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Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Anyone got any?

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Go make a zombie game, jk jk idk try imagining the life of toliet seat


Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Dammit...zombies....toilet seats...


How about something original?

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

A zombie surviving the human apocalypse

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

tell a tale from the perspective of a cat. 

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

No idea...


Although the toilet seat one's original, but I dunno how to make that into an adventure game.

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

make it full of one liners

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

I got some ideas.

There's always the classic prison escape.

Airplane pilot/passenger during a plane crash then survivng in the wilderness till you find help. (take it and twist how you would like)

Tell the tale of a coin, a coin that can make itself roll. how it traveled the world or country in the pockets of others (abstract as hell but dude the story could be soo soo rich)

Tell the story of a farmer

A cowboy game

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

make a game about a kid who grows up on the streets and becomes a UFC fighter/boxer/martial artist etc.

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

make a game about hunting penguins to extinction.

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

make a story about a criminal and you get to choose your crimes/equipment/helpers

Make a story about the life of a bum or how someone really rich becomes a bum or vice versa and all the crazy shit they could get into.

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

lol you are just dumping ever is on your mind right now

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Im brainstorming to help someone out, hell they may all be garbage but it may spark something for him

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

make a story about a really fucked office. Where all the people are crazy and you're trapped in the office, you have to go from room to room to find a way out, cubicle to cubicle blah blah, take a shit on Debrah's desk

^ I personally vote for this one.

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

That has the promise of becoming the greatest story game ever.

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Sounds interesting, make like a sanity meter and if you go insane you go on a chainsaw killing spree ;3

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Bob the mail cart guy has a special delivery for you today! DEATH BY UNDERWEAR SUFFACATION!

He leaps out of the bottom of the mail cart naked his whities in hand and charges straight at you

A. Leap at him first and tackle him
B. use Debrah as a human shield
C. Slice at him with the paper cutter blade

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

B. Bitch rejected me and now shes gonna get it

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago


Ther could even be sequels

The Office 2: Christmas party

The office 3: The big Merger

HAHAHA dude best series of CYOA ever right here, i get full copyrights.

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Im actually thinking of making these after i finish my current project.

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

the Office 4: Life without Deborah

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Okay too many sequels like Homo Perfectus

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago


Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Make a game where you are someone who lives in a world where everyone is in one the these categories: sorcerer, wizard, enchanter, normal human, or warrior. Player gets to choose which category they are in and go on quests to a) save other people b) get loot c) kill evil things like dragons d) make friends with NPCs

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

make a game where you are a mental patient and the entire thing is taking place in your head, narrated by the doctor.

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

^That or this (Altered to make it more possible) "A semi-intelligent zombie surviving after a failed outbreak."-Nuclear

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

The semi Intelligent zombie seems good

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Need ideas for next story game!

11 years ago

Yeah, several, but I'm trying to make them myself. That said... hmm. What are your interests? Your passions? What subjects do you -really- know well? I like writers who can give me a new perspective on a topic because they get it. If they're passionate about it? It's contagious.

Also, keep something in mind... it's not the idea itself that makes a tale cliche, it's how it's told. You can take a simple idea and make an incredible, compelling story... you can also take a -fantastic- idea and make it a piece of crap. Truth is, it's all in the presentation, and how much work you're willing to put into it.