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Is it possible to change name?

4 months ago
I would like to change my name if possible. Though considering I haven't found anything like that while roaming, I would guess it's a no. Then, is it okay to delete the account and start new one with the desired name?

Now this is a different issue, the 'preview' option while writing stories is not working for me and it just refreshes the site, nothing else.

Also, there's something like " " that appears out of no where in my writing and profile, while it is not shown, it leaves additional space which ruins the format... Thanks in advance.

Is it possible to change name?

4 months ago

Many others have made Alt accounts, so no reason not to make one yourself.

Are you sure you left the preview option on for your story?

Is it possible to change name?

4 months ago
Okay, though I found this in accepted wishing well, so if we will be able to change the name later, I don't mind waiting.

As for preview option, I can't find anything about turning it on. Though it might be because I am co-author and not the author, I am not sure. And if you are talking about the 'sneak preview' one, that's not what I meant, though it is still on. I am talking about the preview option besides 'chapter and pages'.

Is it possible to change name?

4 months ago
Just make a new account, you haven't done much with this one yet so no loss.

The "nbsp" and so on is leftover from when you used the rich text editor. There is encoding for certain characters that the RTE and Word and the like will insert that the plain text editor doesn't know what to do with.

But part of the reason no one liked dealing with the RTE is because it used to be on by default and noobs would screw up scripting thinking they were looking at a quotation mark while the editor just saw the gibberish the browser was displaying as one.

Is it possible to change name?

4 months ago
Thanks a lot, dude you have been a huge help. The extention is great too.