Well while we continue to wait for the final scores of our biggest CYS contest ever here (EDIT: we already got the results), we haven't had a good old fashioned "Let's laugh at the CoGites!" (And especially the company which seems determined to alienate their own fanbase at every opportunity) thread in awhile so here's one now.
Apparently the sexual experience of text waifus are SERIOUS fucking business.

This is all just Lol.
Mainly because this is CoG and this shit is boringly predictable anyway so why even worry about it? Love Interest characters generally just go along with you as long as you don't horribly betray them or something.
Seriously, there's never a case in any where the main character tries to turn a hoe into a housewife and after sex, she says something like "Yeah, that fucking sucked. You obviously don't know what you're doing and this ain't gonna work out. Later."
If there actually WAS something like that, that would at least be more interesting.
Oh and apparently there's some CoG game where you can actually asked to be CUCKED. Predictably many CoGites picked this and then hilariously got angry about the results.
Well as they say, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
There was also a question posed recently if CoG games were focused towards males. Yeah, beta males. Lol.