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Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
2021 at this point might actually already be weirder than 2020, but I've lost all sense of scale on these things.

It's been a crazy week though, I found a cool new subreddit and then personally got fucked over by Robinhood. But I just put in for three shares this morning when it was at $330 out of pure spite. Just wish I could afford more, but RH is limiting everyone to 5 shared total anyway, the extra money I did have is being transferred out to go to less scummy pastures in Fidelity or wherever, and anyhow I'm poor.

I'll make a better and more edumacational thread later when I'm not at work, but right now markets are opening in my time zone and we are about to have liftoff, so just wanted to provide a place for chatter.

Hedge fund billionaires already been fucked out a possible 70 billion thanks to their own arrogant stupidity, and in spite of their blatantly illegal cheating. Happy to do my tiny tiny infinitesimal part to help because whether I lose it or not, they don't get any less fucked, and others far more on the line and are risking their futures just on principle now. I'm genuinely just so hyped from all the inspirational yelling in r/wallstreetbets. Death or glory!

(But man for real it's crazy how fast I went from following along just for the top tier memes to actually mad at the amount of blatant mustache twirling monocle polishing news spinning and abuse.)

Rise up Gamers! (and trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Tie me to a missile and fire it at Wall Street, I am ready. 

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
Bought two more, I'm at the 5 limit. Fuck it.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
*monkey noises*

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
Framing the guys who rallied around an underdog company as Nazis and alt right Trumpers wasn't enough, so billionaire-owned CNBC is outright doxxing them now lol.

I've never been so inspired by a fucking subreddit before, these people are actual heroes and they're making history right now.

Whatever happens after this, WSB made Wall Street bleed more in a few days just by fairly beating the billionaires at their own game than the Occupy Wall Street movement did with all their months and months of whining and faggotry.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

The billionares now: We made you!

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
If anybody has any app recommendations that aren't Robinhood, that would be great. The only other one I use is Stash, but that's more for long term slow growth stuff you don't have to pay attention to. (Fidelity was one of the like, three brokers in the US that never spread their cheeks for the men in the suits, it looks pretty good and has no fees, but unfortunately it wants $2500 just to open an account.)

But I really need something else now. RH pretended they were allowing stock sales again but is only allowing a maximum of one share for GameStop, AMC, Blackberry, Nokia, and others.

Oh, and thanks to Wall Street Bets, AMC has been saved from its 600 million dollar debt. Post covid cinema is gonna be lit, I bet they season the popcorn with gold flakes.

I wish Ford or someone else with nothing important to do would put some good memes in the thread, there are a lot. The whole community over there is pretty chill, kind of too bad this massive amount of attention is flooding them with noobs and shills and plants intentionally spreading fear and misinformation. Their Discord server is at max capacity with 500k users, I'm lucky I got in when I did. There was just this steady stream of white names joining and the main channel was like a damn Twitch chat even with only people who boosted allowed to speak. But browsing around old posts in the subreddit you can see that at their core they're just a big family that likes to give advice and be chill and call each other retards. Kind of reminds me of this place.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Fidelty i just made account and didn't have to pay 2500. for crypto.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
Ah, cool. I'd heard a rumor they'd gotten rid of that just before I went to sleep last night but didn't have a chance to verify it. Very cool (and smart) of them to make things easier for the incoming wave of RH refugees.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Gamestonk recap

3 years ago
Wanted to make a post for you guys that are not following this at all. -- This might be the best and funniest explanation I've seen of what's going on with this and why it's important they all hold onto the stock.

They even call each other degenerates, are these guys us?

Meanwhile in Twitter, this guy gets into the history of the GME short squeeze, which the WSB member that started it all saw opportunity for over a year ago:

^ More explanation of the short selling. Note that this isn't how it's supposed to work, they were using a term called "naked shorts", which I will leave you to (carefully) Google on your own. The fact the billionaires were playing with more shares than actually existed is actually illegal, maybe the SEC should look into that. But that was the very thing that made them vulnerable to this comeuppance.

Normal short sellers aren't that big a deal, it's a little against the spirit of investing just circling around like vultures making bets on when a company will die imo, but they can be useful too. It's just that the hedge funds frequently are dragon-sized vultures who drive basically healthy herds off a cliff and then pretend that's just the circle of life.

At this point it seems like Citadel is just getting RH to do as much illegal and underhanded stuff as possible to try and drive the price down no matter how blatant it is. If RH goes under, they can just make a new one with a different name, and they're thinking any fines after an investigation will be far less than what they stand to lose right now if that can't trick people into selling enough to drop the price.

And finally, the REAL reason the billionaires have no chance against the autist army. Found this post that's basically what I've been saying the last couple days, so you know it's completely correct:

Sadly as much as I love that subreddit, I will never join it because I'm too old and unmotivated to get past the 'need karma to post anywhere interesting/can only get karma by posting' dilemma.

But hey, maybe that can finally be a purpose for a CYS reddit. Me posting things, and you lot voting them up.

Also, Elizabeth Warren's role in all this has seriously made me wonder if I owe all the conspiracy theorists who believe sinister lizard people are running the would an apology. She's definitely filled her bathtub with sand and buried a clutch of eggs in it at least once in her life.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
While you fools were investing in Gamestop, Tim and I were investing in Dogecoin, the hot new cryptocurrency whose value just keeps on going up! We have lost 2 dollars from our initial investment.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
You laugh but I actually made $70 when it started spiking recently. Wouldn't been more if RH hadn't suddenly locked instant transfers on crypto. Stocks are punished by them now for doing too well.

...then later I lost $43.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
LMAO Everyone should read this, redditor just roasting the shit out of him. That's beautiful.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
I can't get this out of my head. The only solution is more sea shanties.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

This is a fun watch, Payne just gets increasingly pissed at this guy interrupting him to explain that normal people aren't smart enough to be allowed to make money. And defending short selling as if that's even the point here when the issue is they were shorting at 140% of what even existed.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago
WSB server is wild right now, text is just flying past my screen and this is with everyone set to only be able to speak once every five minutes.

Mostly bots and shills trying to spread misinformation and retards spamming unfortunately. The handful of mods just were not prepared for shepherding half a million idiots.

Anyhow, the expected dips are happening as the panic-prine newbies sell at a time where most are still restricted from buying. Going to be interesting to see what happens later in the week when everyone can regroup in less scummy and controlling broker apps.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Can you guys with Reddit accounts vote this up? It's a really good explanation of what's going on right now with the price dip. Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention knew what was coming as of Friday and that GME is only going to be in sale temporarily, yet people are still being surprised Pikachu over it.

There are so many bots and shills out there spreading deliberate misinformation to try and scare people off it's actually hilarious, even before major hedge fund controlled news networks get involved.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Despite the fact that I'm too young to purchase stock it's really entertaining to keep up with WSB.

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago

Yeah, it's really funny, big boss on YT did a really good video on some WSB's most famous traders, which you should check out if you have the time

Rise up Gamers! (trim some hedgefunds)

3 years ago