Date Rape Laws and Prevention
storygame by
, and
Player Rating
, #70 for
Based on
86 ratings
since 12/20/2016
Played 1,444 times (finished 95)
Story Difficulty
"Walk in the park"
Play Length
"So short yo' momma thought it was a recipe"
Maturity Level
"Aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 13. If this were a movie, it would probably be PG-13.
Based Off A True Story
Female Protagonist
Socially Important
A serious game that teaches date-rape laws and prevention tactics.
Player Comments
Wait a minute, in three of the possible endings you avoid rape, but you’re still friendly with the rapist which means you’re just going to potentially get date raped when you go out with him again later since he’s the one that was trying to drug the drink in the first place.
You should have had further choices where you go out with this guy again or even put into other potential dangerous situations.
I mean this is a complex issue and there are all sorts of ways this sort of danger should be explored to avoid being raped. Lives are at stake.
As it stands there are four endings and only one of them leads to rape. So while this project had good intentions, it seems like a really big missed opportunity to make a larger story with more opportunities to get date raped.
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on 5/21/2018 11:59:42 AM with a score of 0
I admire the reasoning behind a game like this, it makes a lot of sense to educate people on ways to protect themselves and prevent harm from happening to them. I'm with most of the commentors on the fact that the story had too little detail to be engaging, I felt like I was attending a workshop than actually reading a story, which detracts from its entertainment value and how interested I will be throughout playing this game. If the whole point is to get as many people as possible to play this game, the lack of interest will definitely be an obstacle to that goal.
On top of that, and here I'm a little worried that I may be a little too PC, but this game had a victim-blaming quality that I was very, very uncomfortable with, especially the last page with "advice" on what NOT to do as a potential victim. Look, I don't deny potential victims, all of us, should educate ourselves on what NOT to do in case it puts ourselves in danger, but especially when it comes to rape, where victims are often lectured by friends, family and society with a whole list of "why didn't you do this...or why didn't you do that?", it would have been useful to make extremely clear that none of this advice detracts from culpability or blame. Enough young women and some men have to deal with shit from society for being "stupid" or "putting themselves in that position" without a game seemingly reinforcing all of that.
Also, just a suggestion, wouldn't it be good to have a game on the opposite side of the equation? So, so many guys don't have a clue how to tell when someone else "consents" to an act, they think consent works in the negative (ie silence means consent) or they think having sex with a really drunk person isn't rape when all that is just totally untrue. Potential rapists also have thousands of misconceptions about what does or doesn't count as consent, would have been nice to see that discussed as well.
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on 1/21/2017 12:02:49 PM with a score of 0
Let me preface this by saying that I come to this site to escape the monotony of "real life". I was let down by this story, so I thought I'd return some of that feeling to the author(s).
The characters were one dimensional, if even that, so I attempted to put myself in their shoes (which would be out of character, not to mention against the laws of physics!) and tried to imagine how any of this was plausible (especially the dancing).
You have the rules of writing (ie. grammar, punctuation and spelling) down pat so I can't fault you for that, but I didn't feel that there was any passion behind this. The best way to get your story across (especially to younger readers) would be to encapsulate it in something that would capture their imagination and evoke emotion.
This'll probably get by on technicalities, but you should really rethink your story and turn it into something that will stick with readers while they go about their own humdrum lives.
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on 4/26/2016 11:33:36 AM with a score of 0
hiiii...I didnt get raped?
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on 9/15/2023 7:33:34 PM with a score of 0
I got raped lol.
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on 2/9/2023 6:23:12 PM with a score of 0
I wonder why I'm even reading this. Oh well, it's fun enough though I sometimes question whether the term "date rape" is a little old-fashioned.
I mean, most perpetrators of rape are a person the victim knows and trusts in some way. It feels a bit redundant to have an extra term for that. Oh well, it's all pedantics anyway.
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on 9/10/2021 5:15:43 PM with a score of 0
Remember, using date rape prevention tactics will actually transform nearby males into non-rapists. The default state is, of course, rapist. We can extrapolate this by considering the many endings of this story. If we do everything correctly, the same male as in the bad ending is a perfectly nice and good guy, otherwise not so much. Here we learn the very important lesson that the ending we get is all our fault.
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on 4/18/2021 5:18:45 PM with a score of 0
I think that i basically gave it a good score cause i got a "good ending"
PD: i know it shouldn't be funny, but i caught a bit with the phrase "you did not got raped"
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on 4/28/2018 11:57:40 AM with a score of 0
Alright, I have tried my hand at serious games in the past, including one focused on very similar themes. This was barely a game, the scenario was overly simplistic, limiting its usability. There was hardly any data in decision making to motivate you in one direction or another (e.g. nothing to tempt you to want to go out solo, to simulate how back decision making happens). There's no reason a player would project themselves in this format, and that imo really undermines the goal of this game.
I salute the intention but question the execution
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on 1/17/2017 11:22:49 AM with a score of 0
So... In the "happy ending" I'm now dating an attempted rapist? ... Yey?
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on 4/26/2016 3:53:20 PM with a score of 0
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