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one year ago
I just found this place a couple of weeks ago and thought I would make an account. There's some really good stories here, should keep me busy awhile. :D

I'm just curious, how much do you need to know about coding to make the games?


one year ago

A lot.


one year ago
Nothing. I made one and I know quite literally nothing about coding.


one year ago

It depends. You'd need to know a lot to make something more game-oriented like Dungeon Stompage or Secrets of the Crag, but wouldn't need to know any to make something more story-oriented, like Blow Your House Down or Wrath of the Edomite.

If you do want to learn code, help is available here.


one year ago

Hi! Welcome to the site. 

As for coding, like others have said, it depends on the story you plan on making. 
Strictly speaking, no knowledge of coding is needed at all!

However, if you plan on making a game that would require coding (see TCat's examples in her post) then have no fear! There are plenty of people here willing to answer some questions, but of course you should check out the articles and try to figure things out for yourself first. If you're starting from scratch, try this article here.

Hope you enjoy your time on this site!


one year ago

May Eywa guide this small noob so that they do not suffer the shame of being useless.


one year ago
You may have had time to play around a little with the editor and see for yourself, but Endmaster's games are some of most popular on the site and he uses no coding at all. The basic linking pages to other pages process that makes up most of the storygames here just requires a little clicking.

Once you've done that and browsed the articles under Help & Info, let us know if you have any more specific questions. And glad you're enjoying the stories!


one year ago
Welcome to the site, I do hope you enjoy your time here.


one year ago
Thanks for the welcome everyone. I decided to go with this account name instead so I hope it's okay to have two.

I'm going to start practicing to write a game later tonight, does anyone have any advice or suggestions for a plot?


one year ago

It is very much against the rules to have two accounts. I'm afraid you just bought yourself a one way ticket to ban city.

Sorry, them's the rules.