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Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

One thing that does genuienly worry me about the modern world is how much "junk" information we are all exposed to. I want you to imagine your mind as a garden and information (words, videos, stories) as plants. Of course, you need good plants like flowers and trees, but you need to be very, very careful which plants you select. Because if you start putting just any old plant into your garden you'll find it will get chocked with weeds pretty quickly, and the whole thing will die. The same is true of information. Mindlessly scrolling through social media is essentially taking random seeds and constantly throwing them around your garden. The whole thing's going to die if you do that. The Norse had a very healthy attitude to words, in that they literally held them sacred and throwing around "junk" information was actually seen as a serious crime. I think people should consciously think through what they're going to read, or if they absolutely must, listen to, before they do it. Whatever you choose to read or think about, I think that at the very least people should make a conscious, thought through decision before they do that. I think it is very dangerous to allow algorithms or social media platforms determine what you think about. We all have a limited number of things we can read or listen to in our lives, we shouldn't be wasting them.

To quote Arthur Schopenhauer

The art of not reading is a very important one. It consists in not taking an interest in whatever may be engaging the attention of the general public at any particular time. When some political or ecclesiastical pamphlet, or novel, or poem is making a great commotion, you should remember that he who writes for fools always finds a large public. A precondition for reading good books is not reading bad ones — life is short.

(To anyone wondering, for the time being I have sadly dropped the "eccentric, whimsical yet somehow endearing" brony persona, and thankfully have shaken off the "END IS NIGH!" Preacher persona. I actually much, much prefer being the "whimsical brony", I honestly wish I could be like that all the time and frankly I think the world needs more people like that, not just me. But there are times when you have to be serious as well.)

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

A very healthy attitude?

If you made a comment about someone's character, even if it was true, this person would be allowed to penalize you or even get you outlawed. To the Norse, reputation was everything, not truth.

I'm also curious as to what you define specifically as "junk" information. Because I've noticed that whenever you've discussed what people should be staying away from, you tend to not expand on what people should be avoiding.

And yes, you have given the reason of "not wanting to direct them to these things" but to be honest, if you will not explain the difference between what people should consume vs. not consume, it's a bit pointless to make these statements. For example...

Person A: "Hey, stay away from this guy."

Person B: "Uh, what guy?"

Person A: "Can't tell you. I don't want you to seek him out."

Person B: "Then how am I supposed to avoid him?"


You see? Jesus Christ gave people clear examples of what was good vs. what was evil, and he understood that it would ultimately be up to humanity to decide what they wanted to do. By being vague about what exactly it is people should refrain from, you're not actually convincing anyone to stay away from it or making any type of impact.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

1. Obviously, the Norse did not have a very healthy attitude on everything when it comes to making comments. But for the purposes of a discussion surrounding "taking words seriously" vs. "not taking them seriously", the analogy is absolutely apt.

2. The distinction between "choosing to read a book on a topic" vs. "mindlessly scrolling through social media" seems to me to be an extremely obvious and important one. Again, for the purposes of this discussion, I'm not going to get into debates with me arguing exactly what topics people should or should not consume. It's why I've completely logged out of all my other accounts on every other social network, so that the algorithm does not dictate what I think about.


As for "making any type of impact", oh believe me, I think I know how to make an impact on people. It's just that I really, really do not want to do it again. I made this post because I genuinely think it might help and if it doesn't have any effect on you, maybe you don't need it, but that doesn't mean that's true for everyone.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

Any type of meaningful argument for or against something is going to have examples of what to be for/against.Otherwise it's not a discussion, it is a vague allusion. 

An yes, there is a difference between reading a book and mindlessly scrolling, but you also stated that people should be extremely selective about what they read, to the point where you posted a quote about not choosing to read books that are "bad" for you. But you're not explaining how or what it is that is the problem exactly. 

This is why people get annoyed, flutter. You made these long posts and statements that ultimately say nothing at all, then evade any type of clarification while acting as though these statements are going to change anyone's mind.

This is literally the EXACT thing you were doing while you were manic, and I'm not fully convinced that you aren't still.

See a psychiatrist flutter. Please.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

If I'm upsetting people, I'll stop. I seem to be very good at doing that, lately.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

We just want you to see a doctor and get better. I know you have real world commitments, but it should only take a few hours to book and attend an appointment.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago
This is a little funny because you seem to spend a LOT more time on the internet than most people here, and in ways that have not been healthy for you, Flutter.

I hope you're spending at least some of that time copying over your stories anyway. Sherb and Sent made all these exceptions to help you out with that using a very glitchy area of the site, and you seem to be just kind of spastically fucking around for entire days at a time.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

"This is a little funny because you seem to spend a LOT more time on the internet than most people here, and in ways that have not been healthy for you, Flutter."


Indeed. So I think I probably understand what I'm talking about in this regard more than most.


"I hope you're spending at least some of that time copying over your stories anyway. Sherb and Sent made all these exceptions to help you out with that using a very glitchy area of the site, and you seem to be just kind of spastically fucking around for entire days at a time."

Believe it or not, I do have real world commitments. Making a few random forum posts is one thing, but once those real-world things are done (and they will be done soon), of course I will get around to the stories.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago
Ehhhh, I'm going to go with 'not', given how you spent the last couple of months not seeming to have intetacted much with reality.

>a few random forum posts

It was about 60 you made a couple of days ago.

Anyway, just in general I think your attempts at giving advice would go over a lot better if you had your own life a bit more together first. You're setting a terrible example right now by refusing to see a doctor, actually, and when you're over there going on about your unique, holistic, homebrew, personalized understanding of the history, science, religion, and philosophy, the problem with "and this is how you learn to be like me" is that, to be blunt, right now absolutely nobody wants that.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

I wasn't expecting to have a full manic religious breakdown. It's not that I'm refusing to see a doctor, it's that I genuinely have real world commitments that I have been seriously neglecting due to the aforementioned breakdown.


" "and this is how you learn to be like me" is that, to be blunt, right now absolutely nobody wants that. "

Thank you for that, and I mean that very sincerely. Because after that manic breakdown I just had, I am trying quite hard to think about things that make me sad to try and cool everything down. And that is one of the things that actually does make me very sad, because the reason I can't interact with anyone in real life or online is that I know, deep down, that nobody really wants to be like me.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago
You're just going to keep making threads, and at this point the only responses you're going to get are from people who are

1) tired of this shit
2) tired of this shit but still trying to be vaguely nice or constructive about it

I don't know why you think this is something that can be put off. You do so much reading online but apparently just ignore anything about your own condition.Genuinely I hope you slip and shatter a femur or something at this point so you end up in front of a medical professional of some kind without any way to put it off or make excuses.

But I also know I'm literally wasting my time talking to you right now and that nothing anyone says will any impact. You even burned out Fresh's will to make big concerned effortposts pleading with you, that's impressive.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

... That's not a bad thing. I highly doubt anybody wants to be like me either. I wouldn't want anybody to aspire to be like me. Most people are happy to just be themselves.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

I know I'm being a bit sharp with everyone here, but this topic does really make me sad because I wasted some of my life doing this, and I really don't want to see it happen to anyone here.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago
You say you don't want that to happen to anyone here, yet you won't be clear about what it is you think people should avoid, or even what they should be paying attention too. If you feel responsibility should your merest mention of a topic or genre lead someone astray, do you not have a responsiblity for highlighting the things they should be consuming?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

I think people should choose topics for themselves that they are interested in, and rather than unconsciously subscribe to forums or online videos guided by algorithms to manipulate their interest, people should read books or at least look up these things manually rather than unconsciously listen or consume them.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

Let me guess... You subscribed to a bunch of MLP fan forums and found nothing but porn?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

I spend pretty much 0% of my time scrolling through social media, so I think I'm safe. ^_^

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago
Comparing "junk information" to weeds is pretty retarded, imo. The top three weeds that come to my mind are pokeweed, dandelions, and kudzu. Most parts of kudzu are edible. Same with dandelion. Young pokeweed shoots are edible after boiling multiple times to break down the poisons, and the berries (do not eat the seeds) can be made into jelly or used as a dye. Even weeds that don't have any uses for humans provide food and shelter for insects and other animals. Actually, I'd say monocrops and a lack of biodiversity are more of a threat than weeds. I understand you're chronically online and haven't went outside in quite a while, but why do you hate nature so much? (Btw, a weed, by definition, is a wild plant growing where it isn't wanted. So, if someone throws those seeds all over their garden, they want those plants growing there which means they aren't weeds.) Anyway, have you considered there is no such thing as "junk information," and there might only be mindless consumption of information? Blatantly dismissing any information as "junk" for whatever reason is only good for creating echochambers as far as I'm concerned. Shit, I could dismiss anything you post as "junk information" just because of how stupid, misinformed, and outright wrong they are. But, by all means, keep ignoring that "junk information" you can't twist to fit into your own metaphorical monocrop. Err, I mean, how dare these algorithms show me content related to things I enjoy! Obviously they should only be showing me things the odorous brony approves of! Where's my herbicide?! I need to put an end to this Satanic Pan-ic devilry!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

Uhh... I don't know. Depends what he means by "junk information". I mean, if he's talking about, "Obama is the anti-christ", "Covid isn't real", "Vaccines give you autism", "The world is flat", "Climate change is a hoax", "5G gives you cancer" and "The Sandy Hook school shooting never happened", then yeah, "junk information" is very much a real thing. :p

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago
The works of Homer and other Satanic literature, which are dangerous, should be censored, and can drive people insane with overexposure!

The problem is that Flutter makes a lot of broadly generic statements here that people already generally agree with, but the specifics he's already shared are so bizarrely off kilter it makes it hard to take any of the rest of it seriously.

Statements like "mindlessly consuming social media is unhealthy" or just the general idea of not marinating in things that are toxic are not revolutionarily unique epiphanies that need to be urgently preached to save the community. Most people here don't do this to begin with and are capable of some degree of critical thinking. But the subtext is still "Careful exposing yourself to the products of an acoustic society! Oh, and nothing past 2020, try living in a parallel universe and viewing everything through the silly, whimsical lens of MLP: FiM to maintain sanity."

I mean, just look at the "if you absolutely MUST" as a caveat to listening to things in the OP. He's still unnerved about the dangerous disorganizing panic effect of hearing words spoken instead of reading them, that's not a thing for absolutely anyone else but it's still the underlying basis of any thread coming from him about types of information that should be avoided.

So we already know the actual things he's warning against here. But at the same time, if it's taken at face value as this general and generic "junk information and algorithms bad" type of thing, than I agree with Iris.

Is anything we disagree with junk? How do we know we disagree with it until we read it? And you don't have to accept something as fact or be swayed by it just because you read it either. Critical thinking is key there. Can't just be declaring things Satanic without even knowing what's in them.

Algorithms aren't "deciding" anything for you, you don't have to mindlessly click and consume unless "hey here's another popular thing with the same tags as the things you already like" looks like something that genuinely interests you. They can funnel people towards good things just as well as harmful ones, they're just a tool. Turning them off is fine too though and also not particularly unique, it's literally just clicking a checkbox that says not to use personalized info.

And again, I don't think most people here are as terminally online as Flutter has been or have experienced these helpless overwhelmed feelings that seem to be the source of a lot of the anxiety and general weirdness he's been spouting.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

19 days ago

Algorithms, as a general trend, might show some good things and some bad things, but the general trend overtime is towards "bad" things, because "panic" just is an easy way to get peoples' attention. I honestly believe that interacting with algorithms, at all, is bad. This, as with everything I am saying, is a long-term kind of thing, because statements like "They can funnel people towards good things just as well as harmful ones, they're just a tool." show me that you're clearly not considering the long term effects of such things. 

And I think Iris is a perfect example of what happens to people who think like this. The blatant, pointless nitpicking which shows me he does not understand even the most basic concept of "metaphor" or "allegory" , the casual mean-spirited insults. Genuinely, the reason why I post this is because I do not want people to turn into this sort of thing. But of course, at this point, I'm just glad I have absolutely, positively changed some peoples' lives for the better, and that I am directly responsible for creating a world with fewer people like Iris in it. My conscience is clear at last, thank God.

"How dare the algorithm show me things I enjoy!" It will slowly, imperceptibly turn everything you enjoy to rot. 

Just, read my Gazette interview when it comes out and watch this video here from someone who understands what I'm talking about ( )

I don't think I will be visiting the forums much anymore, you'll all be happy about that. It's like, I actually do enjoy quite a bit of the mocking and insults, like EndMaster's and especially Mizal's because I do think they are actually quite eerily insightful. But people like Iris...this is just levels of utterly infantile brainrot that I can't deal with. And when a brony is calling you "infantile", then you know something is seriously wrong. It's people like him that make me feel like a babysitter, and make me say things like I did before, really, it is.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

19 days ago
You know, you never have answered the questions of who all these people are that you gave the life changing experience to.

But I see you're shifting back to the sneering superiority phase now. I mean if you really want to go there, Iris has accomplished more in her life than you ever will and also dealt with more real, actual shit than you ever have sitting in front of your little dancing pastel ponies until you went insane. You're being an obnoxious cunt in ways you'll never gave any idea of because you are a blithering imbecile spouting every chaotic thought that flitters through your precious little sugar spun skull. And once again making these hilariously pretentious, all encompassing snap judgments of the lives of others because they got a little sick of your shit on an internet forum you wouldn't shut up on.

Please do take that opportunity to post less. If you're comtinuing to have trouble sticking to these promises, the mods will help you.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

19 days ago

Iris is a chick. So definitely not a brony.

A pegasister, maybe. But not a brony.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

19 days ago

I think flutter is supposed to be the brony in this scenario.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

17 days ago
Well, geez, I'm sorry my autism was triggered by your metaphor. Nevermind that I have experience with vegetable gardening and have complex feelings toward monocrops, biodiversity, and the destruction of the environment. If you'd have asked I would've told you information is closer to junk food and baked goods than weeds. Not inherently bad, depending on how much you consume and whatnot, but it is designed to be addictive. What part of my post did you find insulting? My tongue-in-cheek Satanic Pan-ic comment? Well, that was partially a jab at you for equating a god associated with nature to Satan. Was it when I asked you why you hate nature? Still waiting on answer for that one, by the way, because a lot of your posts have led me to believe you do actually hate nature. Was it where I said your posts are stupid, misinformed, and outright wrong? Please note, I did not say you were stupid, misinformed, and outright wrong. Or, is it because I don't take you seriously? It's pretty hard for me to take someone seriously when they have some off-the-wall beliefs that they refuse to elaborate on or outright ignore questions and criticisms that get brought up. It's quite bold of you to assume you know anything about me. I really could make a list, but I have no interest in doing so. You haven't earned that kind of effort from me. Anyway, I have no concern over what algorithms put in my social media feeds simply because I have the freedom to choose what I watch and read. So far, watching what those nasty algorithms throw at me haven't turned the things I enjoy into "rot," and have only fed my passion for said things. I've discovered things I never would have known existed before thanks to those evil algorithms (like optical glass sculptures, and another one). I know you've been online, before this point, and had plenty of time to think about what you wanted to say. The fact that you had plenty of time to think of how you wanted to respond and still chose to respond this way, tells me everything I need to know. Despite whatever you might think, I have no interest in being unnecessarily cruel to anyone, especially you since you clearly need help. But, I am not your doctor and you are not my patient; I'm not your mother either. As far as I'm concerned, I'm being much nicer to you than I was being to Crimson and have been to Cel. But, that doesn't mean your bullshit antics are any less irritating than theirs. As for this:
Look, if you're going to go with the infantile, childish, brainrot insults, at least use the word "malodorus", not "odorous". "Odorous" is clearly a neutral term, not technically a term of insult. See? I've educated you now, for free! I don't expect thanks, but this does help to increase my karma and that's reward enough for me.
Maybe you did reap some good karma from "educating" me, but I would guess bragging about it would reap just as much, if not more, bad karma. But, I think Sent is right. I was probably thinking of odious. :)

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

17 days ago
I think you misunderstood, he wasn't trying to insult you by calling you childish and infantile. Childishness was a point of pride for him in another recent post, that's how you enter into Heaven.

But, hmm. Babies and children are notably stupid and exist in a half animal state, which is evil, like Satan/Pan. So with that and the brainrot comment I think he was saying you're stupid, like a Satanic baby, which is the only way to gain Jesus's approval.

It all makes sense.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

17 days ago
Anyway, I thought you had good points here, but you're responding to the fluttershy of at least two personalities ago so I'm afraid you missed the boat. One of the pitfalls of having other interests I guess. And employment.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

16 days ago
Employment and interests, that's what my problem is! That's what makes me a childish, infantile, brainrotted... man? Well, I guess by some mens' standards, whose names I shall not name (Cel, Crimson, and Flutter), I'm supposed to be meek and unobtrusive if I'm actually a woman. (The real point of this post is to share this, which I have discovered through occult algorithms and black magic. You can tell this is evil because the woman making these sculptures is speaking the devil's language. For real though, I love the way the artist talks about her work, and the way the other woman talks about the piece. I can only wonder if something like this would work in a cold glass technique like in Jon Kuhn's and Jack Storms's works.)

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

16 days ago
Thank you for sharing this video! I wish I came across this sooner, it was really good.

I thought it was really beautiful. As a kid, I've always loved watching the leaves change colors, but I never thought you could turn it into art like this. I mean, sure you could paint it, but this is some crazy stuff.

The music was really calming too. Plus, there was like an ASMR-like quality to this video, it just felt so relaxing.

I enjoyed this video, and like you said, the artist is very passionate about her work. I can't believe she has to hand-thread those slivers of gold, crazy stuff.

I liked hearing the scientific aspect of it, I didn't know glass work involved this much experimentation. But I guess ti makes sense since she's the only person in the modern age capable of doing this technique, so naturally she has to tweak the kiln temperatures and stuff.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

16 days ago
I'm surprised that gold that delicate can hold its shape in the heat needed for glass, don't really know much about glassworking though other than that it looks cool.

Being the only artist in the world to have worked with a technique or with a specific medium must feel pretty awesome though, and the story about her inspiration was very wholesome.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

Pretty sure everything Briar mentioned Flutter believes in anyway.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago
Personally, I wouldn't consider any of that "junk information" since it says a lot about the person saying those things, and the ones who believe those things. I feel like junk implies there's nothing to be gained, but I guess it all comes down to personal opinion.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

19 days ago

Look, if you're going to go with the infantile, childish, brainrot insults, at least use the word "malodorus", not "odorous". "Odorous" is clearly a neutral term, not technically a term of insult.

See? I've educated you now, for free! I don't expect thanks, but this does help to increase my karma and that's reward enough for me.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

19 days ago
Nothing to see here folks, move along, we've met this personality before.

"Junk" information

19 days ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 1/21/2025 9:45:59 AM

Flutter. Lord of the Rings is on the banned books list for promoting witchcraft, paganism, and Satanism.

My Little Pony has been criticized by many Christian groups for magic and featuring LGBQT characters.

Yet... if they see it as junk, does that mean you have to?

What you define as "junk information" isn't what other people perceive as junk. You believing that you have an improved viewpoint and wider field of study over theologians who have spent decades studying their religion and society... well, increased ego is a sign of mania. 

"Junk" information

19 days ago
It's wild how much Ben's posting has improved in comparison to others.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

19 days ago
If you're going to describe yourself as malodorous, don't you think it's time for a shower?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

19 days ago

She might be thinking of "odious"

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

19 days ago

I think you've hit the nail on the head for what I was going to say in far too many words for this particular thread topic, actually. A lot of information is pretty neutral in its alignment and quality, and input of significant depth needs to be engaged with digestion and application of similar or even greater depth in order for that information to really be worth something in the mind of its recipient. It's part of why I've intentionally avoided discussing these ideas with so-called "thought narcotics" and such even though I don't think what he's diagnosed about them is a real thing as much as it is his personal icks bleeding into his idiosyncratic philosophy. I find it exceedingly ironic that Flutter is willing to draw a line around information-- Not specifically false, just "bad", poor quality, contrived-- as something to be avoided, when much of the intended audience, if given the choice to draw that line, would rule out a lot of the storytelling he's used to reverse-engineer his version of Christianity as "junk information" themselves. It's a strange time to play the elitism card.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago


Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago
I guess people really can get desensitized to anything.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

More like... "THE END IS NEIGH!"

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6

20 days ago

I really liked this one.