lukeskywalker645's Experience Points

lukeskywalker645 has a total of 39 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
11/5/2023-126Admin. Penalty - Automated tax adjustment for birthday welfare. Send feedback to _IRS
6/19/202315Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/19/202115Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/19/202015Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/19/201915Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/19/201815Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/19/201715Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/19/201615Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/19/201515Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
10/18/20141Daily Point
8/30/20141Rate Game Ground Zero
6/19/201415Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
6/6/20141Rate Game The 46th Annual Hunger Games
6/6/20141Rate Game ULYSSES: The Pegasi Incident
6/6/20141Rate Game Mechanised Assault Unit
6/6/20143Create Game Duelist: The Saltees
6/6/20143Create Game NR Agent: Pentastar Alignment
6/6/20141Daily Point
6/6/20143Create Game So You Want To Be Kyle Katarn?
6/6/201415Create Account