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Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

I'm confused on what to do overall.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

What things confuse you? Do tell me, that way, I can help.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

^^ This. We can't exactly explain anything to you if you don't tell us what you don't understand. 

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

He doesn't know how the site works yet. He is my friend at school.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Right. Right.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

What you think I made an Alt? It isn't me.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

What's an Alt

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

A different account for the same person.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

May I ask you a question? Why did you invite your "friend" to this site if he doesn't even know why "he" should be on? This is a God damn writing site, not a place for your alts to just hang around, ye know.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

He may not be an alt, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt unless it becomes obvious like with the others. 

Also I thought you weren't posting anymore, what happened to that?



Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

I think the site's name should explain it... but incase it doesn't, you make Choose Your Own Adventure games here, and you can chat on the forums. There's some other things you can do too.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Ok so what are these puzzles and games and experience that I keep seeing, (thanks brennonwilson2 for not explaining anything)

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Sorry! I told him the forum basics.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago
Experience points. Please do check out the help page for lots of other information.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

The points are just for rating, leaving replies, and making storygames and such. Basically benefitting the site. You can also recieve penalties for trolling or breaking the rules.

Freeform and Warrior Cats aren't allowed, by the way.

I don't know what you mean by puzzles and games, but there's a storygames section where you can pick Choose Your Own Adventures from made by other people. So, yeah. I hope that helps.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

It's a writing site. You might start by reading other people's stories, then the help articles and so on while you figure out what you want to write about. There are specific boards to ask questions about writing, the use of the editor and so on, or you could contribute something worthwhile to existing discussions. 

(Your buddy Brennon doesn't really do any of those things so he may not be the best example to model your own behavior on...)

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

I told him everything. The writing style, the mods, everything.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Thank you!

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Yeah, yeah. Quit it now before it derails and the mods come.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Quit giving your friend advice, in response to a question he made a thread to ask?


...okay? I guess if you insist.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

I made him do it... -_-

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

... Answering the question of the original post and responding to the answer is the very opposite of derailing. It is directly on topic. *facepalm*

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago
What do you want to do?

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

How do you either join a game/puzzle or make your own?

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Look at the Help & Info.


Here's the link, incase you're still confused.


You can find a lot of useful info there.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago
Information about the forums. And forum roleplaying. If you are speaking of "joining" games, those are all in the forums, so follow those two links.

If you are looking for games/puzzles and making your own, that is writing a story (or a storygame). Before you even consider starting, I suggest you read Kiel's rules. Then plan your story. When you are finally ready to write one, read other stories to see how things work here. Then go back to that help page and read every single item in the section about storywriting.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Thank you much,

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Aaaaahhhhh, darn autocorrect stuff.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Turn it off then.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

I wonder why you and your friends (Brennon?) are here. School projects or just for fun?

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Well I told him that I have a talent for writing books so he guided me to this website. So you could say for fun... I guess.


Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Welcome to CYS. I'm Kiel, one of the site moderators, and I'd strongly recommend reading the articles in the help and info section. The articles cover everything you could possibly need / want to know--though you are always welcome to drop me a line via PM if you have questions.

Before you write anything, I'd also strongly recommend reading some of the games around here, particularly anything featured (the games displayed directly under the category links) and the top-rated games.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Thanks! Ive gone on a few and I've started my own so far. Thanks again.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Raven, Brennon, break it up. You're derailing.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

Sorry Kiel. I'll stop.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago

I stopped from continuing.

Hi I'm a newbie

8 years ago
