fresh_out_the_oven, The Dramatist

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Last Activity

10/21/2024 11:58 PM

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Storygame Count


Duel Stats

40 wins / 16 losses





Hello! It's me, fresh. I'm a creator of cartoon comics, writer of light-toned and comical stories, frequent forum poster, maker of 5,000 clicky links... oh! And I'm not the biggest fan of having commas in places where they technically don't have to be. :P

Once upon a time I managed to publish a decent storygame... it's been unpublished by me since then; had to take it down for repair. However, you can still go check it out if you have a few minutes to waste. It probably isn't the worst thing you'll come across on this site (but most definitely not the best). If you're looking for the best story click this link here. Or if you have no love for life and wish to read a 2.6k-word depressing (and gay!!) tale this link is for you.

“When something goes wrong in life, just yell 'Plot twist!' and keep going.”

Shoutout to TypewriterCat for the awesome pfp and for awesomeness in general


Current WIP word count: 14884
Someone please tell me to get off the forums and work on my story

Bday countdown: Four days!!!

Achievement Unlocked: Cartoonist
being the 17th most commended Warden
#4 ranked story of 2023
2nd place entry in EndMaster’s Prompt Contest 2



Badge bible

riddle badge

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points


Gay and DepressedER!!!

Your lesbian little sister died horribly because her gay crush fucked her over, but that’s not stopping you from taking up the rainbow flag in her honor.

Welcome to another addition to the iconic Gay and Depressed series (shoutout to queenlatifa04 for the amazing original!!). Speaking of the original, read that masterpiece by clicking this link here.

I would also like to point out that some of the more strange aspects of this tale (such as the names of the pages, tone of the story, and several of the endings) are designed as they are to keep the same style as the original.

For EndMaster’s Prompt Contest 2

My Possessions

This story is about Mammon, a promising young boy whose life gets cut short by his father. But for Mammon, this is not the end of the road; it is simply an unforeseen and abrupt turn.

Mammon awakens to find himself a ghost, and must decide what to with his afterlife.

Will he give in to the greed that plagued him in life? Will he use this opportunity to get revenge on those who caused him suffering? Or will he attempt to atone for his sins, now that he has a second chance?

The Gods are Angered

Your city has been living in utter denial of the existence of the gods of yore, and they are angry.
All of them.

As the chosen representative for your hometown, (chosen by the gods, of course) you must complete twelve labors mostly based off of stories from mythology or religious books.

Despite all the religion and spiritual lessons, not every path in this is family friendly. In fact, unless you immediately (or pretty near immediately) die, you'll be subjected to some kind of suggestive talk and most definitely some cussing - some of which could be offensive, so if that's not your thing, don't say I didn't warn you.

For EndMaster's Myth and Religion Contest

Yet Another World-Ending Scenario

You see them all the time— serial killers, zombie outbreaks, nuclear fallouts. Of course, you always see them on a movie screen or the pages of a book. Not me.
Hi, I’m Teshi. I play the comedic relief in all your favorite tales of the apocalypse! It’s the best role because if I die, the fans will have the head of the lead scriptwriter. I consider myself pretty well-protected.
That is, until… well, you'll see.

Entry in Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest

Recent Posts

storygame suggestions on 10/21/2024 10:57:59 PM

If you feel like taking a break from all these long, well-written storygames and doing something easy (but still productive), give my storygame a try. It might make you laugh at least

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/21/2024 7:00:14 PM

Sharing my age to strangers on the internet seems like a good idea. 18

A poem I wrote for school on 10/21/2024 12:10:09 PM

Colors are funny
They all have a variety of meanings

Red, the color of fire
The flame that devours
An all-consuming inferno
Leaving devastation in its wake
Also a life-giving heat source
A light-bringing resource
That symbolizes strength

Orange, meaning youth
Vibrant and abundant
Happy days that move too fast
And hours that tick by too slow
Happy days that never last
As all of us well know

Yellow is known as a playful color
Meaning happiness, or joy
A joy that is found in helping one another
Or in buying new clothes or a toy
Yellow also means betrayal
It can connote cowardice
When bravery fails

Green depicts healing
And Mother Nature’s gentle caress
Or calm, relaxed feelings
When your mind is at rest
But the saying “green with envy”
Is a popular phrase
And we all know jealousy
Is green’s real claim to fame

Water is blue
It moves freely and without worry
The color sparks creativity
And asks you not to hurry
Though it may seem swell
To leave troubles for tomorrow
Choosing never to dwell
On responsibilities leads to sorrow
Maybe that’s why blue
Stands for sadness and despair, too

Purple used to be strictly
To be worn by royalty
It has an air of mystery
And can also mean loyalty
Of course, power has its downfalls
In kings’ eyes greed can be seen gleaming
Deceit, tyranny and narcissism all
Are part of purple’s meaning

Humans are funny, too
They think they can improve
This natural beauty
By adding their words to it
As though colors have no meaning
On their own merit
Like people can add
With their interference
To what’s already perfect

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/21/2024 11:39:45 AM

I wanna do another thunderdome entry!! This weekend's my birthday so I'll probably be busy but beyond that I'd be able to do basically any week

Deleting My Page on 10/18/2024 2:43:44 PM

Maybe that I had the page open on a different device while typing on the other one? I wouldn't think that would have any effect

Deleting My Page on 10/18/2024 2:09:26 PM

For reference, the page is called "Meet Me Inside", and I've made a third one that seems to be working fine

Deleting My Page on 10/18/2024 2:03:50 PM

What am I doing wrong here??

Two times in a row I've created a page and saved it SEVERAL times, then I went and did other things.

When I came back it was gone!! Both times! It's not on the Chapter's & Pages page (even after refreshing), the page itself just brings me an error code, and the link on the page before says it leads to {Page Not Found}. I wasn't too upset the first time. The second time I had almost the whole page finished! I know it's not gonna be good if I rewrite it because I'm gonna feel defeated.

Is there any way I can get that page back? I'll write it again (and save it to a Docs or something) but it'd be a lifesaver if it was somewhere out there still.

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/18/2024 9:30:01 AM


Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/18/2024 9:16:06 AM

Ok now that's a comma splice

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/17/2024 11:43:22 PM

Feels like I'm gonna get flamed for every single comma in my story now. Did not realize y'all would get so defensive