Gower, The Triple Agent

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Last Activity

9/13/2024 1:38 PM

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0 wins / 0 losses


Notorious Marauder Exemplar



"He was slightly less unfun."




"Somehow there was comfort in coffee despite his misery; the only comfort in a black world." -- Hornblower in the West Indies


Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Earning 2,000 Points Powerful Professor with an A plus grade on many aspects of this site. Be it writing, helping others, or a positive attitude while doing those things. Having 3 Storygame(s) Featured Rated 88.5% of all Stories Given by BerkaZerka on 12/14/2019 - For an inspiring display of creativity ^v^ Given by EndMaster on 01/07/2020 - You may be fooling the rest, but I know you’re up to no good. Given by Killa_Robot on 02/24/2021 - For having all the best words. Also great contributions to the site. Given by MadHattersDaughter on 03/29/2021 - Your stories are some of my favorites on the site. I’m still not convinced you are not my writing doppelganger. . . Given by mizal on 10/11/2019 - For your exceptional games and articles, many forum contributions, and disturbing sweetness and light. (Sorry about McAllen, it wasn’t our idea either.) Given by ninjapitka on 10/22/2022 - Overdue tuition payment Given by Will11 on 10/12/2019 - For your excellent stories and many worthwhile contributions to the site :)


Featured Story Kelly Unicornstrider and Friends (1982-1985) Super Quiz

A comprehensive quiz + bonus fan faction about the the underrated cult classic show "Kelly Unicornstrider and Friends" (1982-1985). Questions range from really easy to really difficult.

Featured Story Private Game for Natalie

I think putting this on "publish" makes it so only we can see this. It's just for us, sweetie. I made it to celebrate our anniversary and remember some special intimate moments together over the years in an interesting way as a present for you.

I hope you love it, Natalie, as much as I love you!

(Of course if there's any admin looking at this, or if I messed up, don't read this, because it's got private things in it.)

Featured Story Sabbatical Report Presentation

This is my required report to the full faculty in accordance with the rules noted in the Faculty Handbook (version 15.1, as of October 2017)

Sixteen Words

"Personally I can only read 16 words in one go before words stop working," wrote Mizal.


This game has sixteen words per path.  Not counting "The End."  So you can play quickly.


When reviewing, please use precisely sixteen words.   That should be plenty for your suggestions and observations.


Note this challenge connected with this game:  Write the Last Page!

Articles Written

Basic Sentence Structure: Additive Sentences
Comma Use and Additive Sentences with lots of examples

Commendations, Orders, and Titles
An introduction to commendations, orders, and titles, and an explanation of how commendations differ from points.

Cumulative Sentences, Part 1
An introduction to the sophisticated and elegant cumulative sentence style.

Cumulative Sentences, Part 2
Master the elusive and attractive cumulative sentence by using panning and zooming style of description.

Dialogue Punctuation
This is a brief discussion of how to punctuate dialogue in US and UK English. It also notes a few rules for quotation mark use in general.

How To Use Thou, Thee, Thy, and Thine in a Story

Relative Sentences
A lecture on how to write relative sentences using restrictive and non-restrictive clauses.

Semicolons and Advanced Additive Sentences
This article explains how to use semicolons to create new types of additive sentences. It includes the plain semicolon and semicolons with transition words.

All about Trophies.

Understanding Style: The Sweet Style
An introduction to style, focusing on "sweet" style. How to recognize it, when to use it, and when to avoid it.

Recent Posts

Hello There on 9/12/2024 6:41:49 PM

On the contrary, you should.  Write a bunch of stuff even if it isn't good.  The first million words is just for practice. 

Is this ok? on 9/12/2024 2:01:16 PM

In the absence of a story and characters, this is eyeball-repelling.  Nobody cares about the deep back story in the absence of the narrative, even with Proper Names that are Capitalized.  It's a sad but important truth of writing.  Give us a reason to care; that caring is not a given.

Also, I recommend paragraphing--use white space so that your readers are not faced with a big block of text.

Hello There on 9/12/2024 1:58:15 PM

I wouldn't say it's common, but you see it.  And don't worry so much about it being good.  Your first few storygames are very likely not to be good, and you just have to weather that storm and get better and better.  Good luck.  Enjoy the process.

Difficult Reads on 8/28/2024 5:46:30 PM

Read it out loud.  It helps so much.

A Little Birdy Needs A Mentor on 8/27/2024 9:49:22 AM

Honestly, that's on us.  We need to be meaner, to provoke that most productive of spite-writing states.

Difficult Reads on 8/26/2024 4:23:27 PM

I liked it.  I thought the first half of it held together better than the second half.  Maybe that's the point (I don't think so).  But it was a cool read nevertheless.  As a footnotey genius-mess, I thought Infinite Jest was more fun to read, but obviously there's less metatextual shenanigans.

Difficult Reads on 8/26/2024 7:07:53 AM

I always feel, with Blake's mysticism, that I'm coming into Act IV of a play with no program, and also it's part two of a three part play.  Or like I'm starting a fantasy novel and the author has an elaborate history all worked out complete with his own language, and he wants to throw it all at me on page one to world build.  But as a general concept, I don't object to mysticism, even though I am very ignorant of it.  I have a lot to learn on the subject.  Maybe I'll return to Milton at some point.

Difficult Reads on 8/25/2024 9:01:02 PM

That I disagree with, actually.  I think a lot of Blake's lyric poetry is wonderful.  I often teach his "London" and his "Sick Rose" and lots of other Songs of Innocence and Experience, and I like the Marriage of Heaven and Hell.  But his mystical works I find very hard to read. 

A Little Birdy Needs A Mentor on 8/25/2024 8:52:05 PM

And I double posted the same thing.  Oh, well. 

A Little Birdy Needs A Mentor on 8/25/2024 8:27:40 PM

I'd like to see what you do with a completed storygame--that will get you so much feedback from everyone here, because everyone is so eager to give a lot of thoughtful, comprehensive feedback on the new games here.  I would start there, even if it ends up not being very good.  The first million words are for practice, anyway.