PerthMod's Experience Points

PerthMod has a total of 58 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
11/6/2023-42Admin. Penalty - Automated tax adjustment for birthday welfare. Send feedback to _IRS
3/5/202315Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
3/5/202215Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
3/5/202115Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
4/17/20201Rate Game Spy Mission
4/2/202010Publish Game Runaway Man
3/9/20201Rate Game Necromancer
3/5/20201Rate Game The Elle Files: Sabotage at Suicidal Skies
3/5/202015Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
2/24/20201Rate Game Mario's Adventure Island 2, Wario's Revenge
2/20/20201Rate Game Atomic Quiz
2/17/20201Rate Game A Very Special Choose Your Story
2/16/20203Create Game Renegade Prisoner
2/16/20203Create Game Escape1538
2/6/20203Create Game Runaway Man
2/6/202015Create Account