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Newbie Hello

one month ago
Yo! Having graced this site with my very presence, I though to say hello. If any Serbs are around, don't take offence of my username. It's not an insult, it's a fact.

Newbie Hello

one month ago
Well, at least you're not controversial or anything

Newbie Hello

one month ago
I think you might discover that the rest of the world doesn't really care too much about rivalries between obscure Eastern European countries. And in fact might find it odd to think it could be a big enough part of someone's identity that they'd make it their introduction to a random writing site.

That said, should make for a good 15 minutes of entertainment. @Celicni

Newbie Hello

one month ago

Seems rather specific to have that be the only nationality of whore you wish to do anything with.  It's possible that other eastern european whores will feel left out.

Newbie Hello

one month ago

why do you direct your hurtful words to the Serbian women and not the men? i feel like most of the weird nationalistic fighting is done by the men. Now that i mention it, IF i did become a serial killer. I think id exclusively kill men. Men are typically stronger, so if i could physically overpower a man and kill him id be much more prideful and consider it more of a "trophy" kill. The bigger and stronger he is the better, all in game, of course.

Newbie Hello

one month ago

Newbie Hello

one month ago

seconded and agreed.  Totally gay

Newbie Hello

one month ago

Sounds like you just want to dominate a man. Sounds pretty gay.

Newbie Hello

one month ago

Well I was thinking about it from a hunters mindset. Like you will see those stupid pictures of guys who hunt exotic or  dangerous wild animals and they stand with the dead carcass. A lot of them hunt more dangerous animals like lions for the thrills. But with humans it seems like serial killers are vast majority males and kill vast majority vulnerable women. Which just seems odd if it's about power. That's what I was trying to point out lol

Newbie Hello

one month ago

Didn't your prime minister just get arrested? And you're worried about Serbian whores?

Newbie Hello

one month ago
Pretty gay if you ask me. He gives off this type of vibe.

Newbie Hello

one month ago

lol wtf, thats funny. Thats a very good short story actually, thank you for making me aware of its existence - Fun read. 

Newbie Hello

one month ago

Atleast someone read my story

Newbie Hello

one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 9/11/2024 8:02:05 PM

Oh shit, the Alb*nians have found out it's possible to fuck something other than goats.

Newbie Hello

one month ago

Hello there. As an American, I haven't been very aware of Serbs since one infected an Austrian with bullet-poisoning.