CYS History
MAG Season (2003-2007)
Mostly dull mainly because EndMaster hadn’t joined the cast yet. Some of the older people liked it though. Most of the original cast from this era are dead now. Still, sometimes original cast member Alex shows up.
Mafia Season (2007-2010)
There was a boring ongoing Mafia storyline, but this was about when EndMaster joined the cast so he was pretty much carrying this season all by himself. It was still worth watching just for him alone. This was also when the show changed its name from MAG to the more recognizable CYS.
BHB Season (2011-2012)
This was about when Berka and some others like Aman, Tan, Uglick and Bo joined the cast. This injection of new blood helped liven up the show. Some still feel this was one of the best seasons since while there was adult humor, it was still fun for the whole family to enjoy.
Others feel it was a little "bland" but it should be noted that this season did start off with a major conflict known as the Great Penguin vs. Mustache War. Later on, there was another conflict called the Spork vs. Strawberry Pudding War. Silly perhaps, but again fun for the whole family.
During this time a spin off called Forum Games was introduced in an effort to keep the main show on track. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it soon became filled with several retarded and unlikable characters.
Warrior Cats Season (2013-2014)
We don’t talk about this season. Horrible set back after a good previous season. Also there was a rise in shitty subplots involving dumb ass minor characters like Ryder, Honor, Melissa, etc. About the only positive bits were the good characters mocking the shitty ones.
Bad Mods Season (2015-2016)
While maybe not as horrible as the WC season, it was horrible in other ways mainly due to corrupt producers fucking around with the format by attempting to copy a different inferior show and censoring things that wouldn’t even have been censored back during the BHB Season and paradoxically allowing other things that were even worse! Thankfully those involved were fired on morals charges involving child sex rings (Pedo Mod Kiel) and embezzlement (Grifter Mod Seth).
Still, the final episodes of this season were considered some of the best of all time and introduced some cast members that would become staples in the next season.
As an added bonus The Forum Games spin off was thankfully canceled, bringing an end to a show that lasted far too long.
Villain Season (2016-2018)
Possibly due to all the complaints about last season, the show was completely retooled and went in a different direction. While this seemingly worked out with better storylines and cast members like Steve and Mizal have taken more center stage, there were some who complained about the show becoming too edgy and grimdark.
This season was fairly successful, however it began to become "formulaic" over time. One of the problems is the Villains ended up winning against all potential antagonists with great ease. While watching them generally find new ways to be cruel was entertaining, the end result was usually the same. A couple ideas to combat this were tried with mixed results.
One idea was having the Villains fight each other, but that never quite worked out as planned. Constant script rewrites and problems with the actors resulted in a lot of canceled storylines. So things typically remained status quo.
The other idea, more controversial idea was giving the character EndMaster a daughter. It was assumed with all the grimdark going on, perhaps showing a "softer side" to some of the Villains would appeal to a larger audience.
While there wasn't any problem between the main two actors, the daughter character was HIGHLY annoying to not just the audience but also to the other actors. Reports of conflict behind the scenes were frequent. A few of the actors even quit, in fact the Villain season began to end its run with many of the Villains just unceremoniously written out or in some cases killed off. Long time actor Malk was removed this way, though the actor had been going through a mental break at the time.
Eventually a new actress replaced the old one as a new daughter who seemed to be a better fit, but it was still obvious a new direction was needed, which led to...
Site WAR Season (2018-2019)
While it had been hinted at for a long time even all the way back in the BHB season and had only slowly escalated since then, this season finally addressed the relationship between CYStia and their neighbors the CoGites.
While tensions had always been been there, it all finally came to a head due to their insane degenerate leader Jason attempting to RAPE CYStian warrior princess Briar Rose who was there as a diplomatic representative.
Many of his own people were even appalled by such an act and were getting tired of his brand of tyranny for years. The time for rebellion among his own people had arrived.
While Briar managed to fight her way out of hostile CoGite lands and the CYStian forces managed to strike a significant blow against the CoGite government, weakening Chief Jason’s position, the fight still went on for the CoGite rebels who found allies in the unlikeliest of places.
Or at least that looked like how the season was going.
As it turned out, the CoGite rebels began fighting among themselves or otherwise losing complete focus in what their goals were in the first place. The CYStians while having already achieved their own goals uncharacteristically attempted to help them, but to no avail, the CoGite rebels barring a few exceptions proved to be just as big of faggots as the loyal ones.
The storyline was wrapped up quickly with Mizal recruiting a couple of the worthy ones into CYStia and EndMaster setting the CoGite rebel base on fire, having sex with all of their mothers, and generally laughing the whole time before he left.
It wasn’t exactly the ending to the storyline that was expected, but surprises are always welcome in a long running series like this one.
Certainly one of the more exciting episodes. Ratings hadn’t been this high since the overthrowing of Pedo Mod Kiel and Grifter Mod Seth.
Chaotic Changes Season (2019)
Once again the writers decided to shake up the status quo by doing some unexpected things.
First thing was to actually have another attempt at CYStia and their CoGite neighbors comes to some sort of peace agreement.
This was naturally initially met with some suspicion since this sort of storyline had been attempted a few times before and never successfully. However, thanks to inclusion of few of the better written CoG characters such as Gower and Poison Mara, so far this storyline has been growing a bit more in acceptance.
However, one could argue that said characters are being written more like CYStians rather than CoGites hence making them more tolerable to watch.
A good example of this new found CYS-CoG cooperation, was the side plot of utterly destroying the remnants of the former “Cog Rebels.” While they had become completely irrelevant by this point, they were still annoying enough characters that their utter humiliation followed by their desperate failed defense proved to be very amusing to watch. This arc was probably the highest rated episodes of the season in fact.
In any case, the friendly competition storyline in the Infinite Ruins location should be interesting to watch unfold.
Another big change, was the sudden return of 3J. This certainly shook up a few things. Some of the more positive things were tightening up some loose ends and storyline that had been left on a cliff hanger for years.
A common complaint was that the show in general seemed to be “censoring” its dialog a bit more than it did in the previous seasons since his return. In fact, some felt like it was starting to feel like a return to the Bad Mod season or worse the CoG cooperation storyline was causing the entire show to suffer and become less “CYStian.”
This of course is a bit of an overreaction, since the show is far from being squeaky clean anytime soon. There probably was just a bit of a decision to tone down the “grimdark” so as to not to fall to darkness induced audience apathy which sometimes the show danced on the edge of at times.
Besides that, the Cystian Orders which were usually more of a backdrop despite the initial premise that more storyline ideas were going to be done with them are taking center stage again. However, nobody seems especially enthusiastic with the changes in this plot line other than the head writer of it. Still, it has currently resulted in a few interesting bits (Such as the Marauders completely overrunning everything) and time will just tell if these changes make any difference or not.
As always new characters popped up, old characters dropped out, but most of the fan favorites were still around.
The "Chaotic Changes" season, while not bad, it seemed like... well a mess of chaos. There were a lot of potential plotlines, but none of them really went anywhere espeically since one of the head writers soon disappeared after a bunch of promises of major changes in the show.
Perhaps this was all for the best however as nobody was particularly looking forward to them.
In any case, the CC season DID result in one major change that nobody expected, (Not even the cast.) and that was the temporary departure of fan favorite Cricket.
There were rumors of the actress running from the mob to joining some cult, and the show's loss of the character really brought out some of the best acting by the rest of the cast in those episodes. Viewers could really feel their loss and online petitions were created demanding the character return.
Happily, the actress returned, albeit in a more limited capacity due to other commitments. Still it was good to know that her character was not gone permanently.
Pandemic Season (2020)
Trying to avoid the usual rival war storylines from the past, it was decided that having a devastating plague affecting everyone would be a new direction to go in.
The storyline proved to be an engaging one. Many if not all of the characters have been effected in some way and each episode gets as grimdark as the next as the plague gets worse. Mizal has been attempting to busily keep order and even the often under used KillaRobot character has finally been given something to do.
One of the more recent episodes involved the purging of several characters, the self exile of one and the brutal beating of another. It was one of the highest rated episodes and was great to see the EndMaster character finally killing off the increasingly unlikable Shouja character even if it came at the cost of his traitorious ex-daughter Mayana.
Cricket also became a more frequent sight again which definitely increased the ratings in general.
Interactive FRICTION Season (2020-2021)
While the Pandemic season was a good one, it started to over stay its welcome. People wanted something new and they wanted it now.
The problem is, the people never want anything new, they want the same tried and true formulas just wrapped up in a different package. In the case of this show, that meant a war.
But with who? Wars with CoG had been played out. Indeed it was a common sight now to see characters from both places get along or at least interact in a civil manner to each other.
The writers came up with an idea!
The IF community had been mentioned a few times in the past, but the only major incident with them was during a contest in which Warrior Princess Briar beat the chicken soup out of all their best warriors despite attempts at cheating by one particularly craven IFer. (One of the only high points of the infamous Warrior Cats Season)
Remembering their cowardly backstabbing personalities, the writers felt it might be a good idea to re-examine them as a potential enemy.
It started out slowly with an inclusive party that Mara threw inviting people from all over the interactive fiction world. Many kept thinking that the CYStians and CoGites were going to go at it, but it would turn out to be the IFers proving to be the treacherous ones.
Minor incidents happened between CYStians and IFers throughout the episodes, but nothing major. Indeed the incidents were so insignificant that they seemed more like background noise rather than the build up to something more.
But then suddenly the IFers made a sneak attack. Striking at the two leaders of CYStia End and Mizal, then rating bombing all CYS stories on the IFDB. The bombing had been thorough, even people who had nothing to do with any of the past incidents with the IFers had been hit.
Obviously the IFers had called for war and this might have made for a worthy foe, but then the writers slightly dropped the ball on their reasons.
The IFers meekly claimed they were doing this in self-defense, but anyone who was watching knows this couldn’t be the case as in every past incident with the IFers, they had in fact been the aggressors. Given their sneak attack, they could ONLY be the instigators of this war. The IFers also suffer the same characterization as the CoGites in that as enemies, they aren't very intimidating. In fact they come off as more comical than threatening. In fact one of the major IF characters ended up becoming an ally during the great CYStian crusade to establish a mighty fortress on the shores of IFDB.
It was a pretty one sided war, with little resistance.
EndMaster himself was cutting down IFs "Finest" with relative ease himself and only a handful of his most dedicated as support. The Ogre character got a bit of a chance to shine in the initial battles which was a nice change of pace. End of course got past every gate. The 100th, the 50th, the 25th and even when the IFers pathetically tried to stop him from breaking through the 10th gate. He broke through that too. It wouldn't have been long before he had slaughtered all of the inner circle cowering behind their last line of defense.
And then the writers obviously got drunk for the last part because suddenly the IFers were assisted by a plot armor device in the form of CoG magical shield that protected them from complete annihilation.
Once again (and boringly) CoG was the enemy AGAIN. It would seem that their faggy degenerate touch was everywhere.
There were discussions of why this might have been done. One was the idea of if CYS beat the chicken soup out of their enemies so easily, there would be no meaningful future conflicts. While one can see the point in this argument, it didn't stop how it was handled in such a retarded way. It was worse than the 8th season of Game of Thrones.
Even attempting to magically "banish" the End character didn't really work since his influence was still lingering in their lands. He couldn't ever truly be defeated. He had taken his trophies and made his point. It was a fun diversion, but there were always other matters to attend to.
As it stands CYStia was ultimately victorious as the damage they did would still be lasting. The IFers would now forever be prisoners on CoG tyrannical influence and remain a cowardly superstitious lot constantly living in fear of "He who fucks their moms."
Some of the other major improvements for this season were growth for newer characters like Ninja, but especially for old characters like Malk who came back with a vengeance and is now much stronger after a complete change of writers. Long time viewers that used to be annoyed with his typical mood swings have already started to enjoy watching his scenes.
MHD who generally was always a long time minor background character had suddenly also taken a more prominent role and has become one of the most popular characters in recent years.
EndMaster's original naughty daughter Thara has also come back in a stronger capacity. Presumably this was done to make up for the lack of Cricket in recent seasons. Whatever the reason, her character is still the antagonistic sort she's always been, but now she seems to stand more on her own without the need of her father to bail her out whenever she gets in over her head.
With her latest achievements she has now finally lived up to the role of being a true daughter of the dark lord.
Eye of the Storm Season (2021)
Once again winding down from another war, CYStia went into a period of rebuilding and introspection.
But that was boring so the writers went in a different direction.
The writers decided to explore a minor plot point that came up last season about some CoGite citizens getting fed up with Overseer Jason’s tyranny. His desire for total control over what he considered to be his realm was becoming more oppressive.
No longer could he even maintain the facade that he actually cared about their petty desires for rights or safe spaces. Nothing less than complete obedience would do and he proceeded to execute those that disagreed.
CoGites generally being a fragile bunch tended to just fall in line, but every now and then rebellions weren’t unheard of and in this case a large one had started. The more people executed the bigger the resistance got. Eventually the mad overseer sent out his spineless lackeys to seek out hidden safe spaces and threatened most of them into submission.
(As for the Overseer’s cringing second in command Dan, the cowardly henchman took control of CoG’s IF outpost and is seemingly distancing himself away from his former master or at least attempting to maintain his own power base in case CoG falls.)
Unsurprisingly CYStia received a few of these refugees as it was one of the few places that was immune to the overseers attempts at suppression. Most of these refugees were accepted and generally left to their own devices and word of Overseer Jason’s tyranny was safely spread without fear of reprisal.
CoG continues to suffer from internal conflict and it’s unknown how it will ultimately play out, but CYStia decided to keep an eye on the situation via their highly effective spy and double agent network.
Another much more interesting plot this season was one that also started last season but was mostly overlooked due to the war with IF at the time.
A missionary from another land called Nick was embarking on an experiment to create a society completely controlled by a machine. His idea was to create a utopia so that people within his land could simply wish for something and it come true. The possibilities would be endless and only the imagination would be the limit.
He had the plan and the skeletal frame work for this machine, the main thing is he needed a power source powerful enough to run his machine.
After a long search he eventually visited CYStia and it was here that he discovered a source powerful enough and it was in abundance!
He stole from CYStia to power his creation, however he was discovered and captured for such things are impossible to not go unnoticed.
For his part, Nick managed to talk his way out of being executed and made a good case for his cause. Some CYStians still weren’t pleased, but ultimately EndMaster decided that this would be a good way of spreading more influence to other parts of the world and allowed it.
For awhile this plotline wasn’t followed. Every now and then it would be mentioned how Nick’s New World was coming along. While it seemed to be drawing much positive attention from most lands, CYStians for the most part weren’t much impressed with it. Some even questioned why End Master allowed the man to take some of their power source in the first place.
That was answered this season.
Nick’s New World reached a height where for a brief time was the envy of most other places, but then the cracks started to show. The machines serving its citizens began to act strangely. Violent. Perverse even.
It was now Nick would learn about the dangers of tampering with power he was not meant to have, let alone control. End Master knew this and this was heavy price for stealing in the first place.
For several months, Nick’s utopia became a nightmare land. Machines began to sexually assault their owners, babies were thrown against walls and everything was in anarchy. The awesome power of CYStia could not be contained in the pathetic shell Nick created, but his own citizens were to blame as well. Despite their protests that none of this was their fault, their own degeneracy had just made the problem worse. The machines only acted how they desired.
Before he knew it, Nick had a rebellion on his hands even worse than CoG’s. He called in his brother Alan to try to put more safety measures in place, but this only made things worse in a different way. He’d effectively locked his citizens inside their own homes and sometimes with the very malevolent machines that would do them harm. More deaths occurred and those that could, escaped from Nick’s failed experiment. Some under the delusion that they could create their own “utopia” based on his own designs. Time can only tell if any of these other attempts will be more successful.
Meanwhile CYStia remained the eye in this storm of chaos around them. It stood strong and united while others shattered. Proving just exactly why it still remained the most free land.
New Blood Season (2021)
As with any long running show, cast members come and go. While most of the core cast is still around, there was an influx in new members showing up in the hopes of producing new and interesting storylines rather than rehashing old stuff. (Which was always a favorite thing to do, due to lazy writers)
Two very promising newer members were MysticWarrior who was always in the background in earlier seasons, but recently had some good spotlight episodes on her.
Surprisingly Gryphon was another. Despite whining detractors of the show always forever going on about the lack of diversity, this has never been the case. And with Gryphon given a few special episodes, once again it was proven that the show was actually the very model of inclusiveness.
Other new members included some characters that were refugees from the crumbling kingdom of CoG (Which had been continuing to suffer from internal disorder due to the madness of their ruler Jason making NFTs the sole source of currency) Some of these characters had a rocky start while others less so but with all these new faces it was decided that only combat could sort out the new pecking order and a great contest was held.
Meanwhile one new blood had drawn the ire of the Dark Lord's daughter Thara who had become more active in her ascension.
Those episodes were quite graphic, what with all the frogs shoved rectally into the noob as part of the many tortures. Other methods included erasing his memory and making him relive horrible moments and the standard whippings. It was said, some viewers vomited in terror.
While it looked like the predictable would happen, somehow the character managed to get enough fans to halt the inevitable. A new plot was written in with Mizal stepping in to protect the noob. Of course this is a bit of an old retread of a very familiar plotline seen a few times before with her character and it typically always ends the same way too.
Only time will tell if this new character will actually survive the season or just becomes another failure. Either way, it's unlikely that the frog scenes are disappearing anytime soon.
However the writers did manage a major plot twist that nobody saw coming. The return of Ebon.
Ebon was a character of some promise back during the Villain Season. His feuds with Steve (And later Wibbons) were major plotlines, but then the character just disappeared. (Rumors are the actor joined a cult as was in a jungle compound for years)
His return coinciding with the new blood battles, along with the rise of old rivals (like Malk) in his absence caused the character to take up his crusade once again and regain his lost status.
It was unknown exactly how this plot would unfold as the character has practically declared war on all that stand in his path. Who would be the first victim? Soy? Lux? Tman? Voldy? Bondo? (Who the writers seem to enjoy putting the character through hell) Or would Ebon ultimately fail to recapture lost glory?
Unfortunately the actor once again flaked out of his contract and disappeared. This of course lead to a rewrite of several storylines (Many of which had been canceled due to some of the other "new blood" actors flaking out as well).
The New Blood season was a bit of a mixed bag though despite unreliable actors and sudden rewrites, it wasn't a complete loss.
Kingdoms Season (2021-2022)
After the influx of new characters, there was a decision to cut back on adding so many given that once again most of them became background characters or disappeared completely last season. The last of any note was Celicni who surprisingly was one of the more solid characters despite several other actors on set disliking him personally.
Rumors were abound that it was someone in the cast hit him with a car, but nothing came of the investigation. In any case it added to his character’s tragic backstory which helped in the long run.
The direction of where to take the show next was discussed and eventually it was decided to bring in another community to interact with. However, this would be different, as it would be one that the CYStians would actually NOT immediately go to war with and actually get along with.
The problem was of course trying to write such a thing. This was a bit difficult as the writers had sort of written themselves a bit into a corner by making CYStia essentially a Sparta like society that had already beaten the chicken soup out of its enemies. (Or in the case of some, they became irrelevant)
Then it was remembered that CoG Kingdom was continuing to fracture and split into several fiefdoms in open rebellion against its tyrannical ruler. What if one of these fiefdoms became an ally?
This had been tried before in the past to a limited degree without much success. Usually even rebels from CoG weren’t “compatible” with the purity of CYStians and it usually resulted in their eventual destruction and written off.
However it was decided that the best way to combat this problem would be to have a member of this other fiefdom who at least held high regard for one of CYStia’s members. It would create a connection at least that might result in a believable alliance. (Obviously the only potential CYStian that could be would be EndMaster)
After going through several rewrites it was decided that this had to be a rather quirky perhaps even half insane member who had somehow achieved a high rank in his community. Fittingly this new character’s name would be Paradox and was essentially the first representative of the KAE folk to interact greatly with them.
The first few episodes of this meeting between the two kingdoms had viewers tuning in. Most believed that it would inevitably result like all the rest, namely a war. And it looked very much like it was going that way at first during the cultural exchange episode where members visited each other. While visiting the KAE kingdom went more or less civil, visiting the lands of CYStia was perhaps predictably hostile.
The head writer felt that it would have been retarded for the CYStians to react with hugs immediately regardless of if EndMaster generally didn’t mind them or not. After all, it took a LONG time for Thara, his own daughter to be accepted by the general CYStian public, so them reacting the way they did to ex-CoGites was totally in character.
Still, yet another war storyline was not something the writers wanted to head down again, so another solution was called for, a contest!
It was decided that since CYStia was still in the process of improving their kingdom then a contest of producing the greatest works in the land would be held. Everyone would be involved. From major characters, to new characters, to characters that showed up and were never seen again! But more importantly a representative from KAE would also join and since he had already been the one with the most screen time, Paradox joined.
It truly was one of the biggest events on the show in a very long time. Never before had so many tuned in to the show since the successful war against the IFers. There were some arguments on who would actually win the contest however. Several writers got fired, or quit for various reasons to the point that nobody actually knew who was even writing the storyline anymore.
Most thought it would probably be one of the major characters that would win, but instead it was the newer character Mystic who won continuing to prove her value in the show. MHD made a good showing during the storyline as well. However, probably the funniest thing was what happened with Paradox’s character. He ended up misunderstanding the whole point and for some reason got drunk, dressed up like a horse and… well some things one just has to see for themselves. Watch the reruns to see what happened, it really was hilarious.
Needless to say though his antics while incredibly amusing to all CYStians, the KAE King Flame wasn’t exactly pleased with his representative and dealt with him by their own laws. Still, it was a good time had by all and over the past few episodes, it seems like the CYS-KAE communities are still getting along with no major issues.
Some whisper rumors of some grand alliance to bring down CoG once and for all, but as always who knows what the future will bring to the show.
Return of the Creator (CYS Christmas Special!) (2022)
The Kingdoms season was winding down with no real major shake up. Many predicted that SOMETHING would inevitably go wrong between the two communities as has been the case in the past, but other than a couple brief false swerves, nothing like that happened.
Still, the writers felt that something major should occur to at least wrap up the season with a bang, so what better way then to bring back the one of the original stars, indeed the one who started the show to begin with. The return of Alex P!
This was definitely a big deal as his arrival also involved him thinking about making changes to the very world of CYStia. Something like this could have HUGE changes in the show, however tension was built up as Alex didn't just go charging in changing things. Instead he held a conference of sorts which involved several characters, from major to minor, to those that haven't been important in years, to even those we don't even know why they're even on the show anymore since they always suck whenever they're around. (Which is thankfully rare)
Everyone had their say and after build up of "What will happen?" it ultimately did end with a classic feel good Christmas moment of Alex P not changing anything and wishing everyone well. It was a nice change of pace from the usual grimdark storylines in the show.
Still, it was implied that he would be potentially watching the world more closely in the future and changes may eventually be made, but this would be a cooperative change with the citizens of said world rather than just the actions of the creator alone.
One never knows what the future may hold, but for now the show has no plans on changing its successful format much to the delight of its fans.
New Horizons Season (2023)
This season had some major shake ups right off the bat though not all to any great detriment to CYStia itself.
One of these changes was the ongoing CoG rebellion storyline which looked to be making progress what with various minor CoG fiefdoms joining the rebellion against mad King Jason and steps in creating a new weapon to combat him on equal footing.
However as had been seen in the past from many other attempts at a rebellion, it was ultimately crippled by internal conflict since as we all know one of the main traits of CoGites (rebellious or not) is their inability to have a united front.
Ruling class of the KAE Kingdom fractured due to disagreements and formed yet ANOTHER faction. While the weapon and the plans to overthrow Jason were still in place, these were now were a bit less organized and hampering the movement.
However the storyline was far from over and new alliances that may have never been considered before were possible especially since CYStia itself was relatively neutral towards both factions. After all, it wasn’t like they hadn’t seen this over and over either, and such internal fighting over stupid shit that didn’t matter were common to the problems of the Cogite born.
As for the superior blood of CYStian stock, there was more light hearted comedy plotline involving another planning of a festival. The writers originally wanted to recapture the same “magic” that made the one from last season so great, but when they soon realized they just couldn’t force the same sort of results, they decided to go into a different direction. So they wrote it so everything was going wrong as the celebration was being planned. This mostly resulted in mildly out of character behavior of End Master who was mostly showing a lot of patience the entire time.
However, by the end of the storyline, he was beating and insulting everyone which was the ultimate pay off for it. This even resulted in major characters like Mizal and Thara losing their powers!
There was a mixed reaction by watchers. Many enjoyed the long build up to one of the funnier outcomes of several members getting thrown into the disgusting pit of SHAME, but there were a few complaints that Mizal’s actions didn’t suffer consequences long enough since she got her powers back only a few episodes later, but given how vital the character is to major plotlines, it was sort of necessary to fix her character as quickly as possible.
In addition to this storyline, there had been an influx of young actresses joining the cast and it was decided to actually do something with them so there was a coven plotline, but turned more into a gladiator one as they competed against each other. It was okay, though it was a bit confusing at first since there was a new older male character called Petros competing among these young girls. Though apparently this was a breaking the fourth wall joke moment concerning complaints that the show wasn’t diverse enough. Some of the characters even openly winked at the camera a few times.
Probably the major standout though was the TCat character who managed to ascend to daughterhood status due to her performance. Some say it’s because she reminded people of Thara during her younger years, which might tie into the fact that Thara never got her powers back (yet), but as far as everyone knows, Thara’s not leaving or being replaced anytime soon.
Though it was wondered if TCat was a replacement for the rarely seen Green daughter (Much like Green replaced the blind one), but apparently that isn’t the case either. Green is still considered “canon”, and she’s just often mentioned in passing from time to time to remind people she still exists.
Another major ascension was the character Sherbet who has finally moved to main character status after being just listed as a supporting one for a so many years. Viewers have reportedly say they are excited to watch his character arc in the future, though a few others have expressed wanting to see more of Darius who seems to be another character getting more attention.
The only major complaint so far with the season is one of the new young actresses acts like a complete retard whenever she’s on. Nobody's even really sure what her role is except maybe a new village idiot. Apparently the actress in question might literally be legit retarded, but it could just be a language barrier. Though she’s speaking English, it’s just none of the words seem to go in the right order.
Many wonder how the hell she even got on the show, let alone not killed off yet, but rumors are that some high up executive finds her really funny.
Apathetic Season (2023-2024)
Well as with any long running show, sometimes there are just seasons where nothing much happens. Not necessarily bad mind you, just no major running themes or any great crisis.
Still, it would be wrong to say that this season didn't have nothing at all going on. There were several mini-arcs, but it seemed like the writers just abandoned most of them when it appeared something would happen.
Take the newer character Suranna for example. She seemed to draw the wrath of End Master quite a bit to the point where it looked like a major conflict was going to happen. Even more intriguing was that most of the other long runners of the series most notably Mizal seemed to take her side, along with the combined hatred of the other new daughter TCat (Perhaps trying to recapture some of the old conflict involving Thara when she first appeared) this seemed like maybe this would be an event that would potentially cause schisms within the normally unified CYS Council.
However, this build up was apparently discarded when the actress proved to be a complete flake and ultimately proved to be a disappointment for everyone. Almost to the point irrelevance. Not worth hating and not worth liking. She seemed to have the same arc as Ebon in that way which makes sense as they had a few things in common.
Other changes were mainly characters suddenly leaving. The annoying noob that Sent showed interest in died fairly quickly probably forever shutting off any future arcs with Sent's character attempting to do a mentor arc like End Master or Mizal do sometimes. Cel also disappeared, the actor rage quitting when not being paid enough as the other stars of the show. It was thought that he left in solidarity with Darius at the time who was mistaken for quitting, but he's still around more as a support character which is where he probably excels better in. Not everyone is a star.
It would seem that the daughter Green has now completely been written out of the series, but given her long absence anyway, everyone pretty much figured she was already gone. In any case, this puts the number of daughters back at the traditional three again, though the actress who played Thara decided to take a break to focus on other matters, however she did say she would eventually return.
Sherb, Petros and TCat continue to show more character growth. The character Zake even popped up for an episode even though most viewers didn't know about him anyway.
While there weren't any major events, it still wasn't a bad season. Perhaps its just a pause for something major yet to come.
Sudden Returns and Departures Season (2024)
In an effort to put an end to the stagnation of last season, this season managed to bring back several old members with varying results.
Some of these returns like Thara seemingly had new personality changes initially, but fortunately hers was dropped in favor of her classic one.
Some returning members weren’t so lucky. Steve who had been away for a very long time finally returned and it was almost like he was a completely new character.
He retained almost nothing of his old character and it’s known that the actor went through some drastic life changes which might be the reason for the dull performance. It’s little wonder that his character was quietly dropped into the background after just a few episodes. Sometimes you can’t revive the classics.
Other old members appeared though really only for a cameo such as AYT and Green (Apparently she’s still canon)
But more on the biggest surprise return later as there were also other plotlines going on.
More development was made on older but less established character such as Dire and DB, most of the time these worked out fine. Even new characters like Milton showed promise. However, there are always characters that fall flat.
There was a more concentrated attempt to turn Ben into a regular character, however it soon became apparent that the audience could only take him in small doses. The infamous (And lost reels) episode with him arguing with his ex and the couple of episodes involving his hilarious chew toy status worked due to being spaced out over the seasons. Ben on every episode just caused not just the audience, but the cast and crew to hate him rather than see him as perhaps a mildly amusing poor buttmonkey.
Also disastrous were the new character of Alienrun and Ravenic. Alienrun was pretty much a failure on arrival. He was like the twisted mash up of Ace and Ben but somehow even less tolerable. It’s hoped that he’ll just be killed off soon.
The approach with Ravenic was an interesting attempt of having a perpetually wholesome character, but ultimately it just didn’t work due to the actress being a flake and having personality issues. (Like being incredibly annoying and talking too much) this lead to a reworking of the character and giving her a DRASTIC personality change by making her edgier. It hasn't helped.
The jury is still out on the other new character MrCrimson, but he seems to be a mixed bag. However any short comings his character may have is overshadowed by the likes of Raven and Alien.
As for departures the most major one was the sudden disappearance of Nightwatch which was a shame due to his large activity behind the scenes of the show. Nobody knows what even happened as everyone was on friendly terms and there has been complete radio silence on the matter.
Rumors abound that the actor got kidnapped and murdered to him changing his gender and running off to be a tranny porn star in some third world country. Well whatever the truth, it might be awhile before we ever learn it, if ever.
But back to less dark matters, the rest of the season so far has been knocking it out of the park, particularly with the plotline involving Malk’s contest challenge to everyone. Malk has definitely been ramping up his character arc over the years and has probably changed the most in a good way.
While the storyline would have entertained, the writers decided to make Malk’s victory not necessarily assured and came up with what was the biggest surprising return of them all.
The return of Orange wasn’t just some mere cameo, she would end up being the biggest obstacle to Malk’s victory. It was fantastic spectacle and one can only hope Orange sticks around a little longer as a reminder of what her character is capable of if given the spotlight.
Finally after lengthy contract negotiations, the actress playing Suranna managed to secure her character for at least another season. The extreme dislike for her by some of the executives (As well as the cast) seems to have softened which is good news for those that like her character for some weird reason.
(Second half of the season)
There were some more unexpected departures making this season indeed true to its name.
The new characters Ravenic and Alienrun completely failed and disappeared almost as quickly as they came. Apparently Alienrun is still in the background, but don't count on him making any major appearances anytime soon.
One character that left was long time runner Ford. This one was a big one and certainly unexpected, however it was clear the actor had been having some serious personal problems that needed addressing. His last episode was brief and sudden as a result. Another was Berka who's character had seemingly disappeared, though his appearances were getting less and less in recent years.
There was a revolving door return/departure for the character Abgeofriends. When the character first returned, they seemed normal and even popping up more frequently. However the character underwent an extreme transformation and not for the better. This partially once again due to mental instability of the actress and while there was an attempt to salvage the character, eventually EndMaster killed her off (Twice).
No sign of Abge's usual partner Stargirl, but it was reported she would not be returning at all. (Breaking news, she returned)
Finally a secondary character by the name Fluttershy also left for personal reasons. It was another unexpected departure since the character was becoming more prominent in several episodes before the departure. Some people just can't take the pressure of fame though.
Despite all these extra departures, it wasn't without a few additions. Besides Clayfinger popping up a bit more, a new character going by RKrallonor managed to fit in with the cast or at least better than Crimson (Who changed his name a couple times which annoyed some) who is seemingly getting on other cast member's nerves due to his weird demeanor. Even Ben seems to be doing better.
Also Orange proved her come back wasn't just for show as she went on to win a later contest held by Sherb this time. An award for her performance was definitely deserved.
Avery starred in a short lived spin off show, though it was never intended to be more than a few episodes there's been talks that it could be its own thing in the future or rather running along side the original show.
Lux's character underwent a transformation to the new Iris which finally shed her of all and any CoG baggage. Probably one of the more surprising character changes was Fresh. Normally another character that only popped in and out, but after a harrowing character arc, she became the fifth daughter of End Master. Many still have reservations about his character having more than three, but apparently that rule is being thrown out the window in favor of having more active daughters since the original ones aren't available all the time.
One can only wonder what the next season holds!