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Age Difference

12 years ago

What age difference rules do you all have in relationships? Do you have the three year rule like most or are you more conservative like me?

I ask because I'm dealing with two guys right now who don't understand they're crossing the line into being pedophiles right now need to vent. I have one 17 year old guy going for my 13 year old sister that I have to deal with and a former friend of mine who is a Junior dating a seventh grader! This is ridiculous! When did stuff like this become acceptable?

Age Difference

12 years ago

I normally find it ok if it's within 2 years, sometimes 3. But yeah, when I see High School kids (with the exception of Freshman) going after Junior High girls it's just weird.

PS, if he's the kind of Seventeen year old who'd want a 13 year old girl, that's the kind of guy you need to keep away from your sister.

Age Difference

12 years ago

He isn't the kind of seventeen year old who goes for 13 year olds only, he goes for all girls but doesn't care about age. My sister doesn't want to be around him either since she thinks he is creepy but he keeps hitting on her and I have to play the big brother role and intervene.

Age Difference

12 years ago

Start stalking him so to creep him away from your sister and hope to find stuff to use against him in the future should he ever take advantages of your sister. Go get a crash course on 3 different kind of martial arts and whoop him if necessary. Ask him out one night to give him a warning by breaking his rib, jaw and arm by luring him into a dark alley so that you won't be identify and take embarrassing photos of him in "certain" angle to use against him. :D

Age Difference

12 years ago

Dude, I think you should be more concerned about the fact your sister doesn't want to be around him than the age difference. With that said, it's not really appropriate for a seventeen-year-old to go out with a thirteen-year-old just because of the different levels of emotional maturity, though it's not my place to judge.

As for the topic in general, one rule that works fairly well is half your age + 7. That being, if you're 20 years old, you'd halve that to make 10 and then add 7, meaning 17 is the youngest you can go. When you're 30, it's 22. When you're 40, it's 27 and so on. But honestly, I think as long as both people are consenting and are above the age of consent I don't really care. If two people love each other that's all that should matter.

Age Difference

12 years ago

ok this is creepy. you need to talk to him, this might be me being overprotective but this doesn't seem normal to me

Age Difference

12 years ago

Yikes. It’s disgusting on both sides of the coin.


Girls who think they are women = Easy prey for Exploitation.

Age Difference

12 years ago

Oh wait, I sorta misunderstood the question XD

Well, personally I dont really have an age difference rules... yet seeing how I cant seem to get into a relationship T.T :foreveralone: but if i do get into one i would probably prefer they are near my age. Oh what do you mean by conservative?

Well, if you dont like it and your sister dont like it and that guy is pushy then you should be pushy and go up to him and give him a stern warning.

Age Difference

12 years ago

well, i don't care about age difference, as long as the girl looks fine. My first girlfriend..... i was 14. She was 14.

My second gf, i was 14, she was 16. My third...... i was 16 , she was 15. The  i went along with two gfs, one was 14 and the other was 18. And  only last week i started another relation with a 16 yrs old girl. And in 3 days i'll be 17.

So basically, i haven't broke the 3 years rule. But i can't say the same thing about my brother.

His first gf was 13 when he was 16, then his next one was 14.... and he was already 19 . And his current gf is 15..... and he's 24.   The difference is nine years.... pretty ridiculous.

Age Difference

12 years ago

my parents are closer to 6 years apart.

Age Difference

12 years ago

No maturity gap though. A 42 year old and a 36 year old would be WAY better than a 19 year old and a 13 year old. It has more to do with how quickly teenagers mature from year to year than it does with the actual age itself.

Age Difference

12 years ago

in Romania, in gypsy communities, 5 yrs old girls marry males ranging from 6 yrs to 80 yrs.

Seen cases of a 11 yrs old marrying a 68 yrs old and having a child. She declared she lost her virginity at 7, with her 44 yrs old uncle.

Age Difference

12 years ago

I have words for gypsies...

Age Difference

12 years ago

you're not the only one. They simply invaded Romania, and now they invade Europe, pretending they're Romanians and destroying our reputation.

Yes, I am racist and I hate them. Not all, though, some are really decent people, but the beggar-thief-pimp-prostitute-gangster type are 90% of them and really pisses me off.... and not only me. They are taught by their parents that nobody cares if they break the law. They're just wrong.

Age Difference

12 years ago

i wrote a joke similar to your point Bo. cougars, and the sexually biased world we live in is messed up. on a side note, my grandparents had 20 years between them. but they didnt get married till he was in is 70s and she in her 50s i think. so thats not bad.


Age Difference

12 years ago

Man don't tell me about weird relationships. I know one guy who was 18 dating a seventh grader. I know of a lot of one night stands that break all kinds of laws probably, but they were with consenting girls so I am not going to call the cops on them. I myself have always followed the two year rule, with one exception with a girl who I really liked that was three years older than myself. 

Age Difference

12 years ago


Knew a guy in high school that met his girlfriend when he was in 11th and she was in 7th. Used to make jokes about him because of it. Kind of an odd couple even without the age difference. His personality was incredibly boring and his voice was monotone. The one time I met her, she was acting like an annoying hyperactive little kid (rolling on the floor, talking too fast, looking for from everyone etc).


They were together until he went away for college then she cheated on him.


The only other major example I can think of is I knew another guy who was about 35 and he started hanging out with a lot of teenage girls who were around 17-19 so he was deliberately dancing around the age of consent line. 


Now the girls he was hanging out with were of course all on the wild side (and probably had daddy issues) so they weren't really innocent themselves, but my dad and I kept warning him if he continued down this path he was going to end up getting himself into a whole mess of trouble.


And that's exactly what happened.


He ended up pissing off one of these girls severely enough that she accused him of rape. What actually happened is they went to a party, she had sex with two guys in the bathroom there, he took her back to his place then they had sex. They got into an argument the next morning and she wanted him to take her back home. He said she could get home herself and basically she was stuck at his house until he decided to finally take her back home.   


At that point I guess it was when she decided to get revenge him and accuse him of rape. At first he was really worried about it, but then he figured she was bluffing or he just didn't think he was going to get into trouble because there was "no proof" of any crime so he just continued with his life as normal rather than doing the smart thing like hiring a lawyer right away (or for a more criminal mindset, flee the area).


Well eventually the police busted him SWAT team style a couple months later when he was leaving his house to go to work. He was even on the damn news since he got taken in by this really overzealous cop who saw himself as cleaning up the streets of sexual predators. 


Didn't help either that the girl was 17 and came from a fairly wealthy family, while he looked like some 35 year old pervert that snatched her off the street. He had to sell most of his possessions just to raise money for a competent lawyer. He was in jail until the trial where he had to ultimately plead guilty to sexual misconduct in the 1st degree or something like that.


He got six years in prison. He's out, but now he's got a permanent record as a sex offender.


As for the girl, last time heard anything about her was a few months after the guy I mentioned went to prison. She was at a bar my dad was working at the time and she started hitting on him. He told her to get the hell away and had her thrown out of the bar telling the owner that she was under the drinking age anyway.


The morale of the story is "If you're gonna mess around with jailbait, you're gonna have a bad time."

Age Difference

12 years ago

Lol, sounds like a tight-knit community. What city or town did you live in?

Age Difference

12 years ago

Can you ask yourself the same question?

Age Difference

12 years ago

(Age/2)+7 is generally the accepted rule from where i come from. So, a 17 year old can date a 16 year old at minimum. In other words, 17 dating 13 is all kinds of fucked up.

Age Difference

12 years ago

Maybe until a couple of years later, but still, dating not allowed until 25+ (wise words of millions of parents.)

Age Difference

12 years ago

Funny, I've never heard that theory once from "millions of parents". Combine that with the fact that you almost never know what you're talking about, and I'd say you're wrong.

Age Difference

12 years ago

this is sometimes reinforced in countries with heavy religion but it's only a very small %, not millions. 

Age Difference

12 years ago

Isn't the the Islam way? My ex is 22 and I'm 38 so that works perfectly.

Age Difference

12 years ago

Another problem is with how young girls dress its getting hard to tell what age they are. I was at a park today and mistook a 13 year old for  a 16 year old.

Age Difference

12 years ago

Tell me about it. Remember my story about the Junior dating the 7th grader? Well, earlier this year we went up to the park with some friends and a girl he was fooling around with. Keep in mind me and the kid are both 15 at this point. The girl he was with looked like she was 14 or 15 years old and I didn't even question it. During conversation I find out that this girl is 11 years old and the kid didn't look shocked at all. I asked him about it and he said he already knew she was 11. 

I don't think I've smacked someone harder in my life.

Age Difference

12 years ago

It depends on the age of the person. Three years isn't a difference at all if you're talking about, say, a 30 year old and a 33 year old. It's a tremendous difference if you're talking about a 15 year old and a 12 year old. So the age range can vary quite a lot just based on exactly what ages they -are-.

At almost 21, I'd say my age range would probably be 20 to 25 or so (not in a relationship, so I can't speak for what I actually have). I wouldn't go below 20 mostly because I have a friend dating an 18 year old and I see how much of an age difference there is between them sometimes, even though they don't realize it. I'd actually be more concerned about where the other person plans to go in life compared to me at this point.