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BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

The Battlefield/Call of Duty standoff has been alive and well for years, and Battlefield has been gaining ground with every release. Whether Call of Duty fanboys want to admit it or not, this incarnation of Battlefield promises to be head-and-shoulders above anything either franchise has produced, and unless Activision manages to put together the most awe-inspiring CoD package to date, EA and DICE may have the chops to unseat the FPS king from its throne. More Special Features... Battlefield 3 made serious headway toward this goal, and while CoD still reigned supreme in the last cycle, more and more shooter fans migrated to Battlefield’s brand of vehicular warfare, visceral gunfights, and destructible environments. Battlefield 4 promises to deliver on everything that its predecessor accomplished, in addition to a pile of new features and environments that will push the envelope of current generation hardware and usher in the next generation of FPS gaming. With this release, it would seem that Battlefield has thrown down the proverbial gauntlet, taunting their competition to make an announcement regarding the next Call of Duty release and prove them wrong. Your move, Activision.

BF4 vs CoD:G

Check the bloody screenshots. Which is better Gold or expired milk? Battlefield 4 or call of duty: repeated? Fortruegamer or forcheapearning? Soldier or dog?

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

I saw a cracked article about the two. I think it was about a earlier vesrion, but it said that both started underwater, when you look out new york city is in ruins, then a showing of statue of liberty.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
So bf4 rocks and codg sucks right?! Call of duty ghosts doesn't even look like an 8th gen game! Battlefield 4 = 1, Call of duty ghosts = 0 !

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

I dont know. Never played them.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
I have played the initial installments of both the game and I must say that both were equally awesome. But then they started releasing cod titles every year. Each title was identical to rhe previous one. And guess what? They were earning like a +++++. I mean just look at the sales figure. 24 million. Each game. Man! Call of duty is the most overrated series of all time. I find it sad. Poor EA. But now the time has come. BF4 will kick CoDghosts sorry a$$! Stay tuned! Go battlefield! go

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Despite me liking cod and battlefield everyone must admit they are doing well. But I have yet to see Battlefield experiment with RP experiences and some say using those jets and tanks is somewhat over complicated. But they are very popular.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

*Avoid's both and supports neither.*

I'd rather play starcraft (1 or 2) or an RPG anyday. FPS have never really been a major point for me in gaming. I do enjoy a halo game or 2 every now and then.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

BF4- visually superior!

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
and it has better gameplay too! Don't you know!?

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

I'd probably pick up both. Call of Duty might be overrated, but it's still a great series in my opinion. Even if the games are more or less identical, each release comes with some new maps, stories, and whatever extra features they decide to add in that makes it better than the last. I don't see the point of getting behind video games in a "rivalry", I'd rather just play both games.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Thank you... But like fireplay I prefer RPG's ever since my Xbox cord gets taken away on any day other than weekends and I'm only there half of the weekends so in a year I could play... 26 weeks so 52 days out of 365

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
My favourite is The Elder Scroll series. The only series that I pre order. (even though I know that they are riddled with bugs...). I probably won't buy BF4 if they don't include bots. And Cod is a big NO. Though I am looking forward towards GTA V (looks great).

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Yeah they have really expanded the sandbox genera

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Some idiots think that BF ripped of CoD.  +1 facepalm.

Some idiots think that CoD is older than Doom.  +1 facepalm.

Some idiots think that CoD has no recycled content.  +1 facepalm.

Some idiots think that CoD has superior graphics to other games.  +15 facepalms.

Some idiots think that CoD : Ghost is original.  Ever heard of Ghost Recon?  +666 facepalms, accompanied by complementary nutshot.

Some idiots compare CoD to real life, and think that tomahawks and throwing knives are more practical than sidearms. They also think that perks are army standards. +

But it doesn't mean BF and other games don't have the same sins.  A lot of them do.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Facepalms? Is that like getting bitch slapped?

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

It's when you're so annoyed/pissed off/disapointed in life that you just put your face onto your palms and sigh in sadness.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
Average call of duty player

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Make it a executioner and a knife that lunges 30 feet yep

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
Average Battlefield player.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Make it a baby with a rpg and cryig because he got whooped so bad you got it. ;)

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Never played far cry but looks accurate...

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Medal of Honor just uses every movie trope there is.  Which makes it all the more fun to play, even moreso than CoD.

Btw, where's Ghost Recon?

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

I call it the palm of shame. 

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

No, I wush 2 BZ playing I am Alive.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Overall I prefer Halo (before it got laggy and I cried a little and now play BF3)

I like halo more for 2 reasons:

1. Its not easy to insta-spam-trigger-noob death. basically in COD and BF anyone holding down a trigger can kill you by accident with no skill needed just by spamming a rapid fire weapon in the general direction of the enemy spawn. Yes its more realistic to die from 1 bullet but noobs spamming heavies getting kills from random luck pisses me off...

2. There still are some but there are fewer try-hards. When I play COD and BF I get loads of messages about clans and how certain weapons are for noobs and how I can't play a certain way or how THEIR server bans half the weapons in the game etc. In halo I do occasionally get clan invites but I don't get told off for killing someone with, and I quote 'The wrong shotgun cos only noobs use it.' or get a 2 minute ranting voicemail message telling me I'm noob for knifing someone. (I usually reply: yup so noob I knifed you and got a better KD).

I should say I don't have anything really against COD or BF esp since I am playing BF a lot atm due to halo getting more laggy but I just find halo more fun/less serious and I guess I like that only power weapons can 1 hit kill, like a sniper headshot (Takes 2 body shots) since if you get pot shotted from across the map, if you are good enough you can sometimes get away or get a kill by turning the tables on them.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

One of the reasons I don't like halo is you go into forge memorize where the spawns are. People just sit where people spawn and spawn kill you.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

It can be very irritating on open area maps but rarely works too well apart from on certain maps, the new maps should have the better spawn zone system to overweight the zones to prevent spawn death due to LOS tracking (I forge). I find I get spawn killed more in BF due to OP air vehicles flying over spawn areas.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

True the new maps are better at not letting that happen

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

(@Halo)I kind of figured that unless one team was failing horribly or didn't have enough players that the several spawn points would keep them alive.

(Other)Also I always find it amusing when people call me a noob for knifing them whenever I play that game. In a gun fight I would knife you it if was more practical instead of trying to get a lucky headshot in point-blank range.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago


Me: *After the match is lost* Sorry for knifing you, man. I really am.


Me: I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry! Really! It was just so forked up!

ILHG:*Incomprehensible fuck-ridden yelling*

Me: What, too spoon?

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Halo is one of the most balanced games I've played.  Even the pistols can kill you fairly easily if you  can't to cover in time.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
Cod will win in sales again...but it sucks in every other department.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Battlefield 4 really only looks like an updated BF3 with a few more things and scripted events (I must admit they're pretty cool). CoD ghosts looks somewhat different with the better engine, squads and customizable characters. Also the fact that both have a destructible environment. All in all I think it just comes down to personal preference. Do you like getting ass raped by vehicles and pain in the ass pros or having try hard quick scopers and little kids? If only I had ARMA...

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

They both bite ass. Arma FTW.

I daresay 7 Days to Die outranks both of them in fun and in gameplay.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

I think the fact that the BF series has destruction physics, a higher player cap and vehicles, makes it better. Even if you don't like vehicles or big maps with a lot of people, you can still basically play COD, with destruction physics, on the smaller maps, that lack vehicles. Zombies is really the only thing that COD has over BF, and I don't even like that game mode so ya...

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Completely forgot about zombies. If they made a game entirely focused on zombies with a good story I'd play it. The story is rather confusing but you can get used to it. You can have fast paced on BF as long as you play TDM. I just want gold so I can actually play it. ARMA kicks both of their arses out of the water though, just wish I had a powerful CPU to play it or it comes out on XBOXONE/PS4. I can only wait...

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

I've always preferred the storyline of COD but the multiplayer of BF

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Honestly, regardless of liking Battlefield, I still really enjoy Call of Duty. By no means am I a fangirl; I just think its a fun and easy game to play when you're bored and just want to play a noncomplex FPS. I don't understand all the hate it gets to be honest.I like both games and don't even think to compare them

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
It gets all the hate because it sells so well.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Pretty much yeah, I do find it repeats things a bit too often though. Still looking forward to squads.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Ohh, yes, that makes sense. I've always thought that's such a silly reason, sometimes I forget XD

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
Lol. It makes me burst out laughing when Cod fanboys say that it has earned 1 billion $ sales on the first day. And defeated Gtav. Lol.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Hahaha! Who says that? They must be retarded. GTAV got like 22 million sales in preorders alone I think (tell me I'm wrong :P) something that CoD has in a similar level. How's CoD:G compared to BF4 now that both games are out? I haven't gotten either yet...

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
(Sorry for my english)Well, No game can get 22 million in preorders alone! :-) Gta 5 has sold over 30 million copies till now. Its preorders were like 1.8 million. Now here is what I mean. GTA 5 earned 800 million $ on its first day and nothing will beat that in near future (except Gta 6 or Wii Trainer 2). However, Activision boasted their game and tried to gather some attention by confirming that cod g has earned 1 billion $ in one day and it has broken the day 1 sales records set by gta 5. But their sales figure are based on what they have earned by selling to stores and shops. This doesn't confirms how much the game has been bought by consumers. This means that their are still millions of unsold copies lying in stores that have been confirmed to be 'sold' by Act. If we take the retail sales of Gta 5 then it will easly cross 3b in 24 hours. So when cod fanboys say that g has defeat gta 5 in day 1 sales record then it makes me puke on em. Activision knew that people would misread the headlines. And the same is happening. Lol to cod. Long live R*. And GTA.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
As for cod g and bf4, I suggest that you go for bf4 (this gen or the next). Cod g has the same multiplayer, the same animations and even the same cutscenes(!) that we saw in BO2. However on the other side, Bf has Levolution, 10x graphics and amazing 64 player battles! Though bf4 has a lame single player and cod g shines here. So, if you play fps for sp then go for cod g and if you play them for mp then go for bf4. Battlefield 4: 8/10. Cod: ghost : 4/10. Note: I am not a bf fanboy nor a cod hater. I have both the games and the above post is based on my sole judgement. I haven't even read any reviews yet. Cod g is vastly inferior to bf4 imo.

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
I am a Nintendo fanboy actually!!

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago
And I regret getting COD G. RIP COD. Love to MW, MW2, WAW, 1 and 2. Hate to every other installment. I am done with COD. Bye Activi$ion. *Rushes to exchange it for GTA 5.* (But I regret not getting gta 5 even more. Time to fix my mistakes.)

BF4 vs COD:G

11 years ago

Hmm... Thing is I can't do fuck all in BF4 coz I don't have XBOX LIVE so I guess I'll get CoD:G either way.

Just a little thing I'd like to say on your post... They're both the same games as previous. BF4 has the same graphics as BF3, maybe a little more refined but nothing special. Levelution has been in battlefield for a while now so it doesn't really count as new. The only really good thing is the 64 server multiplayer which is only for next gen and CPU.

As for CoD:G I think they've added some nice touches to the game but nothing drastic. I like the create-a-soldier idea and squads. Bots are enjoyable because I can't play MP much. Extinction looks fun but I'm sticking with Treyarch in terms of special modes. Zombies kicks ass!

I think Activision and EA should band together and make the best video game the world has ever seen. Something that would blow GTAV out of the water. Something with the best of both worlds.