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Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Thank you to everyone who voted!  

I have to say, I'm impressed:  there wasn't a single story that didn't get placed into the Top 5 by at least 3 voters.
Read on to find out more about each category's top scorers, or scroll to the bottom to see the winner.


Best Riddle/Puzzle:

Voters were unanimous in their descriptions of what makes a good puzzle: 

-- The puzzles in most of the other games were ridiculously easy, and others weren't set up or clued well with the 'challenge' being to read the author's mind. This one gave all the information needed but made me sit down with a notepad to sort it all out. 

-- It was a simple and easy to understand puzzle, but it was also difficult and challenging enough so that it didn't feel like you were having the answer spoon fed to you.

-- Out of all of the storygames in the contest, it was the one that I was the most motivated to solve. I actually got a pen and paper to chart the information, and it was satisfying when I finally figured it out. It had just the right amount of challenge in it that didn't make it too easy or too difficult.

-- It was very intricate, with just enough information to solve everything and no more, so there was clearly a lot of thought and planning put into it. This was the puzzle that kept me entertained the longest, with a constant sense of progress rather than just frustration at not being able to figure it out - I had to read through it multiple times and had to puzzle all the disparate hints together, but it was solvable and really gave you sense of accomplishment.


Best Riddle/Puzzle:

The Nurse's Logic Puzzle from Castle Conundrum

Runner-up Best Puzzle:

Colored Key Card Puzzle from Alien Abduction


Writing Ability

The following stories were all ranked "Above Average" 

The Dream Thief
Alien Abduction
Castle Conundrum

Full Moon's Night 
Under the Bridge 
Survival of the Fittest
Curse of Norgurune


Walkthrough Usage

These three stories had the most difficult puzzles- 1/3 or more of voters admitted to using a walkthrough.

The Dream Thief 42%
The Poem 40%
Survival of the Fittest 37%



Overall Winner

Castle Conundrum by BenCrucifix

First Runner-up

Alien Abduction by Ogre11

Second Runner-up

The Dream Thief by Future

Honorable Mentions

Survival of the Fittest by breezy134

Under the Bridge by betaband

Full Moon's Night by bilbo


These stories will all be placed into the front page rotation.  

Thanks again to everyone who participated, whether by writing or voting.  I hope you had fun, let's do this again sometime. ^_^


Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago


Great job everybody! You are all great writers in my books! :)

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Will there be a list detailing from 1st to last on scores, or nah?

Also nice job everyone.

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Awesome job

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Congrats to the winners, and to everyone who entered. It was wonderful seeing the site get a flood of good stories for a little while there, even the ones with flaws had things I enjoyed about them and were some of the better short games we've had in awhile, especially considering the time constraints the authors were working under. I look forward to seeing any cleaned up and expanded editions put out now too, now that the deadline is no longer an issue. :)

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Congratulations~♪ Congra-atulations~♪

Good job, all of you.

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Great job on a story that was done right in a short amount of time! 

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Belated congratulations to everyone who won, and thank you to everyone who submitted a storygame - it was a great week, being able to play so many puzzle/mystery games that really went above and beyond the usual quality of games that get published, especially on such a short time limit!

And thanks, Seth for making it happen, as well as putting together one hell of a voting quiz.

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago
Congrats to everyone, especially @BenCrucifix ! Indeed, it was a lot of fun, I enjoyed all aspects of it. And thank you everyone who voted for me, too!

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

In case anyone wondered, the overall scores worked out as follows (12 points was highest score possible)

Castle Conundrum 11.0

Alien Abduction 9.8

The Dream Thief 9.7

Survival of the Fittest 9.4

Under the Bridge/ Full Moon's Night tied with 8.9

The Curse of Norgurune 8.7

Tower of Doom 8.4

The Poem 8.2

The Awesume 8.0

Riddle Master 7.5

The Ancient Cookie 6.8


Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Hey Seth, believe it or not I started writing a full-on storygame!

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Looks fancy. No wonder it took a while to tally up all the votes.

Were the judge decisions and the spectator decisions in agreement?

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

At first it didn't look like they were going to, but in the end, both pools agreed on winner.  

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

How many voted in all?

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Congratulations all the authors, these stories were fantastic and like Mizal said it's nice to see so many good stories flooding the site and such a popular and successful competition :D

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Wow, thanks to everyone who voted for Castle Conundrum! I'm genuinely surprised to have won overall winner, there were a lot of other brilliant entries to compete against. Congratulations to all the other winners too of course, and to everyone who took part, they were all great stories and I had a lot of fun reading them.

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago
Congrats!! To all the winners!

And also great job to everyone who submitted a story! I loved almost all the games, and I agree that it was nice to see such a flux of great stories! I know we all worked our butts off creating a game in 10 days!!

Also, thanks to those that intially started a story but didn't finish! All your stories sounded great as well, and I am looking forward to playing when you do finish! :)

For those of who wrote and entered our very first storygames, whew! It's finally over! We can wipe our brows finally, calm ourselves, and correct our mistakes finally. I for one am glad to finally be able to pull it down, lol. It was a learning experience, though. Well worth the effort! XD

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Congratulations all!

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Woo! I did better than average!

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago


Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago
Congrats to all the winners and entrants. There were some great stories written under a tough deadline. Well done.

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Congrats to everyone! Amazing that we got 12 entries! (And a bog thanks to Seth for running this!)

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Good Job everyone!

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Did this whole "front page rotation" thing ever happen? I never noticed it if it did.

Shouldn't BigBenCrucifix get a nice, shiny, new trophy?

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

Site contest trophies have to be given out by Alexp.

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago
Ah, I thought someone else had that power, too. Thanks for the update!

Riddles & Puzzles 2016- Results

8 years ago

They should be in the front page list.  I'll see what I can do when I'm not at work.