A very healthy attitude?
If you made a comment about someone's character, even if it was true, this person would be allowed to penalize you or even get you outlawed. To the Norse, reputation was everything, not truth.
I'm also curious as to what you define specifically as "junk" information. Because I've noticed that whenever you've discussed what people should be staying away from, you tend to not expand on what people should be avoiding.
And yes, you have given the reason of "not wanting to direct them to these things" but to be honest, if you will not explain the difference between what people should consume vs. not consume, it's a bit pointless to make these statements. For example...
Person A: "Hey, stay away from this guy."
Person B: "Uh, what guy?"
Person A: "Can't tell you. I don't want you to seek him out."
Person B: "Then how am I supposed to avoid him?"
You see? Jesus Christ gave people clear examples of what was good vs. what was evil, and he understood that it would ultimately be up to humanity to decide what they wanted to do. By being vague about what exactly it is people should refrain from, you're not actually convincing anyone to stay away from it or making any type of impact.