A Jornada...
storygame by
Player Rating
, #60 for
Based on
151 ratings
since 03/16/2012
Played 1,335 times (finished 158)
Story Difficulty
"Trek through the forest"
Play Length
"So short yo' momma thought it was a recipe"
Maturity Level
"Must be at least this tall to play"
Contains content that may not be suitable for persons under age 10. If this were a movie, it would probably be between G and PG.
Foreign Language
A jornada de um jovem enquanto decobre seu lugar no mundo.
Player Comments
I can't say anything about the grammar but what I can say is that I didn't feel anything for the main character. His family died, I don't feel sad for him, I don't feel anything for him. Maybe if in his dreams he was thinking about his regular life and how much he loved it or something, and then he wakes up to find it all gone, then maybe that would make me a little sad. There also weren't many details, and the story felt rushed, one thing happened, than the next thing happened, but there wasn't any space in between it was just, He finds his family dead. He is devastated. He walks outside. But the branching was good, unlike some other stories that I have read on this site.
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on 1/26/2021 11:12:48 AM with a score of 0
I can't really comment on the grammar because I don't speak Portuguese (all I could recognise is corre and that's because it's the same as Spanish) and the translation I used probably caused a lot of grammatical errors, but based on where you put capital letters and accents it looks like you put at least some effort into spelling and grammar.
I really enjoyed the multitude of endings! Some authors focus so much on the storyline they want you to see that they don't bother writing any others, resulting in a linear storygame. You didn't do this. Well done.
With that said, I didn't really connect to the main character at all or feel involved in the story. This may have been because the storygame was so short, and each page covered so much action. At one point, you shortened what should have been the climax of the storygame (the protagonist fighting the werewolves) into a three line paragraph on the ending page. As the reader I felt like my choices weren't really influencing much because of this.
Nonetheless, I love that we're getting foreign language storygames on CYS now! Can't wait to read this with a better understanding of Portuguese in the future.
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on 2/26/2013 12:22:53 PM with a score of 0
ou galego, não português, por isso espero lembrar o quão pouco sei português.
Seu protagonista não tem emoções, não tem personalidade, e você conta os fatos que não mostra ao vivo o que está acontecendo. O jogo também é muito linear.
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on 3/3/2021 6:05:03 AM with a score of 0
I wish I could read this
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on 3/2/2021 10:58:59 PM with a score of 0
It was an okay idea I guess. Not really impressive, I had to use google translate to understand so I can't comment on grammar, but this isn't very good. A solid 2 from me
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on 11/20/2020 2:49:31 AM with a score of 0
People are ravenous for points, so they are rating this even if they have no idea what's going on. I'm sorry about that. People requesting that the author translate the story into English are being unreasonable. People who speak and read other languages should get to have CYS stories too, and English speakers shouldn't be dunking on them.
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on 10/1/2018 10:24:35 AM with a score of 0
I speak some Spanish, and I think I was able to decipher some of this despite not speaking Portuguese (based on the ending I got, it seems kind of like a hippy story; save mother nature and all that. I was nominated by a goddess of somesort as what amounts to a woods sprite to forever protect the forest or whatever). Also I was surprised that laughter was hahaha and not jajaja. From what I understood, it seems kind of like you're dealing with fawn or fairy like spirits of some sort, so the mythology (from what best I could understand) was somewhat interesting.
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on 9/24/2018 8:21:42 PM with a score of 0
Why you no English?
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on 3/17/2018 1:28:15 AM with a score of 0
Umm... Google Translate was awesome but not you. Use English.
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— English on 2/19/2017 7:55:36 PM with a score of 0
I got my tablet to translate it into English.
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on 7/30/2016 2:15:04 AM with a score of 0
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