Lost Keys
storygame by
Player Rating
, #34 for
Based on
195 ratings
since 12/14/2004
Played 2,226 times (finished 248)
Story Difficulty
"Wandering through the desert"
Play Length
"So short yo' momma thought it was a recipe"
Maturity Level
"Aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 13. If this were a movie, it would probably be PG-13.
It starts out as you losing your keys. Pretty soon you may give a creep a butt-whooping, or you could be stealing cars like in Grand Theft Auto! You might even kill a locksmith with a tank! It's all here! Have fun!
Player Comments
The following is one of the actual endings to this game: "I've decided that you don't deserve to play this game. Go away."
Whoever wrote this must have thought themselves quite humorous for all the random story elements they threw in in an attempt to make the story funny. I'll admit I did laugh at one point, but only because the author spelled vengeance wrong. When the author tries to go all self-aware and meta like their story is the Stanley parable I began to lose interest.
Lolrandom story games are kind of like those round-robin exercises you did in English class where the story started out with one idea, but then veers off a cliff and never looks back so by the time you get your original story idea back it is completely unrecognizable. I feel like there were some missed opportunities the author didn't notice. There was no option for me to hook up with my ex nor was there an option for me to live a clean life. The story forced me to become a criminal and beat up Robin Williams!
Like I said this story was very random, and it seemed like the person who wrote this was just having fun. However, that does not translate into a story worth reading as I began to lose interest once some of the links started overlapping with previous choices. The story needs more plot and less humor. I wasn't invested in the main character and the story seemed to punish you for not doing what the author wants you to do which is go steal some cars and blow up locksmiths I guess.
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on 4/26/2022 11:22:30 AM with a score of 0
It's not that bad at all, though it is rather random toward some of the ending. It's pretty well known around here that random deaths that give no warning as to what may happen in the near future is annoying and not appreciated.
The grammar is terrible. As I've said in almost every review, proofreading is very important to any written work, and should be taken seriously. It's good to get help from some friends if needed, so that you can have more input and a better story overall. You could always just check out the links on my profile as well, which can help with your storygame immensely.
I think a bit more description is needed, because the story feels bland and isn't very interesting at all. Every story needs a backstory with information that's useful and enhances the experience for the reader. The pages are short and have only a few sentences and sometimes only a few words that's are harmful to the rating that will be received.
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on 3/29/2017 6:29:15 PM with a score of 0
The grammar wasn't the worst in the world, but it also wasn't anything to necessarily applaud. The biggest problem was the syntax, most notably the overuse of the simple sentence. Simple sentences should be spread out in a piece of writing and used mostly for emphasis or when delivering a punchline. Using four to five of them in a row makes it feel like reading a children's book for beginner readers.
There were a couple good jokes in here, I'll admit that, but the majority of the humor relied on just being random. Randomness isn't funny, it's just...random. Sure, standing up in a lecture hall and yelling, "potted plant," at the top of your lungs might get you a few laughs, but if you kept jumping up and yelling random things, you would grate nearly everyone's nerves. It's the same when writing stories. Sure, a random event or two can be funny if used correctly, but otherwise it's just annoying.
Overall, grammar was mediocre, there was a massive overuse of simple sentences, and the humor was more annoying than funny. The author has potential, but I'm giving this story a 2/8
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on 3/22/2017 6:12:25 PM with a score of 0
Fever dream ong
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on 10/20/2023 9:30:26 AM with a score of 0
This is a fun, zany little story. It reminds me of another I played called 'The Postie Rips It Up'. Basically, they are both very chaotic and short, with plenty of weird and wacky dialogue options. I love this!
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on 6/26/2023 5:48:41 PM with a score of 0
This crap is so funny I give it an 8, I don't care about anything else, it's just too funny.
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on 2/4/2021 10:20:21 AM with a score of 0
not the best
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on 1/28/2019 1:46:12 PM with a score of 0
This is indeed quite a simple story, but there are certainly some things that can be learned from this story for those looking to write stories here on this site. Yes, this is a simple story, but even a simple story can be expanded and detailed. When people read stories here, they really want to be transported from their current life and into another place and sometimes another time. That’s why people read, in general. So to help them reach that place, rich, detailed descriptions can be included. Something as simple as the first page where you stop for gas could be over 1,000 words of detail. You could add information about the looks of the gas pumps, the dust on the pumps, the spinning of the dials if it is an old pump, or the brand-new digits on the new pump. You could add information about the number of pumps and what other cars might be at the pumps. There could be smells of oil and gas. You could describe the signs in the windows and the current sale on “the coldest beer in town.” Even in very simple instances, there is always more that you can describe and show, and the more detail like that you can include, the more the reader will be transported into the story and out of their boring life.
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on 7/30/2018 10:06:50 AM with a score of 0
- Stole a car
- Broke into a store which wasn't locked
- Beat up a guy I'd never seen before
- Drove around in a Ferrari like a boss
- Never found my fucking keys.
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on 8/3/2017 8:26:07 AM with a score of 0
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on 10/15/2016 9:20:58 PM with a score of 0
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