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Do you relate with the MC in Repression?

one year ago
No, I don't like using the word 'MC'. Makes me feel like I'm on Tumblr. But the title character limit is extremely low for some reason

Anyways, thoughts? Would a past you relate with the main character in Repression?

Do you relate with the MC in Repression?

one year ago

Oh, you're the same emo wannabe nazi kid. Go and read something more Wholesome

Do you relate with the MC in Repression?

one year ago
Not either of the two. Thanks for the suggestion though bro.

Do you relate with the MC in Repression?

one year ago
It's either the same 4channer that posted a big (deleted) rant about incels, or a friend of his as far as I've been able to determine. At any rate, this one comes up with more entertaining topics.

Do you relate with the MC in Repression?

one year ago
Just realized I should probably answer the question myself. No, I don't, he's a retard who refuses to take advantage of his own genetic potential because muuuh parents

Do you relate with the MC in Repression?

one year ago

The primary symptoms of psychosis include hallucinations (experiencing things others do not experience), delusions (a false belief or an incorrect inference about reality that is firmly sustained despite the fact that nearly everybody thinks the belief is false or proof exists of its inaccuracy), and bizarre behavior, as well as strange or incoherent speech. Psychosis may also be referred to as a thought disorder or perceptual disturbance and includes behaviors and symptoms that may be associated with several DSM-5 disorders (e.g., Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Delusional Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, etc.). Note: To rate as evidence of psychosis, behaviors and symptoms should not be attributed to substance use or another medical explanation.

Do you relate with the MC in Repression?

11 months ago
No. No I do not.