Wanted to make a post for you guys that are not following this at all.
http://isthesqueezesquoze.com/ -- This might be the best and funniest explanation I've seen of what's going on with this and why it's important they all hold onto the stock.
They even call each other degenerates, are these guys us?
Meanwhile in Twitter, this guy gets into the history of the GME short squeeze, which the WSB member that started it all saw opportunity for over a year ago:
^ More explanation of the short selling. Note that this isn't how it's supposed to work, they were using a term called "naked shorts", which I will leave you to (carefully) Google on your own. The fact the billionaires were playing with more shares than actually existed is actually illegal, maybe the SEC should look into that. But that was the very thing that made them vulnerable to this comeuppance.
Normal short sellers aren't that big a deal, it's a little against the spirit of investing just circling around like vultures making bets on when a company will die imo, but they can be useful too. It's just that the hedge funds frequently are dragon-sized vultures who drive basically healthy herds off a cliff and then pretend that's just the circle of life.
At this point it seems like Citadel is just getting RH to do as much illegal and underhanded stuff as possible to try and drive the price down no matter how blatant it is. If RH goes under, they can just make a new one with a different name, and they're thinking any fines after an investigation will be far less than what they stand to lose right now if that can't trick people into selling enough to drop the price.
And finally, the REAL reason the billionaires have no chance against the autist army. Found this post that's basically what I've been saying the last couple days, so you know it's completely correct:
Sadly as much as I love that subreddit, I will never join it because I'm too old and unmotivated to get past the 'need karma to post anywhere interesting/can only get karma by posting' dilemma.
But hey, maybe that can finally be a purpose for a CYS reddit. Me posting things, and you lot voting them up.
Also, Elizabeth Warren's role in all this has seriously made me wonder if I owe all the conspiracy theorists who believe sinister lizard people are running the would an apology. She's definitely filled her bathtub with sand and buried a clutch of eggs in it at least once in her life.