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9 months ago
I've been looking around at some of the stories and I really love the site! Decided to make an account just to spur myself on into some kind of writing activity again, it's been awhile since I had the time but I've done CYOA writing with some friends back when I was a kid.


9 months ago

Well, if you are in fact new, welcome! 

Good luck 


9 months ago
Welcome to the site. I do hope you enjoy your time here


9 months ago

Welcome! Good luck with the writing. Hope you find the process fun. The writing workshop is available should you desire feedback, though it’s best to have something substantial before submitting.


9 months ago
I made that account and then promptly forgot my password, and trying to reset it didn't work.

I don't mind using this one but if a mod has a way to reset Driftwood I'd really like it back.


9 months ago
Sent you a DM!