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Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago the last 24 hours.

I figure everyone but Ford is just busy working on their contest game, if they wanted to post they'd post.

I doubt you'll even use it, but here Ford, here's a thread to make you feel better, since you couldn't manage to do that on your own.

Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago

Happy Birthday Ford!

Wait, that's not what the post is about? Oh well, back to forgetting about the forum.

Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago
I can't believe ford died like that. He was a good noodle. RIP

Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago

Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago

Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago
Oh, the nickname theme in there right now is afflictions and diseases.

I got to be SIDS! ^_^

Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago

Might as well let everyone enjoy.

Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago

It's frankly adorable. For some reason transexuality does fit Ford pretty nicely. 

Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago

Ford picked it himself!

Ford always freaks out if there's no new post

2 years ago
I was Reddit for a bit in the middle. Hard to pick relevant diseases these days.

Ford always by out if there's no new post

2 years ago
Ford has been lots of unsavory things.

And being a disease is really a step up for WizzyCat seeing how long he spent being Wizzy, PissClan Warrior before this.

Truly one of the greatest things about Discord is the nickname function, and particularly how many people will resist End giving them a funny name until they get their dumb asses kicked.