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Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

Hmm... Reading Corner: Discuss your 'favorite' books.

*shreds Wolves of the Beyond series in my magical series-shredder paper shredder*

Hate it.

Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago


Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

I just don't like it.

Let's talk about LOGIC:

Yo, my pup has this spiral on his paw! Nothing else wrong with this guy. Screw it, let's leave him somewhere to just DIE.

Does this sound like a good mother to you? Does it?

Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

Mother tries to hide his paw, and prevent him from going away if I remember correctly. Inspector or whoever she is comes and takes his away. The spiral on his paw is seen as a defect which may impede walking or running. No defects allowed.

Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

His other paws were fine, right? And the books stated that his spiral paw was stronger.

Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

The other wolves don't know that, do they? All they see is a possible defect. Get rid of the different.

Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

The whole 'get rid of different wolves' thing really just makes me facepalm. They're still WOLVES, right? Besides, the wolves didn't even know whether or not the paw would help Faolan.

Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

It's basically how racism used to work. Blacks were still people, right? The whites didn't even know if they were good honest men before trying to get rid of them.

Same thing here. Defects were still wolves, right? The healthy didn't even know if the defects affected them before trying to get rid of them.

Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

I understand 'wolfy racism', but at this scale? You seriously let the pup die with one tiny little defect?

Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

Black men were killed just for whistling in the same area as a white woman. A more recent example, less then a year ago. A black kid was playing cops and robbers with his friend when a police man came around. The kid thought that the police man was stopping to play as well, and aimed a toy gun at him. The kid was shot five times and killed.

At least to wolves had a chance of surviving, if extremely small.

Wolves of the Beyond

9 years ago

Actually in the books, I believe it was stated he had a splayed paw, which is a birth defect. Wolves are not domesticated creatures, they live in the harsh wild and can not afford to be weak. That's why a mother wolf might reject the weaker or defected pup of her litter, because something that probably won't survive past infancy doesn't deserve a share of her milk. It's kind of harsh, but that's just the way it is. Survival of the fitest.

But Wolves of the Beyond is a fictional novel. The animals are given human characteristics. The mother still loves her baby even though he has a twisted, useless paw. But her pack follows the "reality" of an actual wolf. They already have enough mouths to feed. Why keep a useless pup that probably won't be able to hunt or protect the pack when it's older? They get rid of it.

Then Faolon is found by a bear. In real life, a bear would probably kill the pup on sight, but, this is a book. She is given the personality of a caring mother. She raises the pup. She trains him to use his twisted paw.

The author is basically saying that disabilities don't always hinder your life, and can become your strong points. A little pick me up to all the kids out there who aren't as fast, strong, or smart as their peers. Something to encourage a reader who may have a disability of their own, rivaling that of Faolon's splayed paw.

The book was alright in my opinion. You don't have to like it, but I hate to see someone misinterpret something someone spent a lot of time and energy on creating. Hope that helps clear up the message. :)