In some weird third world country, probably asia, a guy walked in on a rat eating his pet turtle. Probably after having chewed bits out of it in little mouthfuls while it was alive, as rats tend to do when they eat non-combattive animals like chickens or injured cows. The man took revenge by tying it to a cross with metal wires, leaving it outside in a public square where people would "shame" and scare the shit out of it, then he doused the still-living rat in something and burned it alive. Was he justified in doing this? Also somewhere in third world asia, multiple men have tied up rats to either burn them or flog them with sticks for eating only their rice. Was that justified? Post your thoughts and opinions here.
And just for fun, mix and match these possibilities here to see how your opinion changes:
The animal you have the opportunity to brutally punish for eating something you didn't want it to eat:
An insect
A spider
A gerbil
A rat
A fox (I can hear your ghost, James.)
A cat
A dog
A parrot
A monkey
A bear
A mountain lion
A tiger
A capybara
A child
An adult human
The thing you caught it eating:
Your food (your general food supply)
Your favorite food
Your computer
Your turtle
Your dog
Your cat
Your parrot
Your capybara
A monkey who was your friend
Your child
Your wife/husband
These are just some starters to get you thinking, feel free to add others if it makes you feel differently about the issue at hand.