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Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

When I was thinking about my nickname for the first time Age: 6. I thought about snack called "Lajkonik: Legendarny smak" what in english means "Lajkonik Legendarny taste".


"Legendary" I thought "That's pretty cool nickname"

So I decided that my nickname will be Legendarny (Legendary person in english) what is your story? 

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Mine is just my name plus the first letter of my last name, or fathername as it is called.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Sindri is a beautiful name.  If you are of male gender, I am truly sorry (unless you think of beautiful as a compliment).  If you are of male gender, I will say it is handsome.  But I think it is more beautiful than it is handsome, but that is my honest opinion, and if you think otherwise, you are entitled to your opinion as well.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

The way it is pronounced in his language is not as eloquent as you are likely imagining it.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

How's it pronounced?

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I don't even want to try to describe it. It took Sindri a good 15 minutes to explain it to me. One thing though, for the R, imagine the deep Russian r, like in "Mother Russia."

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

It's my Xbox Live Gamertag

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

In Year 8 I thought I was deep and dark so I chose the name October because for some reason I associated it with darkness.

Luckily, it's a pretty ambiguous name, so I didn't have to make a new account to replace it.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Aman=a man. It's the most basic form of name, since it reveals practically nothing. 

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I always thought that was your actual name. There was an Arab kid in my primary school called Aman - that and the fact that you are Jewish led me to believe you may have been born in Israel, or were born to immigrants from Israel.

Kinda racist of me, sorry!

(Quick search tells me it's an Indian name too, not an Arab name like I always thought it was.)

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

That's actually why I thought he was middle eastern.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I lived in Israel for a while, so that's not completely incorrect. My mother is from Israel.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Yeah, another ,ember also thought that. It was decided eearly morning, like 4, so I botched the username. I never expected to actually be on the forums, just clicked it accidentally, and noticed the forum roleplays. 

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Mine was originally meant to be SimplySabley, but a typo made it SimpleSabley which just sort of stuck and I use that instead XD. Sabley is a religious name for me. When someone is initiated into Wicca, they have to use a special name during the ceremony. Typically it's a name that has some spiritual significance to them for various reasons. Mine is simply 'Sabley' :P and thanks to a typo sveral years ago it's simplesabley XD

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Well since this site was for games, I used my xbox gamertag, which came from Halo.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

ooooh, that makes so much sense.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

So what does Sabley mean in Wiccan? 

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Wiccan isn't a language XD. It's something personally significant for me. 

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Oh, I got confused. I thought the names were significant in Wiccan terminology, not for the name bearer. It's an Intresting custom, it's practically creating a new person, since names mean quite a lot, in my opinion. Judaism does that with converts, since they don't have a Jewish name, but we just call them Abraham or Sarah, since those are the founders of our religion, who had a rebirth.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Yes, it's similar to that. It's considered a true name which the individual has a strong, personal attachment too for whatever reason. A 'true name' if you want to call it that. Once you choose it and are initiated into Wicca, it's the only name you will use among your fellow worshippers(though I am solitary and don't mingle with other Wiccans in my area) and is used in rituals, prayer, and meditation as a way to bring your soul closer to the Goddess by identifying yourself on a deeper level then just a name which was given before you had even developed a personality. :)

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

So, you're a witch?

I actually thought your name was "simplysabley" until I looked closer and saw it was simple.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

No, I'm not.

I am Wiccan by religion, but I do not practice witchcraft. 

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Don't listen to her! She turned me into a newt!




I got better...

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Your eyes are going to be torn out for a potion!

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Better those two orbs than certain others I supose...

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago


I have no idea what sort of potion recipes you guys have, but I'm pretty sure they would be illegal :P

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Witchcraft is highly illegal anyways.

And you should totally be a witch. Then you could like, fight crime and whatnaught.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago


Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I blame Aman for all of this XD. 

I don't eat babies! Otherwise my niece would not have turned one last month! :P

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Of course not.... unless that was a cover! BURN IT!

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Now we just need a official witch burning and my plans will be complete.....

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Nah, that sort of magic doesn't exist. And the "magic" I do believe in is hardly that literal and mostly only has a spiritual effect. But, as I said. I don't practice it :P

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I was indicating to Ugilick that this was me :P

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I never really picked a nickname for myself but i am called Red or Br-man(spelling?) thought my life. Br-man was originally Burner but it changed to Br-man then died when i changed schools.

Red is still alive though, I tend to like fire's and my hair is red. (My username has nothing to do with this.)

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I had used various others before this.  The actual origin is pretty embarrassing, but here it is:

I was a casual gamer back then, and I just played mainstream games with my cousins now and then.  In one CoD match, I was rather annoyed that the Stryker had a reload time of almost 10 seconds.  Thus, I produced this in wishful thinking.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

My fish's name is beta, and I hate The Beta Band .

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Im also apparently a rock!



Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Ooh - purdy!

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Mine is just my middle name. Nothing special.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Well it was Medieval Day in 6th grade, and I was just turning the last bend of the Medieval Day Parade route. My dear friends came running up to me, arms open wide, and one of them yelled, "SakTheNun!" That is how this username was created. Are you wondering why she said "SakTheNun"? Well, for Medieval Day you have to dress up in a Medieval-like costume, so I was dressed up as a nun. Figures...

I copied that from my profile!  Well I thought I would rather have a name like Contraband to sound tough in a way (indeed, stolen goods to me sounds quite tough).  But I knew I had to stay true to myself so SakTheNun it was.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

My nickname comes from a small-time business that my dad had making C64 and DOS games. It went bankrupt in 1993.

I thought it sounded cool.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

All I noticed in this thread was Wicca. My friend and neighbor is a witch, actually. I am constantly forced to participate in various rituals and bindings and fun things. Everything is just energy. If one chooses to attempt to manipulate said energy, it's possible that there will be repercussions within a gray spectrum depending upon one's view.

Mine came from people claiming, in the early 90s, that I "cackled with insane glee," when stimulated. Everyone had to choose a moniker at that point. I remember wondering what in the fuck email was useful for.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

didn't everyone wonder what email was useful for those days?

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Most people, yep. My friend who introduced me evidently knew already. I had to go into the computer lab, check in, log on to a computer in green and black text, and look it up. Seemed like a waste of time.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I play a lot of play-by-post RPGs and the character I use is called Briar Rose, so I just kept her name for here... Yeah, I'm a geek :p

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago
Eric and Drew. Just my two names. I was thinking of changing it to Endwar, but i didn't.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Wouldn't that be Erdrew?

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I'm assuming Drew came from Andrew, in which case Endrew actually makes sense.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago
Actually, E=Eric, n=and, drew=drew. Just like eminem=mnm=marshal mathers.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

I try not to use my Video-game name on the internet unless for a roleplay, So i stick to either Fireplay and a few others.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

Name is Mathew, 'Mateusz' in polish (don't try to pronounce it you're gonna break the tongue) and since being frustrated with game names (all the good ones were taken - no new story here, right?) I changed 't' in my name with 'h'. And since nobody ever though about it before it became my nick.

So if you met 'maheusz' somewhere chances are it was me.

Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

My 'nickname' comes from an album from back when i was a kid. I used to have another name back on Yahoo, but I was getting harassed and had to change it on a whim and that was the first thing that I saw sitting next to me.


Where your nickname come from

11 years ago

This might sound weird but uh...Yeah, I kinda just mashed a bunch of letters together and came up with what you see now. No origin to the nickname. Just nonsense.