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4 years ago

What posts on here should I check out first?


Mobilef@g, sorry if this looks stupid.


Any good NSFW stories worth checking out? Shoot me links of whatever you think that might convince me to be active and contribute/fund the site. (:


Samsung Galaxy Amp 2 (Just so you know what I'm working with atm.)


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4 years ago

How's this for you?

Love SICK.

Only ~10k words, so shouldn't take too long to read.

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4 years ago
Sounds like he came here looking for porn. I would hope he didn't get off to that story, but then again nothing really surprises me anymore. Terrible shame though if the site is not sexy enough for him to fund.

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4 years ago

I didn't, was only wondering if this place has section for it or some other alt. 


I get off on reading in general. 

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4 years ago

I've only read that one about a the Redscale Dragon, that's what lead me here. Other than a spellchecker it was not too bad. 


Idk what I'm really looking for tbh. 



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4 years ago
I'm not even sure what you're talking about there, but just go read Rogues if you want a good fantasy story, and cease being horny. It makes you weird.

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4 years ago

porn isn't allowed here, but there's always the other website 

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4 years ago

O.o which one?

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4 years ago

The one where you eat shit

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4 years ago

A corgi into scat, go figure.

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4 years ago

Which one are you talking about?



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4 years ago

The site that isnt this one

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4 years ago

show me what you got 2.jpg

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4 years ago
Fixed, but for future reference, turn off the RTE in your profile. It's glitchy in numerous ways that may never be fixed, and that float:right; it adds is one of them. Also it's better to just dump pics on imgur or something, the site itself was really only meant for your avatar and the size restrictions make it almost impossible to use for anything else.

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4 years ago

Whoops, sorry about that, noted



...Also, what is RTE?

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4 years ago
RTE is Rich Text Editor.

My Stuff > Profile will have a 'Use Rich Text Editor' checkbox. It is how you toggle it.

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4 years ago

Thank you

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4 years ago
And after you turn it off, go to BradinDvorak's profile and get the extension so that you can enjoy dark mode like a civilized person now that there isn't an ugly and cluttered, blinding white box loading onto the page every time you want to post.

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4 years ago

New to this site, show me what you got.

4 years ago
I heard Larimar was mixing his meds with Bang again and may have chased him off.

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4 years ago
He'll be back. Where else on the Internet is he going to fuel the spank bank?

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4 years ago
When one is a 13 year old struggling against the formiddable filters the parents have installed, only the power of imagination can save them.