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Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

4 days ago
I’m new to this place (just joined two days ago), and I have a few questions about it:

1. How active are people on this website? I’ve seen around 100 - 200 people when I’ve logged on, but the few forums I’ve visited seem to be slow, and not a lot of games seem to be being made. Then again, I have not gone through a lot of games/forums, so I might be missing something
2. What are the copyright rules here, and how heavily are they enforced? I have a really good idea for a short story that can be turned into a CYOA game, but I am slightly paranoid about having someone steal my ideas.
a. Speaking of the short story: It does have some body horror, what are the rules on that? What maturity level would it be? Also, what is defined as body horror? I know a general “experiments gone wrong, twisted human beings” vibe, which seems like it fits the horror genre. Other than the vague idea of it though, I’m not too familiar with it.
b. It is also made with AI, something I am just now messing with. What are the rules on that? I am influencing the direction of the story a lot, and I will be going through and editing it to make it more what I want. How much editing/influencing of the AI’s work should I do? If I specifically state that it was made using the help of AI, what are the rules on that? I am willing to completely start over with the story and make it all myself, but I’ve already gotten a decent amount of it done with AI, and it feels like a waste of time not to use it.


1. How active is this website?
2. What are the copyright rules?
a. Body horror? What is it defined as, and what are the rules?
b. What are the rules on using AI?

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

4 days ago
No one here but us bots

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

4 days ago

1. CYS doesn't have a ton of users but still has an active base and plenty of people that pass through.

2. I don't really know much about copyright laws but this is a free to use, ad free website. Even if someone stole your idea, which I doubt since most writers have plenty of their own ideas, they wouldn't exactly be profiting from it. 

a. The maturity level is usually just a use your best judgment kind of thing. 

b. Maybe writing isn't for you if you plan to use AI. I can't imagine any writing group or site would be okay with the use of AI. 

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

4 days ago
Thanks! I also usually don't use AI, as it has way too many issues, even now. However, I am still wanting to get used to writing prompts it can understand, as I feel that it is going to be used more and more in our daily lives. *sigh*

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

4 days ago

Anything written with AI is free reign and I personally will be using it to write furry erotica if I see it

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

4 days ago
I am waiting for them to notice the thread titled "Do not post AI generated text." pinned right here on the Newbie board.

OP, no one is going to steal "your" ideas that were other people's ideas chewed, partially digested, and then regurgitated directly into your gaping mouth by a bot. So don't worry about that.

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

4 days ago
Lol, yeah. I saw that thread not too long after posting this. Also, I am planning on doing some editing, and I did come up with the original idea for the story. However, I never really had a direction for the story, and just let the AI do its own thing with it. I guess in that case it can be considered to not truly be my idea. Thanks!

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

4 days ago
No AI-generated text, no matter how much you edit it. Editing something is not the same as writing it. You quite literally told your idea to a machine and it looked through other people's writing to string together sentences that follow your prompt. If you did not actually write the thing, then it is not your writing. You're just adding your own writing to the ingredients list of the soup the AI sloshed together for you. It takes less commitment, time, energy, passion, and it doesn't count as your writing because it isn't. If you can't write it on your own, don't write it. Anyone can AI generate text if they want to read bot puke.

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

3 days ago
mmMMMmmm... bot puke...

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

2 days ago

There is a major and obvious difference between a prompted AI story and an original, human-made story. It's like how AI art can't quite grasp creating faces, there are some things AI doesn't do that real people can. With artificial intelligence it's as though it has a checklist of what it thinks goes into a good story and then it just tries to check all the boxes. When a human puts effort into a story, it's relatable on an emotional level; it can make the reader feel something. Something that the best of artificial intelligence will never be able to accomplish is human connection; it takes talent among human authors to even accomplish that. So while it may seem easier, better, or of higher quality to just prompt and edit an AI story, it overall will be obvious what you did and the story will be of lesser quality. If someone wanted to read an AI story, they could just prompt it themselves and read it. Welcome to CYS.

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

2 days ago
Even that's really giving it too much credit. The AI doesn't have enough awareness or intent to make quality judgements in fiction, it's just mulching up the material it's been fed and spitting out a mindless imitation without any comprehension of what made people connect to the source in the first place.

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

3 days ago
1. This is primarily a writing site, and we are nearing the end of a major writing contest, so I would imagine that many people are only checking the forums sporadically while they are working on their entries.
2. You can't copyright an idea, only the expression of the idea. No one is going to bother to copy your whole CYOA as the site does not facilitate that easily. Also, it's not like the general idea of body horror or "experiments gone wrong, twisted human being" are that unique. If I were you I would worry more about finishing a thing than what happens to it afterward.
2a. Just avoid being super, super detailed in your descriptions or focusing on overly-salacious details and you will be fine.
2b. As stated by others avoid AI text, unless you have rewritten so much that you might as well have written it yourself. People are a little more forgiving about AI art if you only use a few pieces to provide something meaningful that may not be communicated well by writing, but even then, I would keep it to only one or two for the whole story. I have used them as intro art for a few of my stories, particularly as I try to keep my story blurb pretty short.

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

2 days ago
"Twisted human beings, experiments gone wrong"
In 1934, a 22-year-old girl was born with six arms, six legs, and a twisted torso. Her father was a medical student who had been performing illegal experiments on animals and humans, and his efforts had finally borne fruit. The girl lived her life as a normal child, but at age 16, she developed severe epilepsy. She was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia, and she died at age 20. A boy was born with a head three times larger than a normal person. He grew to be over 6 feet tall, and he had a muscular body. He was extremely intelligent, and he was able to communicate with animals and plants. He was eventually institutionalized for mental illness, and he died at age 22. A man was born with three legs, two arms, and no eyes. He could see perfectly well, and he was able to run and jump. He was eventually institutionalized for mental illness, and he died at age 38. In 1969, a baby was born with a tail, three eyes, and no nose. He could not eat, and he was eventually institutionalized for mental illness and died at age 18. In 1970, a baby was born with an extra toe on each foot. He had trouble walking, and he was eventually institutionalized for mental illness. In 1971, a baby was born with three hearts. She was able to live for a few days, but then she died. In 1974, a baby was born with an extra head mango. She had no brain, and she could not talk or walk. She was eventually institutionalized for mental illness. An American man was born with no legs, a large head, and a very long torso. He was able to swim and play baseball, and he was eventually institutionalized. An Englishman was born with no hands, but he was able to write. A woman was born with four fingers and two thumbs. A baby was born with no ears, no mouth, and no eyes. A baby was born with a very large head, but no brain. A baby was born with a third arm, no leg, and no genitals. A baby was born with six toes on each foot. A baby was born with no arms. A baby was born with no face, no nose, and no eyes. A baby was born with six toes and four fingers. A baby was born with two hearts and two sets of genitals. A baby was born with no arms and no legs. A baby was born with no tongue and no teeth. A baby was born with no penis. A baby was born with no arms. A baby was born with one eye. A baby was born with no brain. A baby was born with no arms and no legs. In 1989, a baby was born without any bones. He could not move or breathe, and he died at birth. In 1995, a baby was born without any skin.
I've got the greatest, most unique idea for a story, guys! Pls do not steal, it is precious to me. Like my very own skinless, boneless widdle baby.

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

2 days ago
First off: Wow. Did any of this even happen? I highly doubt it, as they all sound outlandish, and the internet isn't the most trustworthy place. Although, the world is a strange place sometimes.
Also: Point taken. I am most likely just being paranoid.

PS: This is a stupid thing to argue over, so feel free to ignore it, but I am sort of proud of what I thought up: The creatures that I made are not like what you are describing. They're more alien-like in their mutations, with one branch having tentacles sprouting from their bodies, and the other growing a sort of carapace with a cartin-like substance.

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

2 days ago
The point of Mizal's list (which are likely all real, birth defects of all sorts happen all the time) was that there was ample body horror in the real world, your tentacular and bug mutants are not so horrific as to be worrisome. Write your story, it will be fine.

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

2 days ago
There really wasn't any point to the list, I fed the line in quotes into an AI and spammed enter. At some point it got really hung up on fucked up babies, and once all the context was filled with babies it just repeated itself forever. There's waaaay more of that than what I quoted

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

2 days ago

Arguably the baby born without a penis could just be a normal girl since it doesn't specifically say the gender.

Not sure how the baby without a brain got institutionalized specifically for mental illness though.

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules.

2 days ago
Yeah, I didn't read the list closely. The one born with no mouth that couldn't eat but didn't die until 18 while institutionalized should have caught my eye.