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Sammy's Suicidal Saga

6 years ago

Well unsurprisingly Suicidal Sammy went crawling back to CoG with a new thread about his serial killer edgelord story.

The funnier bits are the minor jabs at CoG's dedication to their faggot guidelines. One person seemingly decided they went a little too far by mentioning Briar's story and then edited. Fortunately screen shots can preserve what may have been lost!

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Hey everyone it's time for TWO MINUTES HATE! Quick, get a good seat or you'll be late for the hate!

So despite grovelling back to CoG, Suicidal Sammy is still trying to push his edgelord story on there even though it's supposed to be published by a different company.

Amusing that the CoG admins allow this sort of profit shilling on there while they scolded Briar, but hardly surprising given their brand of faggotry.

Anyway, a few choice bits of what is mostly a boring thread. Suicidal Sammy has completely sucked the corporate cock and blocked some of his story content through paywall bullshit and trying to defend it. (Even got one of his posts flagged!) Way to be anti-capitalist you overly sensitive narcissistic faggot. Lol


Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

I was actually thinking about bringing up how hypocritical it was that that thread was allowed. Especially since Avery's story wasn't allowed to be promoted because it might be something CoG finds offensive. MMM is something CoG knows is offensive. Let alone the fact that Samuel is promoting his game that's being sold on a competitors site. It's all around wrong. But hey, CoG has stopped following their own forums rules long ago. I never liked Samuel's stories, or his conduct, but this is a new low for him.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
That was my exact reaction, except I'm way past expecting to see any kind of consistency in moderation over there. This would signal that blatant shilling for another company of content that's known and advertised as being too offensive for COG is good and okay though, so I look forward to others taking their cue from that and doing likewise.

That flagged post from Sammy himself is pretty funny though. "I don't care what you, the people who have supported me for years think, 'cause bitches I got money now and you're irrelevant!"

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Lol. Just lol.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Samuel really needs to take a second to notice the hole he is digging himself into. His actions have the potential to lose him a lot of fans and sales. He also needs to stop acting like a passive aggressive cunt. Excuse my language.

Oh, and you were mentioned in the thread, Endmaster. Someone wanted you to collaborate with Samuel because you both write "edgy" stories. And apparently Samuel doesn't like you. What a shocker.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Ah. So the 10k advance he and Tevin have been gushing about as part of the pyramid scheme aspect of this, they haven't even seen yet and possibly never will.

This is the first bit of honesty either one of them have had about it.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Fucking perfect. Lol.

Actually the funnier bit is the name calling exchange he mentioned, only one of those is accurate and considering I'm happily married, you can easily guess which one.

Not sure where he's getting the bit where I hate him though, he's free to hate me of course.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Weird he didn't include the context where he called you a Mountain Dew chugging incel....alone in the channel his own fellow COGites had quarantined him to, for multiple hours while frantically tagging various people to come and witness his edge or fight him and so on. Lol.

Sammy is one of those clowns like MeltdownPenguin, just part of the rich ecology over there. Both equally fun to watch when they get hormonal.

Anyway it's cute that you have a shared fanboy/girl/ambiguously gendered thing.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Wow, they really don't like this Rachel person and a passing snipe to Gower. It's like Mean Girls Two over here!

Sammy outing himself writing more edgelord shit under a feminine pen name. Wearing a dress doesn't disguise rampant faggotry though.

And finally, more Rachel and Samurai story hate

Holy misogyny, that discord looks like a Mountain Dew chugging incel hang out! Lol.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
I don't like the implications of that last sentence. These people are NOT sexist though, End!
They love women very much--especially when they're retarded pokemon with four of those things milk comes out of.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Something tells me Sammy calling you a "Mountain Dew chugging incel" was him projecting.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Pretty sure Sammy does a lot of projection what with his oral rape scenes and rim job comments. Lol.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Someone should pass these to Rachel, lol.

Weird to see all this misogyny coming from someone as liberal as Sammy. I mean, he even came out as a woman named Sarah on the CoG forum not too long ago.

Tevin meanwhile is just being Tevin, lonely incel creeper. This fits exactly what I know of him, given some of the messages he was sending around.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Probably transphobia as well, since I'm pretty sure Rachel is one of the transfolk.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Some further hilarity has happened regarding these screenshots, but I'm distracted rn so I'll let someone else record the history.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Fine, I'll do it myself. So basically, some random third party (or a deep cover CYS agent we forgot about) posted the White Whine screenshots onto Sammy's COG thread.


This obviously led to hilarious reactions because now they were all fucked in White Whine. To save their asses, they quickly deleted all text channels. This is what we saw before White Whine was officially destroyed.


TL;DR: Sammy and co. are still faggots, but will likely actually face repercussions this time.


EDIT: Oh yeah forgot about the business where they flagged Mara for saying not to disrespect the Samurai Rape Story guy because Sammy was shitting on him in a thread that wasn't about him. THERE IS ALSO this stuff involving Kurio's return to the server, where he called them out for just being whiny faggots instead of actually attacking COG like they said they would. They continue to be whiny faggots in response.


TL;DR 2: They're still faggots, but also cowardly traitors who aren't willing to fully defect.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Mean Girls 2.0 I think I know who it was, but in any case if they don't want to take credit then that's their business. Still, poor Sammy, poor Teven, gosh this couldn't have happened to nicer guys... Oh, and apparently they deleted the whole server now. Lol.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
It was Bluefur. She went deep cover, that's why she hasn't done anything on the site in two years.
Also, I'd say "F", but they deserve an "L". So... L

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 9/9/2019 6:48:15 PM


You're welcome you crazy bastards.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Stay gold, you magnificent son of a bitch.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
This is beautiful.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Last I checked the post has 13 likes. 

So obviously people thought Sammy was a douchebag long before we showed up. Lol.l

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Clueless Outrage Genorator?

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

"No really I was framed!"

Lmao. The thread was locked, the screenshots finally removed, but he just had to jump back in the hole and start digging deeper.

Someone needs to grab all the screenshots of the conversation he staged with Booze to totally prove his innocence for archival purposes, lol.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Fucking hell the faggot is just digging a deeper hole. Lol

Really what he should do is come here and just confront us directly.

But of course like Mara said, he’s too cowardly to actually do that, just like he’s too cowardly to own up to being a shitty person that tries to hide his true nature of being a completely fragile narcissistic faggot.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

In case anybody missed this. Somebody pointed out Jason's hypocrisy and he closed the thread and deleted the post. Resizing is hard for me right now, so apologies if it is to big. If somebody would like to fix it or just delete it that's fine by me.

Here's an imgur link if anyone needs it. Link

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
You're a Goddamn hero, Turnip.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Well done

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
I saw this post right before it vanished. Glad you saved it. It was thoughtful and polite, so of course Jason destroyed it.

What I'm not following...and admittedly, kind of distracted right now and I shouldn't even be messing with my phone....but what was the purpose of editing Mara and Laguz into Sammy's "evidence"? Are they trying to imply they were the ones who originally said that stuff or just providing evidence Booze can edit screenshots within their edited screenshot?

E: oh I see now, it's the latter. They have Jason's icon in one of those too.

Anyway, I don't really have time for this tonight, I can only take White Whine's retardery in small doses even at the best of times. But I'm glad Tevin's taken his pack of anti-CoG "rebels" and gone to make a new server where they can give each other handjobs and bitch about Jason and Rachel in privacy and peace. Tevin's just needs to stop spamming everybody with his pathetic sob stories now and everything's golden.

Sammy will continue being Sammy, lol. I think anyone who's interacted with him knows how he is and will realize what he's doing. A guy who opens conversations by bragging about being a diagnosed narcissist is never as smooth as he thinks.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Why is Jason always so spastic about locking/unlocking threads? Make up your mind, damn.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Here are the individual "screenshots" that Suicidal Sammy posted. I hope they are all in order.

Note also that the person Booze is supposedly interacting with seems to be names Sarah--which is also a name Sammy goes by. I imagine he had an account for her that he's been using, and if I remember correctly, Booze does not go by the same name on CoG as he does in Discord and was not comfortable revealing his username, although I may be wrong on that.

If I am remembering that correctly, it makes Booze an ideal choice, as less likely to rat Sammy out or to object to this plan.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Booze is acting like a GoT character. You'd think a bunch of full time writers would be better at believable dialogue.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Booze doesn't write.

That was his excuse for not joining the contest on IS anyway.

Kind of funny we've got this contest going on that's all about fostering understanding and peace between the sites, and in a lot of way it was actually working....I've chatted with several of COGites entering. And then as usual Jason goes charging in to undo any chance of that by backing Sammy's bs 100%, deleting and suspending left and right and forbidding anyone from questioning it.

This after Sammy has made it clear he wants nothing further to do with CoG as a business and has caused them countless headaches with his attention getting antics.

I'm really curious, even among people who are involved with with community and buying the any of them actually LIKE Jason? All he ever seems to do is be a dick to everyone who would otherwise support him and alienate people.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
I hated him when I was a CoGite. Something really pissed me off about him from day one.

Edit: Just found the bit about *anti-Trump rallies*. He just had to get in that the person who faked the screenshots also supported Trump.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Because this is the thread that just keeps on giving, someone screen shotted this tidbit.

Even Sammy's "friends" don't like him. Can't say I'm surprised.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Oh Exeld. You should've written that 1000 words

Lols aside, it is useful to know CoG just attaches your RL sign up name to things in big bold letters, if I'm reading that right. Especially as I was thinking of making an account to post in the contest thread.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

I think Exeld was just being a retard and had his actual name as visible to everyone. I know whenever I've PMed or others have PMed me over on CoG the whole real name doesn't show up.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Anyhow, this has all been fun. When someone on CoG starts acting the fool I love the festival air of merriment and delight that descends here. But as great as it was for Sammy to give us such an unexpected parting gift, I think it's about time to pack in the circus tents and end the spectating on this current drama, and refocus on reviewing and writing. We've got a more honorable fight with more respectable CoGites to win after all, on the battlefield of Infinite Story.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
The drama involving Sammy has distracted me from writing for two days. It's dangerous. If you or someone you love is suffering from procrastination, call the number on screen right now. You may be entitled to financial compensation.

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago Here's something funny that's related to all this. Tevin up until last night was going around passing his game around to various people, trying to bribe them to act as "character witnesses" or claim the stuff in the screenshots were never said, in exchange for his extremely mediocre writing. I'm not sure if this technically counts as pirating since it is allegedly the full version of a thing HG is publishing, but I think the dashingdon stuff is always free to access anyway? Anyway who gives a shit because 1) it's Tevin 2) it's CoG 3) no one would pay money for this anyway I didn't read much until now aside from just having a chuckle at him naming the setting after himself. But it's 50% funny as a new anecdote in the "rebel" CoGites weasel ways, and 50% because....guys, this is actually above average writing for CoG's shovelware Hosted Games section. Lol. Interesting thing I've come to realize is that despite all the bragging of certain people, aside from a few stand out titles, a game published through HG has all the prestige and about the same level of quality control as getting self published on Amazon. But of course it does provide the opportunity to let Jason unzip and piss on you any time he feels like and make you say you like it, in exchange for what amount to less than a dollar an hour for your time. So there's that! I might come back later and do a review of the first few pages. I have a sneaking suspicion no one's ever taken an honest critical look at this story before, even when it's in the 'literally accepted for publishing' stage.

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago

To Whom It May Concern,

My law office has been contacted by various parties at Choice of Games, and I want you to know that unless this link and all screenshots are taken down in 24 hours, you'll be receving letters from us in the mail regarding your slander, defamation of character, violation of privacy, and stealing of intellectual property. 

I hope this can all be resolved without that step needing to be taken.

Have a nice day. :)


Thomas J Bennett, Paralegal

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago
Man I tell you what, I'm starting to squint really hard at any Dallas IPs I see lately. >Thomas J Bennett, Paralegal Anyway, calm down dude. We're all friends here, I'm sure we can work things out. In fact, we're like family. Can I call you Uncle Tom?

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago
I have a story about my Uncle Tom and his special Chuck E. Cheese pizza

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago
Also: it's not slander! In print it's libel. (Except just repeating things a person does in front of you is obviously neither.) Anyway, I'll look forward to "receving letters". Please have your head lawyer send them as soon as she's fully inflated.

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago

... Oh. OH! Wait, I get it now! I got the joke. I figured it out. Should I tell him now? I feel like there's a more than significant chance it might have taken him longer than this.

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago
State Farm life insurance has been my only pen pal for years. If you could send it with a colored envelope and decorated to make up for my letterlessness, it would really mean a lot.

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago
Kindly link me to your law office, or else I will be forced to assume you are Tevin/Sammy with a fake name.

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago
Sammy's "evidence" was sooo ridiculous, but this makes it look like the work of a genius in comparison. Fake legal threats are so inherently stupid and laughable I almost wonder if even Tevin would be this dumb. It might just be some random troll.

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago
It's Tevin. Of course he's this dumb.

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago

Perfect, I was just looking for legal aid. Do you think your firm could help me with the issue of a couple Miltanks that were stolen from my property? 

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago

You know it's a lawyer you can trust when they post cease and desist orders on internet forums with emojis in the address.

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago

Great game Tevin!

Tevin Betts' Street Jam, Full Version

5 years ago
Maybe ChoiceScript is really hard to use, idk. I'm more upset by the fact he can't tell your from you're.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Honestly when I was first told about this new thread, I didn't actually expect anything to happen in it other than the usual boring shit of him trying to promote his game and act like nothing happened the last time he acted like a douchebag.

Funny to see that there are CoGites with longer memories than a goldfish that won't let him forget how he continues to fuck up. Lol.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Already been said, but two things: 1.) Sammy's phrasing and tone always ring a lot of the same bells Kiel used to. Just that specific combination of passive aggression, being full of oneself, and being a cunt I suppose, while trying way too hard to give the impression of being totally not mad. They even both like to punctuate sentences by typing out, "Sigh." 2.) What is it with people making threads on CoG and then begging for them to be closed the instant they get even slightly challenged by the responses? That and the spastic flagging of anything they don't like regardless of whether it breaks any rules, so that a mod has to waste time on it. It's pathetic.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
I would also like to point out that COG banned WIP progress threads that don't have a demo included. If a person has a game idea and wants to gather interest before making a demo, they go to the designated WIP interest thread. So the thread should have been shut down automatically by their own rules, as Sammy said it was coming soon, but they didn't because favoritism. Gotta love COG.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

I know a few people did bring this up to Eiwynn and Gower (the only two active mods) but evidently being a fast writer with a bunch of WIP means being given special treatment.

I guess there's also no accounting for taste...

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

I don't even remember that.  When did you do that?  As far as I remember, and as far as my moderation inbox tells me, not even one person brought this up to me since the thread was made on 10/4, let alone a few people.


Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

That's sort of but not 100% always the case.  For example, games under contract or part of a series can have threads.  Like my Cakes and Ale game, which is under contract, having a thread, even though I have no demo link.  My sense is that the game under discussion, as part of a series, is fine with its own thread.

Really, the rule is to prevent a ton of abandoned WIP threads without the author putting in a bit of effort to at least slap up a demo.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

But what about having a ton of WIPs that you never finish? I know focusing of a few projects at once can help keep from burning out, but he's also had WIPs for years now that he's always mentioning but never actually writes or finishes.

Just looking through his feed shows at least five games he started and abandoned, at least three of whixh he still says he's actively writing despite not updating anything for close to a year or more. That's some middle school fanfic author level of denial.


I think Sam here is the opposite problem that you're describing: a serial WIP abandoner. He puts in a little bit of efforr then drops it like the hot potato when his next idea grips him, but still continues pointing to his unfinished work as proof of his writing ability when really all it demonstrates is that he has a bad habit of following through.

And before you say it, no I don't think this is similar to other authors losing interest in a game for a few years before coming baxk with something they really like with renewed energy because this guy does it every couple of months, but instead of focusing all his attention like most WIP writers do, he just posts his demo, updates it a few times, then never followw through with it. I think MMM and NNN (terrible names by the way) are the only games he's kept up with, and even NNN he hasn't mentioned in a couple of months...

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

One thread more or less on the forum doesn't really make a huge difference to me one way or the other.  If people want to talk about what he's working on, it doesn't really matter to me.   Why not?

I guess if someone else wanted to put up an un-demoed WIP thread and had a bunch of people who wanted to talk about it, I'd be ok with it too.

Welcome to CYS, by the way!  I assume you're on the CoG Forum as well!  You know my name on there, I guess; what's your CoG name?

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

I guess if someone else wanted to put up an un-demoed WIP thread and had a bunch of people who wanted to talk about it, I'd be ok with it too.

Isn't that the entire reason there's an interest check thread to begin with? Before the megathread people would still talk about the interest check in question in their respective thread, working through their ideas aloud with commenters. Many interest checks would even be promoted to WIPs if they got a half-assed demo before bring unceremoniously abandoned. There wasn't really a dearth of discussion so much as a dearth of followthrough, which I think is emblematic of Sam's way of creating new WIPs.

So why does he get special treatment?

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Pretty much, yeah, that's why there's an interest check thread, as a place to put things that are probably not going to generate much discussion.   But an author who's been published a few times does get some more leeway, I guess.  I don't think there's any super firm rule about it. 

Why do you ask?

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
I think you should only answer his questions if he answers yours.

@trashbag always nice to meet more people who think Sammy is ridiculous, but you look like a giant pussy right now, lol.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
trashbag: *logs out, never heard from again*

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Sometimes I feel like people is all cowards.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
I doubt he ever even complained to Gower or Eiwynn. I can't imagine him mustering the courage to message them with his REAL (fake, internet...) name to express mild disagreement about something.

I'm willing to bet he's someone from the White Whine server.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

I'm not a mediocre writer who thinks Sam is Chtulu's gift to interactive fiction so I wasn't invited to the discord, but thanks for the vote of confidence! I always knew I was a piece of trash.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

I am far from being a Sam supporter as he tried to use me to clean up his shit, like the coward he is. However, being fair,  He had published several games with Hosted label he has provided to the finished works and had several sagas, It is logical that with that track record  He has privileges. A similar situation has been an author like Lucid. 

I see it as logic. And Samuel has many issues to focus on Where he made his post

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Nah, Sammy is a self absorbed cunt and shouldn't be pandered to. I don't know/care what their actual rules are, they should just recognize his attention whoring for what it is and shut it down. Mods have to waste time closing every thread he makes and then he just does it again.

But trashbag is being a cowardly little bitch and I don't approve of those types either.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Alright well I guess I'll throw my two cents in. I don't have an account on COG, always been a lurker, literally made an account on here because to me it's the only community that has any common sense when it comes to Sammy being a bitch and COG being hypocritical about him.

Gower: IDK about this latest WIP thread but I know for a fact that people flagged and complained about Sammy's past threads The Twisted Village and Skeleton's Can't Press Charges for not having a demo and just creating an empty thread. None of those threads ever give any substance to discuss, it's just "I'm working on this new thing called X, give me attention" and there's nothing to get people talking because he hasn't done any work on it yet, and he makes a ton of those threads and we never heard of those WIPs again. Even if you say there's no hard fast rule for it, it seems pretty clear when every new person who breaks the rule gets moved to interest check and one guy who breaks the rule continually is allowed to do so. 

It all adds up to a pattern for COG making allowances for this guy, and I dont get it. COG makes this big deal about having SJW liberal values and creating safe spaces but they're so hypocritical it's sad. A guy openly pretends to be a female to try to get rape in his game and not get criticized for it, is combative as shit, starts drama constantly, cries about getting moved to adult, announces he's 'leaving' and constantly comes crawling back, makes some comments about the COG editor giving another author a rimjob, and literally nothing happens to him? I agree with mizal that he shouldn't be pandered to and I just don't get why he is always babied when some foreign kid who didn't read the rules gets banned on sight for bumping dead threads. Not trying to attack you personally but it seems a lot of people see all this going on and don't get it. 

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
Just pointing out that Jason was the one who deleted the White Whine screenshots where Sammy and Tevin were bitching about Rachel, then let him "defend" himself by putting up the fakes and deleted posts by anyone who responded.

So it looks to me like the answer is Jason?

Why? No fucking idea. He shits on Avery and sabotages her when she's about to publish a story that would've made CoG a lot of money and made us all regard them in a better light, then cuddles up to a self obsessed shit stirrer who can't stop talking about how he's abandoning CoG for another company.

But Jason has a long history of reacting emotionally to things with no regard for professionalism or basic business sense, and so really my best guess is that Sammy is the CoG member who has been most willing to bend over for him in private. All the impotent bitching he does about Jason in the discord while he gets fucked in the ass probably just makes it sweeter.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

But trashbag is being a cowardly little bitch and I don't approve of those types either.

Behold, the cowardly little bitch has returned.

Nah, Sammy is a self absorbed cunt and shouldn't be pandered to. I don't know/care what their actual rules are, they should just recognize his attention whoring for what it is and shut it down. Mods have to waste time closing every thread he makes and then he just does it again.

Thing is, we're in complete agreement here. If Sam can't be banned, fine, whatever, but that doesn't mean he can't be reigned in. I don't remember him being this bad and attention-whorey when I first joined, minus him having his own damn personal thread.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

didn't he have a whole thing where he threatened to kill himself cuz people were mean to him or some shit like that? isn't that why he's called Suicidal Sammy?

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Something that I do wonder, and want to publicly ask to Jason, is why was I banned for a year for "socket puppeting" while Sammy didn't when he openly admitted that the user Sarah, writing NNN, was him all along.

What happened to me was, my second account got deleted, and my real account was banned under the accusation of being a socket puppet account. Which everyone who is not a dumb cunt knows is a pathetic excuse, but regardless, I really want to bring this up in front of the CoG community and she what the sad bitch Jason is comes up with. Most likely delete my comment and then perma ban me, but hopefully there will be people there to see the comment before it gets deleted. 

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Let's be real Meira you have just been banned because you didn't accept being Jason mod in The trans thread so he uses whatever excuse he comes into.

Jason is a  man kid that thing Cog is a toy and everyone has to be his servant. In the moment you said no. you were vetoed .

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

I think it's bullshit that you got banned Meira for having a second account you weren't using for nefarious purposes. Whereas Sammy said:

"I wasn't using my alt account to get around the rules or do anything bad. I was just using it as a pen name." 

Him as "Sarah":


Also he gave this place a shout out, guess everyone who hates him must originate from here. 

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago

Well it just might be the end of this saga at last. Ol' Sammy finally got himself banhammered.

As well as his "feminine" side. (Which is basically just as retarded as his real one.)

What's next for an exiled edgelord? What does the future hold? Well whatever it is, I'm sure it'll make good use of a belt.

And we'll end this sad suicidal saga summing it all up with a similar phrase that my fellow admin Mizal once said about a certain other thinskinned narcissistic asshole.

Suicidal Sammy is a faggot. How it started. How it ended.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

5 years ago
That sum up is very fitting, seeing how I've said before just how much almost every post Sammy makes contains this certain tone and phrasing that reminds me a LOT of Kiel. Must be the heavy seasoning of narcissism and taking oneself far too seriously that invites the comparison.

I'd really love to know what went on there though. I can't buy that they only just now got around to banning him for the Sarah account that Jason gave a special pass to before. Something else happened that was the last straw, surely.

Oh well, I'll miss the the drama fountain, but it's probably for the best to just stop giving Sammy this kind of pretend relevance the way we do here. He's just another not especially talented edgelord with a sob story always handy and a constant craving for attention, and we feed it every time this thread gets bumped.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
This is going to sound out of the blue but I would like to thank this thread for reporting what the fuck happened with Mass Mother Massacre after I saw a Reddit post asking if it was still in development and this thread helped me a lot on answering that dude and that drama was pretty fun, also yes the post was removed by Jason but I saved the comment before it went nuclear so my one hour of writing the comment wasn't lost, yes that's it thanks again thread.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

you've stumbled across the only good interactive fiction website. congrats 

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
I'm like here for 30 minutes and I gotta say, I agree

It's relatively chiller than COG forums from what I'm seeing while COG forums felt weird for some reason

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

We were just laughing about that Reddit post yesterday before Jason's faggot ass deleted it all.

Pretty sure someone took screen shots though, so those will probably get posted here.

There's a whole Hate thread filled this sort of thing and links to the appropriate threads. A lot of it about Cog shenanigans but there's other places as well. 

Hateful Link!

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
No Need for screenshots, I Have it saved up already on my copy-paste in fact lol

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Commended by ISentinelPenguinI on 12/29/2020 7:41:22 AM
Here is what i said on the reddit post

Soo the author didn't put it on the adult's content part and it got removed and according to the forum mods he resented this decision for some reason(Explanation Later on this comment on why he was pissed)
then the author got into some arguments about rape and then he decided to leave the forums and went to another Interactive story forum/website called tales (,

Important Note: I don't know the specifics of what the hell happened but according to some users in the mod post he was pretty chill but both sides were on the wrong according to them, the mod post btw,

Also, he probably hasn't said anything cus he got suspended due to sockpuppets accounts (suspension ends in 2 years)
I think something sketchy happened between him and the COG forum mods and considering the mod post just simplified and didn't said a lot of specifics soo something more must have happened.

I found all the useful info, let me start right away with Sammy just cocksucking Tales, After he told everyone about the gems that tales used gems to make the choices, not a lot of people liked having to pay gems (and also RL money) to do the romance and magic options (to clarify, gems are the website currency that needs actual money to pay to obtain them, and they are used to make choices)
He didn't like it stating that he "prefers getting paid after he did countless hours to works than to care about your way of payment" even though a lot of the people in the thread disliked the gems ideas
Sammy's full response if you are curious:

Now you may ask, why did Sammy leave COG for Tales in the first place? Remember when the mods said Sammy resented them after they changed MMM to adult content? Yeah it was because of a bad relationship between him and mods like I though soo
According to Sammy in his discord, the fault was of Rachel Torez (Aka the one that runs Hosted Games, the place where Sammy was going to launch MMM before being booted out)
With his own words, Sammy calls her an bitch because she nitpicked MMM very tame chapter one but she allowed "Connel's edgelord horse shit that romanticizes rape, sexism, and pedophilia for 375K words straight"

(Important Note: I Have no clue if MMM first chapter was tame since I didn't play it and I don't know who the fuck is Connel)

(Important Note 2: BUT i would like to say that nitpicking does happen in HG/COG, an example of this is the amazing book called, Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost, which wasn't in HG because the author did not have a good relationship Jason aka the owner of HG/COG, I Actually can't explain well what happened but the author did a post on another forum saying what happened between him and HG

The Book

The Author's Response

Back to Sammy Suicide Ride

He later starts shitting on HG and Rachel, Saying she gave a rimjob to Connel as part of his HG contract and said he wrote MMM under a pen name (this is where the sockpuppets accounts came from),
The only problem was that the discord messages got leaked by the amazing Kardymom and was posted on the forums and in the COG discord.

And Sammy Said "Guess il suicide" cus his reputation was now ruined
(Important note: What Sammy Said )

(Important note 2: The Leaks by a beautiful bastard named Kardymom )

(Important note 3: Sammy considers the easy way out )

Sammy is called a little bitch cus he did nothing by a person named Kurio

Sammy later tries to pull out an "I was framed" move and fails miserably:

And this is kind of irrelevant but i should mention anyway, soo in the screenshots thread, a person asked Jason "what are exactly the guidelines for HG/COG since the staff knew that MMM story was offensive but the MMM thread was still allowed to stay up", he later asked if it is company policy to allow the advertisements which the company would be hesitant or outright refuse due to author's standing" after he asks for the clarification and Jason closed the thread and deleted the post due to being called out on his hypocrisy

Here is what he said if you are curious

Anyway Back again to Sammy Suicide Ride
Soo one author by the name of Captainbooze said he was the one that faked the screenshots and he was talking about that to his friend named Sarah (Sarah is Sammy's pen name and CaptainBooze was mentioned to be the one less likely to rat out Sammy and his plan)
Here are the screenshots of the conversation
The Sammy Suicide Ride Continues :
"The Past Bites Sammy in the Ass"

"Brave Sir Sammy ran away,
Bravely ran away, away,
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled,
Yes, brave Sir Sammy turned about,
And gallantly he chickened out,
Bravely taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Sir Sammy!"

Sammy answers some questions and says he was only using his alt account as a "pen name"

Brave Sir Sammy uses a sockpuppet to defend himself

After this, Both Sammy and his Alt Acc are Suspended from the COG forums
and thus this officially marks the end of Sammy Suicide saga
All this info was taken from here :

TL: DR : Both sides were wrong, with Sammy being an incel asshole that cocksucked tales to get money and COG for being pretty hypocritical on this situation

Btw sorry for mentioning the forum, Only said it due to show evidence that this shit actually happend

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

No problem mentioning this place. We already got an infamous reputation in the IF community anyway.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Just Realised i Messed up on Captainbooze and Sammy conversation links, sorry

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Oh good I don't have to organize my screenshots now. I happened to have it up on my phone when somebody said it had been removed, but they were all in the wrong order when I dumped them on imgur. It was like ten screenshots, that was quite the damn textwall but I guess I have to congratulate you on the dedication.

We'll even forgive you for being a furry.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

Wait, what is this Reddit post you speak of?

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

this one, i changed some words to make them have more sense and fixed some grammar

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

Thanks. ^_^

(I do wonder if he's still working on MMM for Tales though. Never heard any more about it after he left COG.)

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Probrably just took the money and ran away, he has gone quiet for awhile now and he had no new blogposts outside of COG or whatsoever, and tales never mentioned anything about MMM soo thats pretty suspicious

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Tales is basically a scam anyway from everything I've heard about it. Or at least not the kind of thing any writer with self respect would want their name attached to. They're nothing like CYS or CoG, they don't want writing so much as two lines of text over an image before some meaningless "choice" for spastic retards, with the whole thing designed for pushing their gem currency.

They're not transparent about how much the games actually make so authors just have to hope they're being honest, and apparently they'll boot people off their own project and put in some third world ghostwriter if it's not coming along in a way they're happy with.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Honesltly i could see Tales just booting Sam out, They dont need to do a lot since he lost all of his fanbase in COG and allmost no one would care,

All they need to do is change the name of the book and some characters and making it more advertisable with less violent options and making every cool/good choice behind gems

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

Can't see anything in there that looks like it might be MMM.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

Well there was one of Sammy's problems right there. He had this delusional belief he had millions of followers.

I mean it's fine to be a narcissisitic asshole as your persona, but when you start believing your own bullshit, you're in for a bad time when it all inevitably comes crashing down.

He didn't even get that right anyway since he'd fluctuate between "I'm the greatest ever!" to "Oh poor me, feel sorry for me. I have mental issues!"

Lol, fag.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Diagnosed with narcissism, poor lad. The world is cruel, and no one understands he's the most important thing in it.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Yeah it turns out there's a CoG subreddit that is much the same as the forum, in that it's completely boring, but if you have good timing you might see some funny drama flare up for a moment before Jason stamps out all mention of it.

Since he's somehow the only mod there, lol. Kind of defeats the purpose of having somewhere outside the CoG forum to discuss CoG things.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

Lol. What the hell is the point of a CoG reddit when people can just talk about CoG stuff in the CoG forums?

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Well in their case I'd assume the point would be to hang out in a less heavily moderated environment, but it kind of defeats the purpose if Jason is running it.

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago

Exactly. :p

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Only reason to be there is it due to being less moderated than the forum, but the sub is mostly just Wayheaven Chronicles, Samurai of Hygua, and Tally Ho/Jolly Good Cakes and Ale posts soo not a lot to see and do

Sammy's Suicidal Saga

4 years ago
Tally Ho and Cakes and Ale are actually good and discussion of it should not occur alongside those other games for degenerates.

Gower actually did a let's play of Tally Ho for us here, I keep trying to make time to play Cakes and Ale.