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Get help from the experts on variables, scripts, items, and other scary things.

Get your suggestions in soon!

21 years ago
Greetings All!

The programming staff will finally have some time to implement some changes on the website. I believe chocobot said it, but our programming staff is currently occupied with college courses.

Therefore, lets try to keep all changes to be made in the near future inside of this discussion thread. I will print off a list and give it to the programming staff to implement as soon as possible.


re:Get your suggestions in soon!

21 years ago
Alex, first off check out my suggestions here for something unrelated...
but now to something even more important. I posted on google answers and the guy who played the game couldn't figure out how to use items, or didn't realize that he COULD use items... also check out funky wizards comment on finals week here

that's scary that people can't figure out how to use items or realize that they CAN use items... we need to make it easier to understand how items can and should be used!!
any ideas??

how to play a game game

21 years ago
replaying hte how to play a game game, I'm really quite impressed by it, it's actually pretty fun. it belongs on the front page and really is a must for newbies. On top of that, we need to update the game. It still says things like "click on the circle then hit the Go button" where now the links are just highlighted. It also says "pick up the treasure chest" and we stopped using treasure chests when we have pictures.

re:Get your suggestions in soon!

21 years ago
perhaps you could make the item process easier. such as making it more obvious that those little pictures are pick-uppable items. When I clicked an item and i saw it disappeared, it didnt occur to me that i picked it up, i simply thought clicking it made it go away :/

so, firstly, make it more obvious that items can be clicked to pick them up. secondly, it would be helpful to prod the user into using them. maybe change the name from inventory to "use / view items". I know inventory is the traditional name for most games of this type, but perhaps this would cause a little less confusion. Alternatively, the game could inform the user that an item would be useful at a particular time? or would that defeat the purpose of solving the game creatively?

some things to think about...

re:Get your suggestions in soon!

21 years ago
I think the solution is that the How do you play a game game should be on the front page. People should recognize that playing a game isn't as easy as it would seem to be, and we should put a recommendatoin down on the front page
"if you're new to the site, play the "how to playa game" game to get started playing like the pros!