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12 years ago

What is everyone's thoughts on it? Are you pro-life or pro-choice?


12 years ago

Pro-choice. I think it's wrong to force a woman into motherhood, and the only thing that could change my mind if some new sort of evidence showed that the embryos (that's the correct term, isn't it? It's the direct translation from the Icelandic word, so I'll use that until someone corrects me) have developed a conscience and can feel pain.


12 years ago

I'm pro-choice. Women should have the right to choose what they want to do with their own bodies.


12 years ago
I'm split. It shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, however it is necessary in some cases such as rape victims and situations where the mother's life is at stake. I can't really pick a side here.


12 years ago

I am pro-choice, though like legion I don't believe it should be used as a sort of birth control.


12 years ago

I must agree with that as well. Abusing it is bad.


12 years ago

I agree, using it as birth control is an awful thing to do.


12 years ago

I'm the same as Legion but I consider myself Pro-Life if I have to choose.


12 years ago

Why shouldn't it be used as birth control?


12 years ago

Ah but what about the children inside who were a result of said woman's fun? Don't they get a chance to live and shouldn't the women deal with her choices?


12 years ago

Considering the fact that their lives are ended before they are begun, it's not like we're killing them. And most people seem to agree that abusing this system is bad, however, how would you make the distinction between women that are allowed to abort and those that are not? Can't the ones who had children because of their own mistakes not just lie and say it was forced on them? If they were denied abortions, would rape victims be denied as well? 


12 years ago

I would think checking the womans background would help. If the woman was known to get drunk alot and do other retarded things then she has to have the baby. She stuck herself in a situation where somebody could easily rape or have drunk fun with her. People need to learn to live with their decisions and stop abusing the system for themselves.

I suspect one of you will talk about the womans privacy or the ability to bribe said doctors.


12 years ago

Actually I was going to mention how inaccurate any test of determining "how retarded the things the women do" would be. And also, can people not change their minds? Surely, not if that means hurting someone, but I think everyone agrees that abortions are only justified if the embryo is not at a level where it can feel pain.


12 years ago

If the woman was known to get drunk alot and do other retarded things then she has to have the baby....People need to learn to live with their decisions and stop abusing the system for themselves.

Yes, those are great opinions. Not only are you saying that children are simply the consequences of bad decisions, but that we should allow (in fact force) women who are known to make bad decisions, to raise children. Man, with those kind of ideals the future of humanity is bright indeed.

(Now it's time for my extreme opinion)

The best way to deal with the issue of abortion is prevention. By that I mean sterlizing criminals, and those who are shown to be unfit as parent, or those who are just plain stupid. Let them have sex as much as they want, but there's no reason for them to be able to bring a child into this world.

That being said, people would think it infringes on the rights of others, so my standpoint is pro-choice.


12 years ago
"The best way to deal with the issue of abortion is prevention. By that I mean sterlizing criminals, and those who are shown to be unfit as parent, or those who are just plain stupid. Let them have sex as much as they want, but there's no reason for them to be able to bring a child into this world"

Well there was once this guy called Hitler...


12 years ago

Murdering and sterlization aren't the same lol. But I understand your point.


12 years ago
I was actually referring to Hitler sterilizing the Germans he felt were inferior :P


12 years ago

And he DIDNT find a way to get back home.  Sweet pretty darling dont cry (I will sing you a lullaby!)


12 years ago

When did I say the woman got to raise the child?


12 years ago

When did you say otherwise?


12 years ago

Woman's privacy, corrupted doctors, and drunks raising children... not that good of an idea.


12 years ago

Killa beat me to it. We shouldn't be forcing people who make bad decisions to raise children. (I don't agree with his forced sterilisation views, though.)


12 years ago

I never said the bad people would raise said child! Why does everybody think this?


12 years ago

You said that the bad person would be forced to have it so naturally we assumed you meant they have to raise it too. It doesn't seem like that far-fetched of a conclusion to come to.


12 years ago

Having a baby because it MIGHT become a child is like putting a man in jail because he MIGHT commit a crime.


12 years ago
I am pro life but if the mothers life is at stake I could see abortion being used. other then that I think abortion shouldn't be used.


12 years ago
Pro-choice simply because I believe everyone should have a choice. If someone doesn't believe abortion is moral, they won't have an abortion, if someone does, they will. Pro-life is simply one standpoint trying to cram their beliefs down other people's throats.


12 years ago

I don’t think there should be an age limit to abortion. I should have the choice to terminate any person that inconveniences me. Anyone that disagrees is just trying to shove their morals down my throat.


12 years ago

It's only abortion if it's done to someone while they're in the womb. Otherwise it's murder, or manslaughter, and it's illegal. But hey, if you want to, go ahead.


12 years ago

I'm split, too.  If the mother and baby will survive together, then why kill it?  Having an abortion has its own risks.  If the mother wants to survive in a Life/Death situation, I have no comment, since the mother AND child have a sort of equal value (mom hasnt died of natural causes/child hasnt started living yet.).


12 years ago

Again, you can't kill what isn't alive.


12 years ago



12 years ago

But clearly, from a biological sense, a fetus is a living thing (and thus ‘alive’). Whether it is sentient or has a soul are different questions.


12 years ago
Also if you look at it from the sense of a raping; what did the child do wrong that warrants its death?


12 years ago

A woman should be forced into motherhood to avoid hurting something that doesn't feel pain yet?


12 years ago

I agree that Abortion should be an option in the case of Rape/Incest/Danger to mother/etc...

But there are some indications that a fetus (at viability) can feel pain and does respond to the intrusion of surgical instruments into the womb (actually pushing them away).

So the ‘it doesn’t feel pain/is not a person yet’ argument doesn’t hold any water with me.



12 years ago

I agree that Abortion should be an option in the case of Rape/Incest/Danger to mother/etc...

The problem with that is anyone can say they were raped though.

But there are some indications that a fetus (at viability) can feel pain and does respond to the intrusion of surgical instruments into the womb (actually pushing them away).

Can I have a link to that?


12 years ago

Crying Rape: I'm OK with someone lying about it in this case (just to get an abortion), because that's on them, not the law. We still need Speed Limits (for example) even though many people still ignore them.

On the Linkage:

Lots of interesting stuff at: of The Silent Scream?


A Realtime ultrasound video tape and movie of a 12- week suction abortion is commercially available as, The Silent Scream, narrated by Dr. B. Nathanson, a former abortionist. It dramatically, but factually, shows the pre-born baby dodging the suction instrument time after time, while its heartbeat doubles in rate. When finally caught, its body being dismembered, the baby’s mouth clearly opens wide — hence, the title (available from Heritage House '76 at Proabortionists have attempted to discredit this film. A well documented paper refuting their charges is available from National Right to Life, 419 7th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004, $2.00 p.p. A short, 10-minute video showing the testimony of the doctor who did the abortion in Silent Scream definitely debunks any criticism of Silent Scream’s accuracy. The Answer, Bernadel, Inc., P.O. Box 1897, Old Chelsea Station, New York, NY, 10011.



12 years ago

I would need to see the Silent Scream video but at this point, I can't make any real argument against it.

That site looked pretty pro-life by the way.


12 years ago

That site looked pretty pro-life by the way.

If you go to the Home Page of the Site, it claims to be neither for nor or against (just facts on Abortion and the pros and cons). The part I included with the link was definitely on their cons side of things however.


12 years ago
I think that it has a right to live. There is always adoption/foster care.


12 years ago

Would you count sperm cells as alive? If not, at what point does it become alive? 


12 years ago

Sperm cells have to find an egg. It must be "alive" to fetilize said egg, you can't fetilize dead eggs or use dead sperm.


12 years ago
Interesting, so every murder is in fact a massacre.


12 years ago

Hmm... I guess vasectomies are out of the equation then :p


12 years ago

If we are gong with no abortion because it kills a living fetus and if you count sperm to be "alive" then you should never use a condom because all those spermies will die very quickly. NO MORE CONDOMS!!


12 years ago
Sperm cells are not "alive". They are still just individual cells that have no idea what to do they just wriggle their tail around trying to find something. That is why you can have unprotected sex and not get pregnant because the sperm don't have any idea what they are doing, in the way we think. Besides to be alive you have to feel pain which sperm clearly does not.


12 years ago

Zombies are technically living depending on the type but don't feel pain.

Sperm can move and have a purpose, that makes them alive to me.


12 years ago

So every time you ejaculate you're commiting mass genocide on a scale only seen during the Holocuast?


12 years ago
They have a purpose that they don't recognize in the slightest. They don't even know what they need to live and even zombies know that.


12 years ago

"Zombies are technically living depending on the type but don't feel pain.

Sperm can move and have a purpose, that makes them alive to me."


You'd have to define life in order to say Zombies are or are not living, just like sperm cells. Sure a zombie can move around and bite people, but it has no thought process or working organs, so it all boils down to how general or specific your definition of life really is.

Your definition of what is or is not living right now is something that can  move and have a purpose, which can only be validated if you accept robots, washing machines, cars, footballs, mobile homes, doors, chairs, bicycles, water, planets, air conditioners (like the washing machines, they vibrate which is a form of movement) and shoes to be living, just to name a few things. You can use that definition if you want, but it's obviously flawed.

I'm going to go ahead and stick with the biologically accepted requirements of what can or cannot be considered living: 1.) Complex Organization (more than one cell) 2.) Posessing metabolism 3.) Response to stimuli 4.) Growth over time 5.) Reproduction 6.) Adaptation/Evolution over time and 7.) Ecology (Able to alter or be altered by the environment).

So, because your definition is invalid, we must accept the scientifically accepted definition, which does not allow sperm cells to be considered living things.


12 years ago
1.) I don't consider sperm as alive anymore as I consider my skin alive. I'm alive, and that's all I need

2.) If that were true, than every masturbation is a massacre and every blowjob cannibalism :P


12 years ago

Please don't make me think about that story. . . .


12 years ago

100% Pro-Life no doubt about it!


12 years ago
You can't stop abortions. It's impossible. No matter how it's legislated.


12 years ago

Totally inefficient way of abortion. This would be considered murder. This isn't abortion, because those children were already fully developed humans. They could have emotions, they can FEEL. God, at least send them to an orphanage instead.


12 years ago


12 years ago

I think I put this in the wrong place, so I'll put it down here.

"Zombies are technically living depending on the type but don't feel pain.

Sperm can move and have a purpose, that makes them alive to me."


You'd have to define life in order to say Zombies are or are not living, just like sperm cells. Sure a zombie can move around and bite people, but it has no thought process or working organs, so it all boils down to how general or specific your definition of life really is.

Your definition of what is or is not living right now is something that can  move and have a purpose, which can only be validated if you accept robots, washing machines, cars, footballs, mobile homes, doors, chairs, bicycles, water, planets, air conditioners (like the washing machines, they vibrate which is a form of movement) and shoes to be living, just to name a few things. You can use that definition if you want, but it's obviously flawed.

I'm going to go ahead and stick with the biologically accepted requirements of what can or cannot be considered living: 1.) Complex Organization (more than one cell) 2.) Posessing metabolism 3.) Response to stimuli 4.) Growth over time 5.) Reproduction 6.) Adaptation/Evolution over time and 7.) Ecology (Able to alter or be altered by the environment).

So, because your definition is invalid, we must accept the scientifically accepted definition, which does not allow sperm cells to be considered living things.


12 years ago

"...I'm going to go ahead and stick with the biologically accepted requirements of what can or cannot be considered living: 1.) Complex Organization (more than one cell) 2.) Posessing metabolism 3.) Response to stimuli 4.) Growth over time 5.)Reproduction 6.) Adaptation/Evolution over time and 7.) Ecology (Able to alter or be altered by the environment)."

Does the above standard require all or most of these to fit? For example, a human child cannot reproduce until after puberty. So the above cannot be valid if it requiers all, because clearly a living ten year old is 'alive'. If Reproduction works, as long as it is something that the organism can do in the future, then by that definition, a fetus fits all of the above....



12 years ago

I've personally never been too fond of following definitions to the letter, ever since the Icelandic definition of vegetables made it apply to Pizzas, and instead of changing the definition (as Pizza is obviously not a vegetable), the just said "sure, Pizza is now vegetable".


12 years ago

I think Obama passed something classifying pizza as a vegetable, either that or I misinterpereted the information


12 years ago

According to my former Biology textbook, it needs to be all of them. A human child is still a human, and humans can reproduce after puberty, which you can link into requirement 4. (Even though you always see the advertisements about 11 and 9 year olds having children :P)


12 years ago
Do you realize that fire meets all of those requirements?


12 years ago

Actually, we had that question when we were learning this section in Biology, but I know it was missing one requirement (because I said it met them all and got it wrong :P).  I think it might have to do with the definition of reproduction or metabolism, but I'm not too sure.


12 years ago

This so brings me back to the debate over whether sentient androids would be alive or not.


12 years ago
hahaha, that would be a fun debate.

Anyway, the vague definition for life really supports the pro-choice side of the argument. If we can't prove that fetuses are even alive (let alone sentient) then how can we legislate against abortion?


12 years ago
Fetuses being "alive"
1.) Complex Organization (more than one cell)check

2.) Posessing metabolism- Technically uses the mothers so check

3.) Response to stimuli-have you ever seen the movie "the silent scream"? That is why I check this.

4.) Growth over time-obviously checked

5.)Reproduction-It is a human fetus so check

6.) Adaptation/Evolution over time- check

7.) Ecology (Able to alter or be altered by the environment)- check babies can be altered depending on what the mother does during pregnancy.


12 years ago
You happen to be right on point 3 but "because I've seen this movie" isn't a very good reason haha.

I have two things to say about your post though:

1) I was alluding to the fact that we don't actually have a firm definition for life, therefore it's difficult to prove that fetuses are alive and

2) Proving that a fetus is alive is NOT akin to proving that a fetus is sentient (and therefore deserving rights under the law). Worms are also alive, and yet you aren't a murderer if you squish one.


12 years ago

And Also, I was using it in the argument that the sperm cells themselves are not alive, not that fetuses are not alive.


12 years ago

I had the same thoughts, one of the few arguments I've admitted that I lost.


12 years ago

Taht I was wrong*

I've lost several debates haha, but I wasn't normally persuaded


12 years ago
Yeah, that's where I usually fall short. I can win debates consistently, but my style of debate nearly always embitters the opposition enough that I fail, nearly always at actual persuasion in debates.


12 years ago

Half of debate is finding the logic, the other half is convincing others your logic is true. You find your logic, then piss everybody off with it so it doesn't do much good :P


12 years ago

Whenever there's a political debate on these boards, I'm surprised at how conservative people are. In Denmark abortion has been legal, if the fetus is under a certain age, since the 70'es. And noone is talking about changing that back.

Of course, you can argue, that it's killing a kid, but what kind of life will the kid have if his/her mother blames the kid for preventing her from achieving whatever she wanted to do before starting a family.



12 years ago
like I say there is always adoption and foster care.


12 years ago

Oh right, I always forget the heartwarming stories orphans have about their wonderful times in foster care :P


12 years ago
That is because people abuse the system. There are success stories people just like to focus on the negative.

I like to view adoption/foster care as the, "I am giving the kid a chance.", option. The child, or if you are like most people on this site would be child, never gets a chance if you kill it.


12 years ago

Cool, you're using Bradhal's "Even though you cna't see them, I have several" argument.


12 years ago

Here are some links to success stories in the foster care system.


12 years ago

Hmm, I never really thought of the people here as conservative. I thought we were more along the lines of moderates or liberals. (Mostly moderates though.)


12 years ago

Yeah, but moderate by your american standards is very conservative by danish standards.


12 years ago

yeah, but danishes taste much better than your typical american  ;)


12 years ago

I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm zombified.


12 years ago

I'm conservative in most areas, and I'm very pro-choice (that's probably why I'm pro choice). But yeah, America was founded on the principle of not wanting the government to tell us what to do (on a very, very basic level), so even very liberal Americans are normally more conservative than Europeans.


12 years ago
Abortions are the same as murder so im pro life here unless the mothers in danger then im pro choice


12 years ago

Abortions are the same as murder, but you would committ a murder of a someone, that is clearly, by your standards, an innocent living human being every bit equal to the life in danger?


12 years ago

It's very strange for me, too. Basically everybody my age in Australia is either politically apathetic (the majority) or left-leaning. It was a little bit of a shock to come on CYS and see young people support conservative views.

Norway, Iceland, Denmark and all those countries are definitely places that I wouldn't mind living in, provided I could speak the language.


12 years ago
I only except the use of abortion in cases of rape or risk of death, and probably a few other cases that I cant think of.


12 years ago
Also maybe during the first 3 or so.


12 years ago


12 years ago

Love the new pic.


12 years ago

Thanks man!


12 years ago

What is it of?


12 years ago

It's the cover of the 7" record I play the most - a split release by Touché Amoré and La Dispute (that's what the TA and LD stand for).