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Help & Tips Is Growing

18 years ago

The Help & Tips section has been revamped and turned into a member-developed help system. Although it's a bit bare now, we do have three articles on the advanced editor (generously written by solostrike).

As you can see there are plenty of blank spots for articles -- I encourage you to look at solo's articles, see how he wrote it (good sentance structure, spelling, grammar, etc) and place "dibs" on finishing up some of the other articles. Not only will you help other members, but you'll get a nice 50 points!

Help & Tips Is Growing

18 years ago


Help & Tips Is Growing

18 years ago
Looking really great alex, i love how you did the "edit" button and also how you can submit an article right off the mag so you do not need to use word! And the articles, who wrote them? they're EXCELLENT, the mans a genious oon ADV EDITOR!! ;)

kiddding, it a really great job!


Help & Tips Is Growing

18 years ago
lol, solo calm down.  You can only be sooo good.  I'd say weve both hit the upper edge.

Help & Tips Is Growing

18 years ago
I gave one for the duels. It talks about starting one, receiving one, and Cysid. How come there is nothing for Cysid up there.

Help & Tips Is Growing

18 years ago
What, nobody cares? Can you give more than article per section?

Help & Tips Is Growing

18 years ago
if you mean more than ONE article per section, no, its only 1 article for duels, 1 more game making etc. By the way, i published your article and its there for everyone to see, so start advertising lol kidding, just letting you know. adn expressing my article powers lol

Help & Tips Is Growing

18 years ago
Article powers?  Explain?