Mistery, The Wordsmith
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Due to me leaving, I have some confessions.
I was 10 years old when I made that comment on the School Shooting Thread, My Actions Were Unacceptable And I Just Kept Digging Myself Deeper.I’m now 13 and have wrote this too tie up loose ends.
No one will really see this, but I’m sorry for being a retarded 10 yr old at times and I’ll be back when I’m older.
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"There are things you can't fight. Acts of God. You see a hurricane coming, you get out of the way. But when you're in a Jaeger, suddenly, you can fight the hurricane. You can win."
Recent Posts
Mistery Social Experiment on 4/21/2018 7:38:18 PMYeah.
Hideous spelling mistake
Thoughts on gun control on 4/14/2018 1:22:15 AM
Makes a bit more sense
Thoughts on gun control on 4/14/2018 1:07:44 AM
Not everyone disobeying the law is bad.
Its not against the law in some places to marry children, and let’s say the child runs away or doesn’t want to. Because a child isn’t gonna like anything that comes with it. In some places of those places it’s against the law to resist.
So are those children bad just because they don’t obey the law, are the families bad for not wanting to give up there child?
Replace children or families with gun or gun owner and you get your self how people are feeling right now in America.
Thoughts on gun control on 4/14/2018 12:29:11 AM
Wait are you against gun banning or are you with it?
Thoughts on gun control on 4/13/2018 11:09:00 PM
Someone Somewhat Agrees With My Views!
Thoughts on gun control on 4/13/2018 10:03:13 PM
Banning guns would just bloody stupid, think about it, how do these people normally gets guns, either there mother or father has the guns or they get it from the black market. It’s pretty easy now to just buy a gun from the black market or even the dark web.
Keeping guns would decrease the casualties since instead of everyone getting shot the shit out of, the teachers can fight back with their own weapons. You may say the teachers might start killing or that they might be bad, or you need to do is background checks and even if their clear and their still gonna shoot, that’s why you have other teachers with guns. Because the majority of people in the education system are okay enough not to shoot kids.
Not to mention the Second amendment, which I copied right from Wikipedia.
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms and was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments contained in the Bill of Rights.
If you removed guns the morale for just the whole of America’s would be low, and were not even talking about veterans and army personnel’s thoughts on this, most of the military disagree since a lot of them have formed somewhat of a bond with their weapons, and having a angry army isn’t exactly gonna make a lot of loyalists, in fact, they might even revolt.
Clan MacMillan, My family tale. on 4/7/2018 12:00:18 AM
The page can’t take all my responses so it basically means I’m limited to my somewhat praise or mockery and can’t put in more posts.
Does anyone else find the white partion of oversizing in a post 2 days ago somewhat weird?
Do we have a hate for Scottish people now, well I hear there bullied a lot.
Why so much backlash, he didn’t talk trash, he wasn’t in any way brash about the subject. He just shared his heritage which sounded a lot like the African American “migration”.
Is anyone gonna point out how many ****ing site members we have on his case?
We have admins on this guy.
Must be pretty famous now huh.
MacMillan means ball mock-Lore Of History
What the hell?
Fine, whatever, you guys want a rape story? I give you a rape story alright, you guys want to hear about fucking killing the English? I'm gonna give it to Y'all alright!-Lory Of History
Not weird at all
This whole thread is absurd.-AzBaz
Your face is absurd-mizal
what is it with fucking Americans and wanting to trace their lineage like a goddamn dog breeder ?-Malkalack
American hate at its finest, just be prepared for a trump nuke to the face
Hang on, so you're not even Scottish, you're incredibly American? That does excuse your failure to speak English, admittedly.-SteveTheGamer55
America Fuck Yeah!
"View source" of existing stories with author ok? on 3/30/2018 7:49:05 PM
Ehh, unless your the co-author I don’t “think” that’s possible. It may be possible but I highly doubt it.
"View source" of existing stories with author ok? on 3/30/2018 7:42:17 PM
Yeah it’s pretty easy, firstly make sure you have advanced editor on and then for practice just write a message here, if you do it correctly you should see the a button called source at the top next to the smiley face. Press that and ta-da!
Here’s the source of my message pasted
Yeah it’s pretty easy, firstly make sure you have advanced editor on and then for practice just write a message here, if you do it correctly you should see the a button called source at the top next to the smiley face. Press that and ta-da!
Here’s the source of this message pasted
Oh and no, you can’t have your reader see the source code
Community Account on 3/24/2018 3:12:28 AM
Okay I got the point. Shitty idea that makes me feel shitty.