Just curious if you had a daughter or a son what would you name them.
Thelonia for girls, Obsidian for both, maybe (my name) Jr. for boys
Steve, Ryan, Blake if boy, Kathy, Alice, Jennifer if girl, and Waldo if hermaphrodite
The only name I'm for sure on Nick Jr. for my first son. Some other names I like Tyler and Matt for boys and don't really know of any girl names I would like. It doesn't really matter though since I don't plan to have kids.
You don't plan to continue your personal bloodline? why not, if i may ask?
Personal reasons
For a daughter: Alexamin
For a son: either Ner'Xul or Corando
For a daughter, Tehya or Cara. For a son, either James or Anthony. Maybe Lilith for a girl, or Altair for a boy. I've always loved the name Altair.
Well I asked this because I couldn't really think of what to name my kids, but ill cross that bridge when I come to it. I also asked this because I here a lot of names that I feel are stupid, ex. Genesis, out the top of my head.
My sister is pregnant and right now we are calling it Noodle ( don't ask why). It is a boy and we are trying to think of names and I feel this will be helpful. I am trying to think of uncommon names, and all I can think of is Eli. Any ideas (please nothing from pop culture and nothing to unusual like Eragon or Warner)
yeah, a lot of the names here are really out there...
any way, Eli isn't really that common around here, where do you live?
In a city where only people from around the area might have heard so let's just say near Boston
hiya:) here are just a few that i love...
Felix Dew, Zed, Alfie, Slate, Grey, Mich
hope this helps:)