Everything with my real-world commitments have been taken care of. I genuinely did have very important things to deal with, which I had been neglecting, and I really do wish people would take me seriously when I try to explain these things, but it’s all done now. I have made an appointment to see a medical professional, even though I am unconvinced that I need to do so, but I said I would do so and I will. And I will copy over my stories too, now that the issues have all cleared.
All the major issues with the whole incident I have gone over with my Gazette interview (and the questions I was asked were all very clever and comprehensive ones). Everyone, even if they strongly disagree, will understand exactly what took place if you read that.
There is one thing, however, that is incredibly important and I am glad some people have picked up on. And that is that many of the things I have been looking up on the internet are not healthy and can contribute to serious incidents like this one. You cannot know how relieved I am that people here understand that, and how that one realisation makes all of this worth it. Because this is the main point that contributed to my terror.
Never before has it been possible to, when you feel like it, randomly spend time looking up seriously dangerous occult literature. Never in history. I have dealt with it in what I believe to me an ultimately healthy, if very eccentric, kind of way. But I strongly suspect there are people out there who have done what I have done, who do not have the same good intentions and have not dealt with it in a healthy way. People can tell from my stories that I do not intend to do anyone any harm…but there are people out there who do intend harm. And my worry is that the number of these people will continue to grow.
And there is a strong danger these people will start coming to sites like this. Now people know. Now people are starting to realise just how precarious the situation is.
So I honestly believe the members of this site are extremely lucky in this regard. I get the impression that people are now somewhat scared, or at least unsettled, by me. People are upset, scared, angry and frustrated. This is good, this is very good. Because now you know how I feel. Because, like I said, there are far,far worse people out there than I. And I deeply worry that such people, at least as apparently insane as I am but far, far worse intentioned, will find this site in the future. I hope everyone can understand exactly why I went through what I did.
Even if I am wrong, even if this site lasts until the end of time and some seriously depraved and evil occultist weirdo who makes me look like the most normal person on planet earth never finds this place, the mere 3% possibility that something like that could happen to people who I actually deeply care about and owe vast amounts towards, is enough for me to think to myself that this whole situation was worth it. People can mock and joke and insult all day long, but the idea of the possibility is there. And people are starting to become aware of it.
One more thing...intelligence is a virtue, and therefore stupidity is an evil. I think people don't realise this. But this relates to the Ontological Argument for God, where God has all the "good" qualities, including wisdom, and the Devil has as many "bad" qualities as possible, including stupidity. Stupidity is a form of evil.
If you really, really want to know who I am, who I have become...this is the closest example I can find: