Twiggy, The Wordsmith
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Last Activity
2/24/2009 7:03 AM
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Storygames, though, were still my first love. And they are still somewhere up the more brilliant side of awesome. Thus: lurkage! :D?
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It sucks to be a zombie. Especially when half the world is too, martial law has been declared, and there's a price on the head of every zombie even higher than their smell.
Still, it's not all bad. You can shuffle around to your heart's content; if body parts fall off you can just sew them back on again; and there are all the brains you can eat...
Recent Posts
Advanced Editor's not working... on 3/6/2006 6:30:33 AMI tried it... and it works! Thank you! *hugs*
Advanced Editor's not working... on 3/6/2006 6:13:20 AM
It does the same whichever text box I have. I'll try the popup blocker thing, though. Thanks!
Advanced Editor's not working... on 3/5/2006 7:03:55 AM
I'm making a game in Advanced Editor-- or rather trying to, as whenever I try to edit a page, I press "save and exit" and it deletes all my changes! Is there something I can do to stop it?
500 Mag Points To Create A Game on 3/4/2006 11:49:33 AM
Uh... I didn't mean 6 pages, I meant... uh... Oh, okay. I'm dumb.
500 Mag Points To Create A Game on 3/4/2006 10:47:04 AM
Brilliant! I'm working on a Fan Fic game at the moment. Uh... does 6+ mean six or more pages, or levels, or what?