There was a big argument about this in an unrelated thread last night, so if anyone feels inclined to continue, please do so HERE and leave the_quiller's poor newbie thread alone.
Just weighing in with my two cents, I don't think it should be happening unless the author explicitly invites you to read and review early. (the_quiller didn't seem to mind, but I know I for one would be pissed if random people started rifling through my unfinished work, especially if they then rated it down for being unfinished...)
It was suggested that leaving 'Sneak Peek' checked counts as an open invitation, but I disagree. All that does is let people see the title and description of the story you're working on. The fact that you have to manually type in the URL, or else go and use the EXP points exploit, suggests that anyone being able to read it by default was not an intended feature of the site. If it was, there would be a link to click just like a published story.
Anyhoo now that it's become a thing that we're arguing about I guess we need an official rule of some sort?