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Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

Know I said that I wouldn't post here any more, but someone edited my post from "Why I hate Dark Fantasy but love Dark Fantasy video games" to "In time, you will know the extent of my failings". This person who did this was not me. Seriously, if this is the behaviour of one of the moderators on this site, is it any wonder I left? I've never insulted anyone here before, but that is genuinely pathetic. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

Replying to this comment before somone edits it. AGAIN.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

Well if you actually knew any fucking thing about Dark Fantasy games, you would have known it was a fucking quote from Darkest Dungeon which I mentioned in the goddamn thread. (Which I obviously was keeping alive since it was a perfectly fine theme)

Seemed pretty appropriate given the topic and you said you were leaving, but okay fuck you too then.

I hate Dark Fantasy but love Dark Fantasy Games

3 months ago

I'm sorry. I'm genuinely feeling somewhat distressed at the moment. I shouldn't have reacted that way, I just came back to check up on everything and it all just came as a shock. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

It's a quote from a famous dark fantasy game you ninny  

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
But... you didn't leave

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
Lol fag

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

So I'm guessing Mizal called it in the other forum?

Also, I like this new post title better. You've been here for years dude. You know how the forums work.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
Darkest dungeon ancestor quotes are iconic as hell. He's the dude who says: "Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer". So much of darkest dungeon's atmosphere is augmented by his random quips.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
The intro scene narration alone sold me on the whole game back when that was the only detail I knew about it.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
I don't even like turn-based games and it somehow ended up in my steam library XD.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

Your parents failed you by not beating you enough.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
Many such cases, very sad!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
1) you didn't leave
2) you weren't insulted
3) the reason cited for pretending to leave was completely unrelated
4) scandalized shock and indignance at a title being edited is for 12 year old noobs.
5) Making fun of noobs who do this has been a sitewide passtime for probably a decade now.

You really did just come back in less than a week from a fake exit to put the biggest kickme sign possible on your own back, this is a little painful.

Realistically, you might want to step back from the forum a bit; your writing contributions have alwayd been appreciated, but lately you seem compelled to make threads drawing attention to yourself and then get rattled when that's what happens. You've been on the site for years and never seemed to have any issue, not sure if anything else is going on but just feels like you might be a little too sensitive to stuff right now.

6) if you can read "the true extent of my failings" quote and not hear the spoken words echoed in your mind, then man, you REALLY may not be able to say you like grimdark games. :(

Was there any specific one you had in mind, I noticed you did not give any examples. (Although the rest of the game discussion that got split to a new thread might be a better location, this one has been given a new designation.)

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
it would be in flutters best interests to take a break from the forums, or even the site as a whole if it generates negative emotions for him. Some people require a higher degree of sensitivity at times, especially when they're expressing beliefs core to their identity, evidently you won't get that sensitivity here. I think what hurt flutter was the dismissiveness of some comments made, I'm sure he's fine with jokes too when those jokes aren't just masking what they really think about him. That's just the site culture I guess though. Can't say I find the lack of sensitivity and empathy some have for him endearing though. Just hope flutters knows there will be communities or people out there that will have a more balanced approach to him.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

Well, CYS can be caring too. But he's kinda spiraling right now and that seems like something he should reach out to real people about. This is a great community, but if you have something you don't want made fun of... don't tell us. There are plenty of different sites that have cultures more accommodating to that.

And honestly we'd probably be more sympathetic if he didn't keep acting like he didn't expect this. He keeps drawing a target directly on his forehead and then acting like he expected someone to scrub it off for him instead of taking their shot. 

Not gonna lie, you've kinda been headed down a similar path recently... that is to say, drawing attention to yourself and then not being fully able to deal with the kickback. You've been handling it a lot better than flutter: not posting as much, only occasionally taking a dig at the site culture. But please don't start a vigilante "stand up for the weak" campaign.

I really hope you don't let all this get to you. There's not another site like this on the internet— it would be a waste to back away from that because someone hurt your feelings.

I've dealt with my share of hazing and ridicule, and it's actually still fun if you just accept it as it is. I can enjoy being on both sides of the pinata party.

I like flutter. I hope he stays, even if he has to take a break first. I think he has a very unique standpoint on a lot of things and is going through (like you said) a bit of a sensitive time. But CYS isn't here for therapy, especially the forums. We're here to write and have fun.

Moral of the story, don't go posting in a public forum known for being merciless looking for mercy.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
I agree with what you said, I also agree with Mizal that it would have been healthier for flutter to be more comfortable with his beliefs being challenged and being open to debating and discussing them, that's always healthy. It's more so the personal jabs that Mizal pointed out that I'm talking about. If that's the site culture, fine. I don't seek to change it even if I don't agree with it. I'm obviously a guest here.

I don't think I'll be fully leaving the site any time soon, and I especially wouldn't make a thread exclaiming so if I did, but I probably won't be talking in the forums anymore except for thunder domes or If I feel like I have something truly substantive to add to a discussion.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
I'm not sure about "dismissiveness", I know there were a few but what I mostly saw was genuinely interested people making and backing up their arguments and wading in to lay down thousands of words in honest debate.

He was not willing to engage with them in any real way, and kept trying to sidestep it all, and that after putting the spotlight on himself and his theories front and center with that thread. I really don't understand how Sent writing a respectful and on topic 3500 word post can be almost entirely glossed over with barely any effect, but a couple of short jabs from Malk and that's it, THAT'S what matters, time for a goodbye thread.

The tone definitely soured when people started to feel like they (and thousands of years of human history, art, and culture that can be very significant and personal) were being dismissed by him. "Anything you say only makes me righter and I will blithely contradict any number of my own previous statements to prove it, I'm not even going to acknowledge most of your points, and also it's actually pretty weird you're trying to debate me on my supporting arguments, none of those affect my conclusions silly! :P"

That is just suicide in a debate, it came off as disrespectful and threw all the serious effortposters into no longer giving a fuck mode and more or less killed the thread. I don't think it was intentional on fluttershy's part, but it was just kind of a facepalm moment reading over that. And making another thread to change the subject immediately after riling people up with that just happened to not work out.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
As a noob, I feel like I don't really mind CYS being the way it is because most people here tend to speak their mind freely without sugarcoating stuff. If I shared my stories to relatives or friends, they'd mostly smile and say "Good job!" even if the story was trash. Truth being valued over politeness is honestly kind of refreshing and, in my opinion, valuable for people who want to hone their craft. I'd like both truth and politeness of course but if I had to pick one then it'd be truth.

I'm not really comfortable enough to share my deep personal views because I suppose I'm still a little intimidated by everyone. But at the same time, I want to stay a while longer and get to the level where I too can talk freely here.

Even if I never get the courage to do that, I still want to stick around to get honest reviews for my stories.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

Good job on this post!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
Thanks :]

...wait a second. -_-

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
Most of the time, Thara hits people over the head with blunt hammers and then saws them wide open with a rusty chainsaw, but every once in a while she employs subtlety, killing you with a poisoned apple instead

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

We value your opinions!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
Thanks, but I have as much of a place in a philosophical debate as a medieval peasant does. I'll chime in when I think I have something valuable to say, otherwise I'm pleading the fifth XD

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago

How come no one ever thinks I'm being sarcastic T-T

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
I swear, this thread is going to give me trust issues. ToT

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
Honest reviews are always fine and appreciated.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
Indeed. I'm just saying that if you are struggling to be polite and honest at the same time, then it's okay to do away with the politeness temporarily :]

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 2

3 months ago
Well that escalated.