Ford, The ???


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Last Activity

10/25/2024 11:58 PM

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Duel Stats

282 wins / 205 losses





Trophies Earned

Managed to track this down after it got stolen from you and pawned for cigarette money. I'm sure you'll deserve it someday. Rated 97.1% of all Stories



kyu kyo ku no chi shi ki
Truths quietly told
Stars align in woven verse
Ephemeral dance

Articles Written

CYS Script
An overview of the CYS scripting language and its quirks provided by BradinDvorak.

Recent Posts

Ford is dead on 10/25/2024 11:57:08 PM
I'm actually dead now, I loved you all. Well, hell is calling, so I'm going for a walk.

Magic systems on 10/25/2024 4:29:25 PM
I dont like learning new magic systems through exposition. I'd rather learn it more naturally. But my magic systems are literally just analogous to electronics and electricity irl. In the CYS fanfic when Thara drew a triangle with 3 lines it's literally just an ideal op-amp to boost her magic lol.

I figured circuit diagrams to normal people look like sigils and electricity is magic to them, I may as well use it as a fully realized magic system that can arbitrarily create almost anything we make with electricity out of mana instead.

For example, above is a FM reciever. If you get rid of the values for each component you're left with a bunch of squiggly lines and symbols connected together that would mean nothing to a normal person. But a mage could inscribe this into a crystal or some shit and pour mana into it and recieve a long distance communication from a radio tower equivalent in whatever setting / magicland.

I've never tried to describe a circuit this complex in a written work before, but I think I'd just gloss over it all and say it was made by specialized great sages. But I can easily make custom magic circuit diagrams myself in an actual electronics design program and then edit them onto a crystal as an image and put that in the game for immersion. I think that sort of thing would be cool.

This has the advantage of everything being explainable even to the most autistic of nit-pickers because it's modeled after real life things that work and are understood. Though I dislike involving "real life" level non-idealities into my "magic" circuits, which is why Thara's op-amp only had 2 inputs and 1 output, it was just a symbol for amplification of power through recognizing the difference between two sources. No need to explain gain, noise, power rails, etc. Readers can just recognize that triangle = bigger magic.

Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest on 10/25/2024 5:18:48 AM
you think she'll play hot to go?

Longest story on CYS? on 10/22/2024 5:02:21 PM
DMW is 1.1M words, which if it was all one path it'd be in the top 10 longest novels ever written in english. Eternal and Rogues with 600k and 500k respectively would make top 25 if all their words were poured into one path.

Of course, that only counts traditional novels as a reference to compare to. As far as large word-count works go, obviously there's a lot of video games and franchises with stories that certainly top 1M words - but the largest works to my knowledge are almost exclusively fanfiction. As far as online fanfiction there's the Loud House Revamped which is a fanfic of some childrens cartoon and it's over 16M words, written by many people obviously. The Super Smash Bros fanfic was written by one guy and it's around 4M words. There's also a LOTR fanfic written by a duo that's around 6M words.

In real life the christ fandom has been around so long and so much fanfiction has been written for it that they lost track of the original work and people just started making up their own originals to control others with. It's hard to tell how many words this could be.

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/18/2024 8:12:08 AM

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/15/2024 8:47:24 AM

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/15/2024 8:47:03 AM

VooDew 6.0 on 10/14/2024 5:59:26 PM
don't eat any hersheys or american chocolate for over a year, then have american milk chocolate - you'll taste like a chemically chlorine-ish acidic aftertaste. it's not particularly pronounced as far as I could tell but maybe it would be to europoors.

I didn't intentionally do this experiment, I just didn't care for candy and I just preferred other sweets. Then one day I had a kitkat or a kiss or something and I was like "eugh, wtf?" and realized I hadn't had candy for at least a year, probably more like two or three years.

Now that I've quit soda, I suspect a similar phenomena will occur if I have a coke or something years from now.

VooDew 6.0 on 10/14/2024 4:11:32 PM
It's just rebranded Gushin' Granny. Nothing new.

Am I racist? on 10/10/2024 8:35:17 PM
this thread needs more waha