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For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Hey guys, I recently ran across an amazing RPG site called Hogwarts Extreme. The site sorts you (based on a short essay they ask you to provide) and then it immerses you in the deepest and best Harry Potter RPG site I've ever seen. The site is mostly made up of different sections of message boards (you can take classes in classroom and earn points for your house, join or start your own Quidditch team, hangout in the Common Rooms etc.) but also offers a market place where you can buy items, share items, you can read the various different newspapers the site publishes and whatever else you can imagine. It's an amazing site and I really think a lot of you will find a lot of enjoyment in it.

Anyway, here's the link ------->

And once you're sorted, add me! My username is JohnVincent, same as here and I'm a Hufflepuff haha... Yeah. But for real, give it a try, there's nothing not to love about it... Trust me :)

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

So, I see both Evagirl and written_agreement have made accounts! Let me know how you guys like it once you get sorted! It shouldn't take too long. Maybe a day at the most.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

I will get an account :)

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Awesome! I just accepted your friend request. I'm curious to see what house everyone gets sorted into. I don't know why,  I find that sort of thing pretty interesting...

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Yeah I can't wait to see what house I am put into. What are Evagirls and Written_agreements usernames? I would like to add them :)

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Just search their usernames up! They both have the same usernames that they use on here.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Oh and I am a Griffindor once again!

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Hahaha probably not a coincidence then! No matter what site I join or quiz I take I seem to always be either a Hufflepuff or a Ravenclaw. Guess I'm a Huffleclaw... Or a Ravenpuff haha

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Lol I either get Hufflepuff or Griffindor so that would make me a Huffledor or a Griffinpuff. It sucks we have to wait a month to actually start playing though. :/

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
I just joined too. I'm probably going to be Ravenclaw (usually am) and i just sent JV a friend req.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Cool, yeah I just accepted it. So glad all of you are joining! This should be a really great experience, without a doubt. I've been hooked for a week now, no joke.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

I'm going to sign up too after i uninstall windows 9... My computer bytrayed me and installed it when I left it on one night.

I'm always Ravenclaw unless I'm force to pick something else so we will have to see if I keep my ravenstreak.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Cool haha, hop to it once you get the chance. And yeah. Ravenclaw's a cool house. I'm a fan.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Actually my username is EvaG

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Wow you already have a quidditch team together? If only I was a Hufflepuff... How long have you been on the site?

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Yeah, I managed to start my own team in the short time I've been on. I just jumped right into it, I guess. We're called the Black Cavaliers. It's all role playing though, it's not like a video game or anything. Still fun, nonetheless. And eh, if you want I'd be totally willing to put you on the team. We still need players and some of the people who signed up don't seem to be responding. And it really doesn't matter which house you're in! That's the cool part. Teams can be (and usually are) made up of players from all different houses.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Alright sweet, I would love to join :) GO BLACK CAVALIERS!!!

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Awesome!! Here's the link to the starting thread :) Just fill out the form that's described and I'll add you to the roster and notify all the peeps on the team.



For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Dangit... this things looks really cool but I'm grounded and have to resort to doing things at school now.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

I broke my laptop about a week ago and do everything from school to. (Unless my grandma lets me on her super slow desk top which only happens when she wants to watch American Idol or some other singing show.)

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Ahh, don't worry about it, man. We'll all wait for ya. Don't fret it.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

I've been sorted into ravenclaw now

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
same here.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

So, how is everyone enjoying it? Is everyone sorted now or is anyone still waiting for the owl?

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
I'm Ravenclaw, I'm taking DADA, Necromancy, and Transfiguration.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Awesome! Yeah, I started out slow with the classes too... I only took like 2 or 3 to start. I'm taking 11 now though, because I have an abnormal amount of free time and every homework seems to only be 5 questions plus an extra credit question. Plus I love it... Can't get enough for some reason.


But how are you liking it? Is it better than you thought? Or do you find it kind of boring?

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
Necromancy? I don't remember that in any Harry Potter stuff.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
What were those things at the lake called again? Weren't they reanimated corpses. The ones guarding the slytherin holocrux.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
You're right, I completely forgot about those.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
Yeah but I think that is the only time you see necromancy other then the stone ring he uses to bring back his parents.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Yeah, Necromancy's pretty interesting. I don't remember it being in the films, but I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in the books. The one lesson I've taken so far concerned "dancing skeletons" and the issues in the Wizarding world as to how "humane" it is to reanimate skeletons after a person's death and make it dance. Apparently wizards have to sign a contract permitting living wizards to reanimate their remains on special occasions. I thought it was pretty cool.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

It's impossible to truely make the dead come back to life, as mentioned several times in the books, but it is possible to reannimate their bodies, like with inferi, or make "shadows" of them reappear, like with the ressurection stone or priori incantatem. I personelly think the dancing skelletons is more of a charm to make the bones levitate and move in a particular pattern, though ethically it might pose some similar dilemmas.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
I created an account... and now I'm stuck haha. I don't even know how to get sorted or choose blood type. I guess I'm just gonna click around for a while.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago

Well, if you filled out the essay, then you're currently in the process of being sorted. You just have to give the moderators some time to do their job and soon you'll be sorted and have a blood type soon after. Just wait it out and keep clicking around.

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
what essay?

For all Harry Potter fanatics (and RPG lovers)

13 years ago
Looks cool... would it matter much that I've only read the first three and a half books?

I intend on reading the rest of them eventually, but just haven't had the time and I've gotten bogged down in the middle of Goblet of Fire.