I've been going through a bunch of old CYS threads to get a better grasp of the history here, but I think it's pretty interesting how varied your perspectives can be. Most of the time once you know someones stance on one position, you can generally have a good idea of what their others beliefs are likely going to be with a relatively high accuracy, but it can be hard to predict what you believe! Which is a compliment, truly.
I remember when I was a young lad, and I used to use this website called debate. Org, the site was so dead, That I was essentially the only person trying to debate people on there. All the others were trolls or shit posts, but I messaged this really good debater who used the site years ago, hoping he'd somehow get an email ping to reply back to my burning questions, and to my surprise, he did! I spoke to him everyday on there for like 8 months but then the site domain all of a sudden got shutdown. Theunexaminedlife was his name, RIP.