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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


19 years ago
as much as people dislike ads, i think you should add google adsense to your website, to help you guys make some money. I know you've put a lot into this website and even put some money towards google answers researchers creating stories for this game, so it would be nice for you to get something back.


19 years ago
funkywizard... long time no post. how have you been?? the google answers thing didn't go over too well, didn't give us as much exposure as we like.... i'll discuss this with alexp though.


19 years ago
I don't mind ads. So feel free to do so. As long as they don't keep coming up and don't ever shut up.


19 years ago
Well, add some to this website and get some cash. Just put it at the bottom of the page. I wouldn't care if there was an add there and you would get a little money.


19 years ago
i wouldnt normally promote the idea of advertising, but google ads seem usually relevant so it wouldnt be a big problem.

yeah google answers was kind of a bust for me as well. the googlies don't take the site seriously enough to promote it and the few people who ask questions expect too much for their money. i usually get better advice from posting on forums


19 years ago
I run a small Google Ad on my site, but I've found it to be waaaayyy off. The site is about programming, and talks about strings (a string being a variable containing text), and I see ads for guitar strings and industrial string. I signed up for "BlogAds", which provided about double the revenue and had a target ad.

I remember telling some one about google answers, and they laughed and said, "you know, librarians will do that for free." No less, I love GA for times when I can't even find the forum to answer the question. And I'm sure it's a fun hobby to do.

You'd think that GA and Google have some sort of inherent conflict, too ... the better google gets, the less needed GA becomes!


19 years ago
But if you don't do ads, we don't get cooler prizes! :-(


19 years ago
That was me.


19 years ago
Hey Funkywizard!! Long time no see.

A good idea ... however, I get enough ad revenue from my other hobby site; I kind of count all of my hobbies in the same bucket, and so far, that bucket is in the black! So expect more google answer "questions" soon! :-D