thread and publicly admitted to being either a twatwaffle or a human centipede from outer space.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Instead, Jason deleted this paragraph from Avery's post in the Dark Themes thread today:

Lastly, (and this is just my opinion and I completely get it if people disagree) I think that some of the things in the thread were very damaging to the community in a way that nobody wants, and I think it might be best if the thread was deleted and, if anybody said anything in that thread that they feel is important and needs to be said, they could either say it in other threads, or even create a new thread to address it. I think that Jason’s list regarding “Being Better Internet/Forum Citizens” could have been received SO much more positively if the list was just posted on it’s own, instead of this thread being split and the list being posted following a series of comments that I’d made.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
So COG policy is that any opinion Jason disagrees with can be scrubbed from existence at his whim, regardless of whether the post it appears in breaks any rules or not. Okay, thank you, good to know.

Glad you managed to grab that quote.

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

... Yeah, not sure why he deleted that. cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago
Since I know so many of you are too lazy to click things:

WELL citizen? Did you micro-aggressively opine? Why? Where???? Answer me!

To Hell with COG

5 years ago


Wait, did i just commit macro-agression? I also assumed her gender...

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Also, aren't women considered a minority over there? cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Interesting. So CoG jumped from Social Democracy with veiled censorship directly into totalitarism. Next, folks, we'll see the great purges, which is just Jason banning people that disagree with his bullshit (and that are still bothering to post at CoG).

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

Okay, fixed it!!!

"Avery, I’m glad to see that we’ve come to more of a mutual understanding."

"I hope that makes sense. And thank you for taking the time to engage in this dialogue with me."

... I'll take it. cheeky

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

To Hell with COG

5 years ago

I am cheeky

... Anyway, I think that "I’m glad to see that we’ve come to more of a mutual understanding," is the best I'm going to get, so @Moxie, I know that 70k words is a lot of effort to put into a game and I really don't want that to be wasted.

So, if not because Jason has proven himself of being capable of posting one single sentence that doesn't make him sound like a complete twat... I hope you'll consider coming back because of the fact that I shamelessly humiliated and debased myself to the point where I publicly sucked his dick JUST to try and convince him to say something civil JUST so that you would come back! cheeky