
A sci-fi storygame by AzBaz

Commended by BerkaZerka on 9/24/2017 5:43:28 PM

Player Rating6.67/8

"#62 overall, #4 for 2017"
Based on 142 ratings since 07/05/2019
Played 4,787 times (finished 234)

Story Difficulty5/8

"Run through the jungle"

Play Length7/8

"It keeps going and going"

Maturity Level7/8

"Anything goes"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 18. If this were a movie, it would probably be R.

.-- .... -.-- / -... . / .- / .... . .-. --- ..--..

When all that's desired is to do good in a cruel World with so little power, what measures might be taken to create change? Afflicted by something more than just psychosis, one rogue hero seeks a path of getting that power to help people in need. Henle's getting rougher by the day and it's starting to look like Bast isn't the only problem on the streets. In the end, it all comes down to Frameshift.

Parts of this tie into my main project, though they're only minor things that are neither particularly easy to find nor important to the plot. In context of the main story, however, anything you might feel is left unexplained can be understood from the information coming to a CYS near you sometime in the sort-of-near future.

Thanks to all of those who patiently helped me as I stumbled around the merciless world of scripting, especially BradinDvorak.
NOTE FOR READERS: Any number works to unlock the passcode at the start; I originally added this to prevent people accessing the story while editing and kept it because it ties into other stories I'm working on.

hAha sozry, 4 eny m¡§keš this my fist storey pleas   r8 ni5ely!!1

Player Comments

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Chris113022 on 9/10/2019 3:16:47 PM with a score of 5740
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Gower on 8/31/2019 5:13:51 PM with a score of -980
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TheChef on 8/15/2019 12:15:48 AM with a score of 9190
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BryceGitch on 9/11/2023 12:29:41 PM with a score of 14050
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BryceGitch on 9/8/2023 1:26:49 PM with a score of 6282
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Josh010 on 3/31/2023 1:53:12 PM with a score of 0
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C6H8O6 on 3/7/2021 2:17:46 AM with a score of 9042
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writeyourstory on 2/25/2021 11:30:31 AM with a score of -1860
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Kytty on 6/10/2020 3:32:18 PM with a score of 4760
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Ytterbius on 5/20/2020 8:00:05 PM with a score of 7270
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