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My Rights Denied

2 years ago
Political debates used to be the norm around here, but we haven't had one in awhile. I think this issue is important enough however. I hate to get so serious here, but frankly I don't know what the hell has happened to America. Things have really gone downhill. It used to be that there were certain natural rights that were just understood and would go completely unquestioned. Rights over the bodies that we own, for instance. A body you possess is something you are supposed to have complete control over. That includes when reproduction does or doesn't happen, or yes, even life and death. (If you really must use such emotionally charged language over something that isn't fully human.) Isn't it bizarre to think that people in the past had more rights than we do? But this is indeed the case, because of the actions of evil meddling men in the government concerned only with politics and with having their own way, forcing their own morals on everyone else. Nobody asked me, and it's extremely unfair, especially in less affluent Southern states and rural locations where the economy depends on the availability of such services. I realize this is all just useless bitching on the internet, but still, it just has to be asked: why the FUCK is it a crime for me to own slaves?????

My Rights Denied

2 years ago

Work on your story.

My Rights Denied

2 years ago
You can't make me.

My Rights Denied

2 years ago

True. Only you can make yourself.

My Rights Denied

2 years ago
Uhhh - the south shall rise again?

My Rights Denied

2 years ago

I remember your old buddy ThisIsBo used to argue in favor of the Confederacy or at least seemed always played Devil's Advocate for it. He even had an avatar with the battle flag in the background.

My Rights Denied

2 years ago
Bo's a lawyer now. He used to ask me from time to time to work on the best argument I could for the confederacy, but it really wasn't something I was interested in doing. He enjoyed argumentation, even to the point of deliberately obfuscating the facts. It was a point of friction between us. He's in the right line of work I suppose.

My Rights Denied

2 years ago
What a coincidence, Steve also went away for law school.

My Rights Denied

2 years ago
This is unsurprising. The two are similar and would have had a love hate relationship I suspect.

My Rights Denied

2 years ago

Well, you'll always have CYS. A place where you can demand annoying noobs write several thousand word essays for your amusement under pain of death. ^_^

My Rights Denied

2 years ago
This is true, and I can still terminate them any time they're not properly formed.

My Rights Denied

2 years ago
not a crime if nobody knows

My Rights Denied

2 years ago
Couple the topic, your hungry spoon-ready lip-licking avatar, and your post -

The implications are... disturbing.

My Rights Denied

4 months ago
>implying implications

My Rights Denied

2 years ago
I want the government out of my sex life.

My Rights Denied

2 years ago

And I want the sex out of my government.

My Rights Denied

4 months ago

I've been going through a bunch of old CYS threads to get a better grasp of the history here, but I think it's pretty interesting how varied your perspectives can be. Most of the time once you know someones stance on one position, you can generally have a good idea of what their others beliefs are likely going to be with a relatively high accuracy,  but it can be hard to predict what you believe! Which is a compliment, truly. 


I remember when I was a young lad, and I used to use this website called debate. Org, the site was so dead, That I was essentially the only person trying to debate people on there. All the others were trolls or shit posts, but I messaged this really good debater who used the site years ago, hoping he'd somehow get an email ping to reply back to my burning questions, and to my surprise, he did! I spoke to him everyday on there for like 8 months but then the site domain all of a sudden got shutdown. Theunexaminedlife was his name, RIP.

My Rights Denied

4 months ago

Pretty sure we had some old member that mentioned that debate site you mentioned and was trying to get us all to go there, but we ended up just mocking him here since it was easier and he got banned eventually.

My Rights Denied

4 months ago

Lol, I mean, deserved. What a small world though, if he did that around  2-3 years ago I may actually have ran into him. 


My Rights Denied

4 months ago

I think this was back in 2016-2017 when he was around.

My Rights Denied

4 months ago

A bit before my time then, I would have been 13 back then. From memory reccolection I think I spent most of my time as a 13 year old studying aliens and esoteric traditions and ended up down an interesting rabbit hole of spiritual beings and what not lol.  I had an obsession with aliens when I was 13, and overall spiritual practices for whatever reason? I was an interesting young un. 


Back then was when debate. Org was actually good though, so he was around during it's "golden age".

My Rights Denied

4 months ago
I heard they are called unpaid interns now. You can't whip them though sadly... I mean, what? Slavery? That's so bad. I'm glad to live in these more civil modern times!

My Rights Denied

4 months ago
>itt we bump a years old shitpost divorced from its original context

My Rights Denied

4 months ago
Oop i didn't notice the original post date. My bad 0_0

My Rights Denied

4 months ago

It's not my favorite gimmick. 

My Rights Denied

4 months ago