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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

S E Hinton

10 years ago

Along with being an Earthbound fanatic, a Dept Heaven fangirl and a pixel horror junkie, I also have a profound facsination with SE Hintons books (Outsiders, ya know)

I've read more than enough of her books to get the jist of thing: Dreamy character dies, someone else gets shot, girl problems. But I read them anyways. SE Hinton didnt write with a lot of variety- always junkie kids in the late 60's. But whileevery  book feels somewhat the same, I love them, because its like the story never ends. AAAAAAAAH.

But the dreamy kid thing! Here:

Johnnycakes: Died because he broke his back

M&M: Ruined future because acid fried his brain (i consider it a death, being that his whole future is dead)

Motorcycle Kid: Died while stealing betas (I liked this death, wish i knew what it meant)

And a million more! Like, why does the dreamy person always have to die? Like:

Rainbow (Cant get there from here) : Suicide

Clarisse (451): Hit by car (?)


I guess nothing gold can stay...

S E Hinton

10 years ago

I dunno.. It just happens all the time...

Nelson Mandela: Wasn't feeling well.

John Lennon: Shot

Ponyboy: probably smoking

The minecraft dog: Everything

V: got shot 6 times

Harrison Begeron: Also shot

Van-Gogh: Suicide

Whatserface from Final Fantasy: Giant anime sword

Leonardo Da Vinci: He got really old.

S E Hinton

10 years ago

I hated the Outsiders.

S E Hinton

10 years ago

Why? I absolutely loved it....

S E Hinton

10 years ago

I think we have enough NeverEnding Stories . . .  

Dreamy characters tend to be too in touch with how their world truly is to survive in it.