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13 years ago
WIP thread. No timeline for finish. Discussion/questions welcomed. Should be my best by far.


13 years ago
Is this an old story you were working on before and stopped? I could've sworn you mentioned Tristan in another thread.


13 years ago
No, it's brand new! :)


13 years ago

So...what's it about?

Might be useful info in a discussion. ;)


13 years ago
I never know how much people actually want to know about a story haha. It's fantasy, set in a continent that's only been settled for ~5 generations after a devastating plague broke out in the old continent. It follows the eldest son of one of the continent's most powerful families. It's really open ended and it's got a lot of characters. Should be about 10 endings.


13 years ago
Sounds pretty cool. I imagine there will be a lot of conflict between the various families and maybe opportunities to ally with some through marriage or other means. Probably even a chance to back-stab them if it puts you in a better position.


13 years ago

That's if you go the political route. The other route is to forgo your right to becoming a duke and become a knight instead and then there's five other storylines for that side.


13 years ago

How many of those five storylines involve hitting things with a sword?


13 years ago
Well, all of them on the knight side do, that's for sure. But the ones on the duke side will be more focused on politics and the like. Lots of gruesome killing on the paths I have written though.


13 years ago
I'm ~50 big infinite-story sized rooms in so far, so still lots and lots to go.


13 years ago
70 in and just wrote my first ending!


13 years ago
How much fantasy is involved? Like is it more like a real world medieval setting with only a few fantasy trappings, or are you going for a High Fantasy setting?


13 years ago
In one of the storylines there's necromancy, and there's a plague that's definitely not realistic that's either mentioned or witnessed in all of the paths but I'd say it's about 90% real-world-medieval (but set in another world).

Magic is really rare and there's no other races involved so I don't know if it would qualify for high fantasy even though the setting is completely fictional.


13 years ago

Well i was going to ask something, but i forgot my question, so goodluck and i look forward to playing, please keep us updated man!


12 years ago

Migod, 10 is "open-ended"? xD I may need to cut back, then.


13 years ago
There are some pretty unconventional things about the story. Stuff that you only discover if you go looking for it but would make a lot of people cringe and was actually pretty tough to write, for me.

On an unrelated note, for the first time, I'm including the possibility of developing your character into an 'evil' person.


13 years ago

It sounds really great, and I'd love to take a look at it when you get it published. Sounds like you're pushing the envelope a little, which you could normally only find from endmaster :P


13 years ago

Is this gonna be more story, or more game?


13 years ago
I'm guessing a balance, perhaps more story then OMS, more game than Eternal.


13 years ago
Ohh! I love evil characters. Sounds good so far JJJ.


13 years ago
There aren't any game aspects to this story, no stats or abilities, the only possible 'game' aspect is a dossier function I implemented on Arion July which was a prototype story I made in the summer but never finished.

I'd say it definitely pushes the envelope.


13 years ago
I think as long you keep it out of "A Serbian Film" territory, I don't think people will cringe too much at the possible terrible deeds the protagonist does (or sees others do).


13 years ago
It's not in the violent/rapingbabies/slaughteringchildren vein, it's a lot more psychological than that. Plenty of brutal violence too though.

A Serbian Film was so fucked though, I will never watch that again


13 years ago
I regret watching it with my girlfriend. Most awkward random erection of my life. :|


13 years ago
How far are you on this project JJJ?


13 years ago
I'm still under 100 pages. It's going well though.


13 years ago

I'm sorry, but the "One of the most influential families" part of your description is making me think of the Italian families (basically just Irish clans but more wealthy, influential, and elegant), am I in the right ballpark here or am I completely off?


13 years ago
The continent is ruled by a council of dukes. Dukeship is passed down from father to son, so those families are the most powerful. So basically completely unlike the Italian mob haha.


13 years ago

Not the mob per-say, just the influential families that existed during the renaissance and shortly afterwards, what the mafia evolved from. You know, like the Capulets and the Montagues. Or if you're into video games, like the Auditore family. Both their family and the one they were feuding with, (I can't remember their names) had feuds in the streets between various people, even though those people weren't neccesarily family members. Their influence and money attracted friends and mercenaries alike to fight for them. Something like that?

Or are they basically tiny kingdoms?


13 years ago
Tiny kingdoms is a good bet.


13 years ago
Yeah, each of the dukedoms reside in separate cities and basically get along well. But not the entire continent believes in them as a form of government, and so there's plenty of areas not under their jurisdiction. It's a pretty vast political landscape because the continent has only been populated for ~5 generations.


13 years ago
Also thanks for responding JJJ. Not trying to pressure you but if I am remembering correctly its been a while since you produced a story game. Correct?


13 years ago
March 8th, 2009 - The Order of the Midnight Sun


13 years ago
So two years.


13 years ago
No, Cool; five years.


13 years ago
Actually. 2 years 8months and 11 or 12 days depending on where you live in the world.


13 years ago


13 years ago
Finished the second ending which is the first evil ending.


13 years ago
hows the progress going?


13 years ago
Very slow. Exam week!


13 years ago


13 years ago
Very slow. Exam week!


13 years ago



13 years ago
No update. Sorry.


13 years ago
If you'd like to see what I've written so far, I can let you in on that. You'd need to be willing to provide criticism though :)


13 years ago

I don't know if I could provide criticism on something this good but hey, I think I managed to find a typo in Eternal so what the hell haha.


13 years ago

I'm willing to provide criticism for your story 3J but i'm not very good at looking for typo's.  Hope it turns out well. :P


13 years ago
I'll add you both as co-authors. Don't edit anything, please. Just read through it, and then message me with any errors you find. I'm not looking for proofreading as much as the bigger things. If you come to a dead end, then I haven't written that part yet, so try a different branch :)


13 years ago
Also, please don't leave comments on the actual story. Message me them instead :)


13 years ago

It's... it's... AMAZING!


13 years ago
Thanks bro :)


13 years ago
Seems interesting can't wait to try it. Kind of reminds me of game of thrones


13 years ago


13 years ago



13 years ago
Yeah, the game of thrones comment earlier really got me thinking. This REALLY reminds me of A Song of Ice and Fire. If you haven't read those books, and need inspiration, maybe just look up summaries or ask people who have read them (I have). They seem to be exactly what your describing as the basis for your game. Which is awesome, because I've always dreamed of playing a storygame like that.


13 years ago
I think if you want to learn about it, read it. I'ts worth it, they really are amazing books.


13 years ago

Those are really good books


13 years ago

... Update?


12 years ago


12 years ago

I'm sure it's still being written guys or JJJ still has plans to release it, don't rush perfection :P.


12 years ago
Update, please?


12 years ago