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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

I do not feel comfortable being associated with a site where one of the admins is allowed to psychologically abuse members of the site, accuse them of "pedophillia" and have it all laughed off as a "joke". Nor do I appreciate blatant attempts at psychological manipulation and flattery from such people. This is utterly revolting, shameful behaviour and I want nothing more to do with any of it.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Didn't you already leave like three times? Why wouldn't you do this the first time? If the site is so detestable stop coming back to the forums to whine about it.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

also lol fag

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Because unlike you I actually have concerns about basic morality.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Having concerns about morality has nothing to do with it. You don't like the site, you complain about the site, you don't get a response you want, you leave, rinse and repeat. You're accomplishing nothing

I have unpublished all my stories

27 days ago
We know your feelings on the site, you made that pretty clear several threads ago. His question was why you keep coming back.

This is a nutshell demonstration of exactly why you have gained an unflattering reputation for passive aggressively dodging questions. I don't even know what to say at this point, you really should've just stopped posting ages ago when you said you were going to.

I mean I assume it's the bipolar shit that compells you to keep returning to dig yourself deeper so I'm trying not to hold any of this or any of your other intensely weird paranoia stuff against you, but I am so over trying to do any kind of damage control or making excuses for you when you are either unwilling or unable to stop being a clown waving your ass around on a public forum. And ultimately turned out to be weirdly petty and malicious behind the scenes.

The autism is not quite so endearingly wholesome anymore, and I'm not sure what kind of leverage you thought you were holding against everyone with this handful of fanfics, but okay, you got it out of your system now I hope and can move on with your life.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
He has gained a superstitious terror of Malk, noted Satanist, reading his stories which would allow him to do...something? And keeps coming around the site to smear him to everyone else while portraying himself as a victim.

Reading world renowned classic literature is also evil or something, honestly I don't know, we're all a little tired of this though so this is probably for the best. Maybe some wisdom and peace will be gained during this fourth attempt at leaving.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Still hilarious that he believes that Malk has attempted to "flatter" him in ANY sort of way seeing as Malk's never come close to doing so.

A prime example of the bronie seeing shit that doesn't exist.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

When people tell you your story has reconverted them to Christianity and changed their lives positively, it becomes really, really difficult to give a single solitary care what anyone else thinks about you. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

So what? I've had people say they've been brought out of depression after reading my stories, or inspired to be an actress, or inspired them to do a bunch of other positive things.

You're not some unique snowflake in that regard.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

It's cute that you think those things are equal to what I've accomplished, it really is. Honestly, I'm not even angry at most of you, I think all of you are quite sweet in a way, because you put on a big charade with your Deimatic behaviours when none of you really have a clue. I'm not saying this to insult or patronise anyone, I genuinely find all of you somewhat adorable, even Malk in a way. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

It's cute that you keep coming back after claiming you're leaving.

Sounds like you're suffering the sin of Pride since you're under the delusion that you're somehow right in all this when you've actually been the one on the attack the whole time. You're sitting here bragging about how you saved someone which isn't really a proper thing to do, since saving someone should be its own reward rather than getting some sort of "applause" for it. (Which of course we don't have any proof of, but so what right?)

Well you know what they say pride go before the fall or whatever. And you sure have fallen hard, looks like Malk corrupted you too.

Oh well. Lol.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Well, it's all true. "Truth is beauty and beauty truth", and all that. :D

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Commended by EndMaster on 1/13/2025 5:55:37 PM

You didn't accomplish anything except proving that you're a non-learning idiot. Seriously, claiming moral superiority when you don't have anything to back it up with is becoming irritating at this point. Even if your story somehow converted people, it's not something you use to boast about or smugly claim to be better than everyone else (Matthew 23:12, Ephesians 2:8-9).

You're acting like a Pharisee, pretending to be all self-righteous and playing the victim/ martyr, and using your own version of Christianity to justify your behaviour. Then you go around acting as if you're the sole arbiter of right and wrong. It's people like you who irk me the most: pretending to do something in the name of religion and giving it a bad rep. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

If I could commend this, I would.

Someone please, for the love of God, commend Mystic for their post.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Commended by EndMaster on 1/13/2025 10:11:01 PM
Thank you for this. I'm a Christian too which is partly why this person annoyed me so much in the other thread. I'm not as educated on it as I should be so I try not to debate on it or anything, but it bothered me seeing him just making up complete nonsense with nothing backing it up and acting like everyone else was wrong for questioning it.

fluttershy if you're reading this, try reading the Bible like any other book, look at what the words are saying and stop trying to twist them to mean what you want them to mean. And they're not something for you to use to try to snottily make yourself look better than everyone else.

You could also clean up a little around you, take a shower, go outside, maybe look another human in the eye. No offense but these all seem like things you don't do very often and maybe that's part of the problem. See if you can go a day without watching a video or using social media.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

24 days ago
Some minor inquiry into why British men are all depressed whiny incel faggots now suggests you might be righter than you know here. I'm not a medical expert or a psychologist any more than Flutter is of course, I can just halfassedly search on the internet for these revelations the same way he does. But "just go outside, nigga" (as Thara would say) might be a key part of the solution here. I always knew Vitamin D deficiency caused depression, but didn't realize it had such a strong link to actual schizophrenia. All of you on this fog-shrouded isle or in other similarly miserable locations: step away from the screen and experience sunlight. You might have to work a little harder to account for climate, but people used to be able to figure this out. Take a pill if nothing else. Historians are going to facepalming at our society the way we do about the Romans eating lead. And this is even worse because we actually already fully understand what the results are, and still have a whole generation of depressoid males who are at the biological peak of their lifespan but just can't bring themselves to pause the cartoon ponies or creepily sexualized cartoon children for ten minutes a day to do anything about it.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

24 days ago

I love that your advise to depressed, British men is to go outside and get some sunlight... It's BRITAIN! What is this "sunlight" you speak of?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
I edited my post to include the possibility of taking a vitamin or something instead, for people who live in dreary, terrible, soul-crushing places. But I'm confident this is still the most insane, weird, controversial, risky, potentially deeply offensive, spiritually serious, scientifically upending, philosophically inspired, personal, politically charged and mind-melting medical advice anyone will ever receive.

Mostly though, the presence or non presence of the sun can only be verified if it's checked for during traditional daylight hours at least once every 24 hours. I'm not convinced that's happening either.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
Or you know, just not being Bri*ish is also a good suggestion!

Pretty telling that Will, happiest Englishman alive, accomplished this by fleeing to China.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago

Ah! That's the solution! I do see a lot of depressed British incels suggesting that moving to Asia would improve their lives significantly, but funnily enough, they never site the weather as the reason.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
That is exactly what happened: I went to China for the sun and stayed for the totalitarian dictatorship :D It was either that or Australia. The dreadful economy, loss of a status as a world power and overall sense of decline may contribute to the lack of song-singing jollity felt by some of my fellow Brits (except Avery, who always seems to be cheerful).

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
This must be like when Digit went to Singapore and fell in love with the way they kept the parks beautiful and the streets clean by executing drug dealers!

Also, damn, my usual way of finding the most recent post in the midst of a long thread is to click the person's profile and scroll quickly down to the direct link. Forgot that really doesn't work with you, just have to keep scrolling and scrolling past all the games.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
Sorry, I should be selfless like Fluttershy and remove them all :) I just go through the forums and click the most recent post in the thread.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
... are you saying the solution is to make Britain great again?

Or the whole UK I guess. Those MUKA hats will sell like hot crumpets.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
We're Great Britain already, though only geographically... I think the solution is each person can just focus on making themselves a great person (educated, successful, virtuous etc), then the country will follow. That's a bit too much like hard work though so Plan B is just blame everything on the foreigners :). Anyway, we have a MUKA movement, it's called Reform UK :D

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago

Funny, Malk and I were joking about this not too long ago.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
Reconquer India, they are HOARDING all the sunlight!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
This is indeed the plan, to get back to hammering everyone :D If we all do our bit to help global warming we can all have a bit more sun in our lives (or heat at least).

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/13/2025 6:05:43 PM

I think it's cute that you believe that it's everyone else who doesn't really have a clue. Your most recent "accomplishment" was a storygame that had neither story, nor game. It was devoid of meaningful choices, imagery, or plot. From the pages that I could stomach before getting too bored to even finish it, there was nothing remotely enlightening.

Honestly, it makes me think that you're a liar, on top of being far less educated on the subject matter than you think you are. If someone was actually converted from just reading your inane drivel, then wouldn't you want to keep the story up, to help lead others to the light? For whatever flaws Malk has, his stories are actually really fucking entertaining. His religious stories actually invoke feelings of the sublime, of righteousness, of piety. Your story didn't give me any of these feelings, yet you paraded it around as gospel that us filthy readers couldn't comprehend. However, when people brought up valid critiques, you didn't respond in a meaningful way, and continued to claim that it was on us. Insulting everyone's intelligence, then claiming "well um I wasn't arguing anyway", then proceeding to make FOUR goddamn threads of whinging--it makes it exceedingly hard to empathize with you.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/15/2025 10:52:08 AM
You're fucking disgusting dude. Like holy shit. People like you are the reason people hate Christians. You sully Jesus's name while speaking Satan's words. I'm not sure where it's said, but the road to heaven is narrow, and few will walk upon it. Someone as unabashed as you certainly won't be there. As others have said, you talk about emulating Jesus but your words are some of the most prideful, holier than thou bullshit I've ever read.

Why do you think Jesus was a carpenter? Why not a king, a philosopher, or other "noble" pursuits. Because seeking fame or exalting in it is one of the most shameful things in the eyes of the Lord, which is fine to do normally, but it's so disgusting that you're doing it supposedly in HIS NAME.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

Matthew 7:13-14

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/14/2025 6:14:53 PM

I'm something of a heretic myself, so I was open to picking this apart in more detail much earlier in this discussion. Back then, it at least seemed like you were in touch with reality enough to lucidly discuss your thoughts before shutting down and retreating the way people normally shut down and retreat when there's a bunch of criticism from all different angles at once. But it seems like the only deimatic behavior on display here is your brain freaking out and printing dopamine like it's zimbabwe dollars so that you literally cannot feel like you're wrong in any way and everything you once regarded as nasty and abusive seems to be giving you sudden association with the happy chemicals, because you're having some kind of episode man. You are high as balls on your own skulljuice comparing yourself to the God of Abraham and suddenly believing this thesis you've written is the key to some kind of deep esoteric truth rather than the passive sort of guide out of unhelpful thinking that you initially said it was. Get some help before you get hurt.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

25 days ago
Fluttershy: "I'm can't use the site or post anymore stories, what if Malk reads them, that guy's a Dark Triad Satanist and he's a danger to everyone, I'm really afraid" *deletes everything in a panic*

Also Fluttershy: *twirling polyester mustache* "Heh. So Malk, we meet again! How adorable you are!"

Just skimming these on a break and this one really stood out to me lol.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

Awh, your story game brought someone out of depression? That's adorable! I've had people tell me that after reading Price of Freedom, their cancer was cured, their missing leg grew back and their dead puppy came back to life. ^_^

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

I have had Lucifer himself personally handfeed me goat treats for my work in advancing the Black Crusade on Earth. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
I have seen pictures of this event, so can confirm

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

Receipts! ^_^


Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
This is showing up broken for me. Which is weird because it worked a few minutes ago.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

God damn it! Maybe AI art links expire after awhile.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
You actually did manage to manipulate him with your dark blood rituals into destroying this powerful tool he possessed for bringing so many people to his own, personal version of Christianity.

I did check before this based on similar claims he'd sent me, and none of those people were grateful enough for their eternal salvation to even rate the game though so it kind of serves them right.

Anyway if flutter is never seen again, canon that he's the virgin whose heart you carved out.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

My storygame sent people to therapy.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

And yet here you are, coming back again and again, still caring a lot.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Numbering these threads to put them in the archives for later lols.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

I'm personally just face palming like usual. But wondering what the fuck Yummy did to him too, lol. Dude is the most bland and inoffensive member who only exists to post images of his food. And now for asking the obvious question his whole life has been judged and found wanting of "basic morality" by this smug self righteous cartoon pony who just has it all figured out.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

He got corrupted by Malk obviously.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
Better not tell him that admins can still access his unpublished stories and use then to cast the voodoo hex.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Holy shit, dude, I was joking about the voodoo.


My posting this seems to have made him decide to delete all the games he had merely unpublished before.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Whew. Good to know he's safe from the voodoo. Hold on, I'll check for a Bible verse for that one...

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
This is all extra funny though if you remember that time that one guy who joined forum games sometimes and did nothing else called Malk a "mindless religious zealot" and tried to throw him out of "his"* thread for being too positive about God and the Old Testament.
*Someone else's discussion thread on religion the guy had hijacked and derailed to turn into an edgy God-bashing fest.

Horeshoe effect I guess.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Satan works in mysterious ways...

Did I get that right?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

I genuinely hope for his sake that he wrote them somewhere else before transferring it to the site.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
That seems like something a rational personal would have taken into account before committing such a drastic act, I'm sure it's fine.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

rational person

Yeah, no, that doesn't reassure me in the slightest.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

It's pretty difficult not to be smug and self-righteous right now, honestly. Again, I don't wish anyone here ill, and I hope that it might actually do some good. Again, the fact that you admit you've literally just allowed yourself to be desensitised to this shows just how bad this has gotten. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

There's that pride we talked about.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
No no, he's humbly hoping that being smug and self righteous will help turn everyone here away from Satan (Malk).

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

He posted a picture of devil's food cake?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Unfortunately (n+1) users have advised me that my writing has confused them to such a degree that they have embraced Acoustic Dark Triad Gangsta Satanism 

*n= the number of users converted by Flutter's game

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
So who exactly are these people your story has converted, anyway?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
I imagine they might be similar to all the professionals with years of experience who were awed and just blown away by his ideas.

I also don't believe your question will ever be answered.

Anyway, Flutter no longer believes in converting people and has removed the answer to life, the universe, and everything from the public view.

(The answer is 42.)

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

As a Christian who also struggles with bipolar disorder, I'm saying this with love. Get help. You should continue to read the Bible and reaffirm your faith, but also speak to a therapist about your diagnosis to ensure your mental health is consistently stable. 

Everyone else on here is making valid points about your behavior.

I recommend buspirone and the book of Matthew.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

All your dreams have come true!

Well for now anyway because that title is unwieldy af lol

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
Sent and I will have to staple a few extra branches onto it sometime soon- I was planning on doing it last week, but the contest has been hogging all the writing energy

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
Looking forward to that! That would put you in grand company with Eternal and PoF when it comes to extended versions of storygames I actually bother to read.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Did I accuse you of pedophilia? Thought I just called you a clopper 

In any case, you're welcome to leave and welcome to come back and make more going away threads (you will)

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
Asking him if he thought goat imagery was inherently evil was psychological abuse.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Calling Crimson a pedophile is psychological abuse. I don't particularly care that the psychological abuse wasn't directed at me, or even if the person has been conditioned to accept it (they haven't). Because I actually care about the welfare of people other than myself. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
I don't remember when this was, and that was not why you left, but okay.

I've been trying to not even discuss the recent situation with Crimson since it seemed to be settled, sure he'll love you putting the spotlight on him again this way.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

1. It wasn't the main reason but it was one of the many, many factors. Because I actually have multiple facets to my personality.

2. I know you don't remember. That's exactly what I find utterly horrifying. That you've been desenitized and conditioned to accept this filth. Everything anyone ever says on this site just further cements my worldview, it's actually awesome. 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
You are certainly the champion of the oppressed though and your actions today have been meaningful.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
Okay, it has now been clarified that he's referring to a time like, ages ago when Thara made an implication about Crimson's messaging of a minor. Almost prophetic honestly, only the timely intervention of a recent birthday keeps him on the site today.

Glad that's been cleared up by someone else anyway since Flutter certainly isn't coherent enough to communicate things by himself.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

His thoughts are so confused and rambling... it's like they have an, idk. A sonic quality to them? 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
fr fr

Like a guitar.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Hey, well, I wasn't going to do so, but he seemed perfectly ok with sharing private messages with everyone here. And you seemed to really want to know what psychological abuse I was referring to. I mean, why ask and mock, and then complain when you're told? Seriously? 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Everything you see cements your worldview because you are a lunatic and lunatics are impossible to dissuade of their lunacy tbh 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Eventually someone IRL will notice what's going on and steer him over to get his meds adjusted. Back when he was more lucid (and still vaguely likeable) after the first episode with the original thread, he said this had happened before. So people around him at least know what's up and he isn't at any risk there.

And in the meantime here on the forum, if the lolcow wants to milk himself I guess he does have that freedom, not like anything anyone else says will stop him.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Nobody was complaining, you're the only one throwing a major fit here, we're just watching your madness unfold.

And defending Crimson of the recent events isn't exactly helping your case, but by all means continue.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/13/2025 3:35:31 PM

Calling someone a name isn't psychological abuse. Shit talking isn't psychological abuse. Psychological abuse is much, much more serious than that and you're devaluing genuine experiences by treating this as even remotely similar. 

Mean, maybe, but definitely not abusive. And no one is forcing him or anyone else to stay here, but we're all allowing you to be here. If we were all completely against you, you would be banned. And you're headed that direction, though I'm sure you'll say you don't care. I would suggest finding another way to communicate with whichever people you're coming back for, if you haven't already.

I know you think you're being kind and standing up for the oppressed, but this is some little corner of the internet that anyone who doesn't want to see doesn't have to. Maybe turn your efforts to things that actually matter, and stop making this into something it really, really is not. Take a step back. The people here are not your enemies, and just because someone's mean to you that doesn't make them a narcissist or a psychopath. All he did was call some people stupid. He's doesn't care enough to manipulate any of those people into submission. He thinks about you about 0.000000001% as much as you're thinking about him.

Don't do this to yourself. All you're doing is riling yourself up, and it's bad for you. Don't feed into this kind of thing, flutter. It only leads down bad paths.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

The funniest part of flutter's strange characterization of me is if I was really somr

great big bully tyrant, neither him or Crimson would be gracing us rn

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
This is a good and thoughtful post. I don't think it will accomplish anything, but then a lot of have been through this exact thing with someone else before so maybe there's a level of cynicism there. You can look up the symptoms yourself, it unfortunately really is futile for anyone not directly there IRL to do anything.

The last guy got banned in part to preserve his dignity while he got dosages sorted out, because he was someone we had a lot of personal connection to. Consensus is that we're not doing that with Flutter. IMO it would've been best to do three threads ago anyway, if we were.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

Finally. A decent human being, at last. Repeated exposure to the same revolting language is a form of psychological abuse, but the fact that someone here actually cares enough about human decency to make this comment means I'll stop. Seriously, good for you, even if you hold me in contempt you're one of the good ones.


Genesis 18

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
I'm glad you have received sufficient attention for now, see you around the next time.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/13/2025 3:50:32 PM

Leviticus 20:15

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
I actually am noticing a bit of a pattern here. Ryder raped his cat.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 1/13/2025 5:52:16 PM

At least he got pussy.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

I feel bad for the animal. Leave the poor little critter alone! Hasn't it been through enough?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
For those who haven't read the Bible, Fluttershy here is placing himself in the role of God, offering to spare the forum destruction due to Fresh temporarily turning his wrath away.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

Like Zipporah throwing around complimentary foreskins! ^_^

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

"Placing himself in the role of God."

 Hmm, who else was prideful enough to do that and ended up literally falling from grace? 

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago
I went back and checked the other threads and just saw "pink ponyboy clopper". But next you'll be trying to claim you don't invade his dreams to sit on his chest.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

You're in good company of people that have taken down all of their stories in seething salty rage.

There's pedo mod Kiel, con man Seth...

Very good company indeed. 

Glad a brony is joining that prestigious line-up.  

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

No idea what brought it to mind, but I just wanted to say that of all the crazy people who have passed through this site, you are genuinely the most likeable and well composed and I don't mind at all when you happen to post.

You're still lazy, though.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

27 days ago

I like Morgan!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

I like Morgan! ^_^

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

I like Morgan!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Morgan Gang!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

Oh and we can add being a liar and insincere along with being delusional, prideful and ultimately not very Christian.

Gotta love how this has been going on since last year. Lol

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
How the hell is this thread over 50 posts long?

Anyway, for anyone who needs the tl;dr:

Fluttershy asks lots of questions a mentally ill person would ask. Answers none. Also discovers there are people on the Internet that do not 100% support every type of mental illness known to man.

Ogre's tl;dr

26 days ago
Thanks for the tldr Ogre! So what's up with all these triangle people?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Commended by MadHattersDaughter on 1/14/2025 8:57:12 AM
Well, even though Fluts went and deleted all of his stories while in Pan's grasp, we managed to salvage the core evangelical statement of the one that was bringing all those vague, unnamed users to his personal version of Christ:

Hopefully fixing it in its place here will continue to convert the lost. For the rest of that keen grasp on history and human psychology, well, looking up some of the claims made previously I've found it all in fragments here and there on obscure corners of reddit. But without a dedicated fanfic author around I'm not sure we have anyone who will be able to take the time to tape those jumbled doll parts back together into such a fondly remembered aberration.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

Yeah. Fuck the Bible, I'll just read The Hobbit!

Forgive me, Father. And God help us all if our salvation relies on Twilight Sparkle.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
At least the Hobbit is short!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

i wuz the frist member of my trib to be literate aftr we herd story of truth by flying horse. Flying horse haz forsakn my peple becuz we r literate now an write it all down.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Being insulted on the internet is exactly like being raped in real life! I don't know if you realize this but you're actually the most victimized person that has ever lived. :(

Somebody should make a documentary

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

You can't go! Who will protect us from the WOOLY DEVILS!?

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
They have such cute little feet <3

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Proverbs 26:12 you overinflated windbag. Read it next time you leave

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
I'll drop in my two cents here and say be a little selfish and think of yourself. It may well be the best thing just to switch off from this site for a long while and give your time and attention to things that make you feel happier (like your great writing). I don't think it'll make you feel better or lead to any great result by staying on the forums, the site will continue on the same way it always has. This site isn't worse than any other I've seen and, I think, a whole lot better than most but like everything it's an imperfect place full of imperfect people. If there are communities where you feel more comfortable it is better to devote your time to those than this one :)

On a personal note I really hope you kept a copy of your stories when you deleted them. Sometimes I actually have nightmares about losing everything I've ever written... anyway, I hope you make good choices to help yourself feel better :)

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

I put all of my stories on and use it as a backup site for my CYOA stories. The forums have long gone on to the big server in the sky, but it puts a few extra eyeballs on the stories, and I haven't seen any indications that severenz is taking the site down anytime soon.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
I feel like most people writing large works have backups, especially with how easy cloud storage is now. The actual tricky thing is organization when it's a CYOA though.

I guess to put a sense of perspective on it though, if losing some fanfics end up being the only consequences of running around for months this way in a country with free healthcare, it could be a lot worse. He should probably be more concerned about consequences to his IRL relationships or his job, or the potential of actual physical harm to himself or people around him. The fact he keeps coming back to get psychologically abused on a public forum instead is pretty wild.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Anyway, we shouldn't jump to conclusions, maybe he just destroyed all his work with the realization it would never be as beloved as Mercer Gang.

Mercer Gang!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Mercer Gang!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

We're going to need to add an Emergency Contacts section to the account creation system.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago
Thought that was what good old fashioned doxxing was for.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

Well this was an entertaining thread to read.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

26 days ago

Well looks like the new Dark Triad season is starting off strong.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

25 days ago
I have now read the entire saga of fluttershypegasus from the "doozy" thread to this one. I give it 7/8, I'd probably be around the site more if this happened more often.

I really wonder if he'll come back again, but I'm not sure what the point would be. "Update: my stories continue to be deleted and I continue to be superior. I am also still leaving the site. Good day to you, Sodomites."

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

25 days ago

I like when he comes around because he always talks about how great I am, which is true. 

He also has other things to say but that's the important part

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago

You should read Mercer Gang instead

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago

Mercer Gang!!

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
Well, thank Satan I missed all of this. Now I can just sit back and enjoy without having to participate.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
How's the new job going? Saw it in the other thread.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
Tuesday night was a shit show, but I survived the twelve hour shifts and retained most of my sanity. I'm supposed to have Sunday night off thanks to Martin Luther King Jr., but another round of mandatory twelve hour shifts almost makes up for it.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
Nice! Hope you have a relaxing and chill MLK day to recover from the 12 hr shifts.

Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4

23 days ago
I wish it was a work night. Outside of religious holidays, New Years, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans' Day I'd prefer to work because money. Plus, I need more time to observe workplace shenanigans for reasons.